Linear Algebra
- Packages
- {sparsevctrs} - Sparse Vectors for Use in Data Frames or Tibbles
- Sparse matrices are not great for data in general, or at least not until the very end, when mathematical calculations occur.
- Some computational tools for calculations use sparse matrices, specifically the Matrix package and some modeling packages (e.g., xgboost, glmnet, etc.).
- A sparse representation of data that allows us to use modern data manipulation interfaces, keeps memory overhead low, and can be efficiently converted to a more primitive matrix format so that we can let Matrix and other packages do what they do best.
- {quickr} - R to Fortran Transpiler
Only atomic vectors, matrices, and array are currently supported: integer, double, logical, and complex.
The return value must be an atomic array (e.g., not a list)
Only a subset of R’s vocabulary is currently supported.
#> [1] != %% %/% & && ( * #> [8] + - / : < <- <= #> [15] = == > >= Fortran [ [<- #> [22] ^ c cat cbind character declare double #> [29] for if ifelse integer length logical matrix #> [36] max min numeric print prod raw seq #> [43] sum which.max which.min { | ||
- {sparsevctrs} - Sparse Vectors for Use in Data Frames or Tibbles
- See Matrix Cookbook pdf in R >> Documents >> Mathematics
- derivatives, inverses, statistics, probability, etc.
- Link - A lot of matrix properties as related to regression, covariance, coefficients, etc.
- EBOOK statistical linear algebra: basics, transformations, decompositions, linear systems, regression - Matrix Algebra for Educational Scientists
- Video Course: Linear Algebra for Data Science - Basics, Least Squares, Covariance, Regression, PCA, SVD