

  • CV dataset terminology: training, validation, test –> analysis, assessment, test

  • (I don’t think this is necessary anymore. Outcome may remain categorical) Transform categorical outcome variables to factors

    # outside recipe
    mutate(rain_tomorrow = factor(ifelse(rain_tomorrow, "Rained", "Didn't Rain")))
    # skip = TRUE is so this is tried to be applied the test set which won't have the outcome var when its being preprocessed
    step_mutate(rain_tomorrow = factor(ifelse(rain_tomorrow, "Rained", "Didn't Rain"),
                skip = TRUE)
    # this would have 0 and 1 values though
  • With long running models, you can work with a sample of the data in order to iterate through initial ranges of tuning grids. Once you start to narrow down the range of hyperparameter values, then you can adjust the portion of the data and/or number of folds.

    train_fold_small <- train %>%
                sample_n(4000) %>%
                vfold_cv(v = 2)
    # change data obj in resamples arg of tune_grid
  • Accessing a fitted model object to see coefficient values, hyperparameter values, etc.

    lin_trained <- lin_workflow %>%
            finalize_workflow(select_best(lin_tune)) %>%
            fit(split_obj) # or train_obj or test_ob, etc.
    lin_trained$fit$fit %>%
    # returns a parsnip object
    extract_fit_parsnip(lin_trained) %>%
    # returns an engine specific object
    xgboost::xgb.importance(model = extract_fit_engine(xgb_fit)
  • Utilizing a sparse matrix with blueprint arg

    wf_sparse <- 
      workflow() %>%
      add_recipe(text_rec, blueprint = sparse_bp) %>%
    • estimates, model performance metrics, etc. are unaffected

    • Advantages

      • Speed is gained from any specialized model algorithms built for sparse data.
      • The amount of memory this object requires decreases dramatically.
    • Engines that can utilize a sparse matrix: glmnet, xgboost, and ranger.

  • If your CV results have close scores –> increase from 5-fold to 10 fold cv

    • Can take much longer though
  • Back-transform predictions if you made a non-recipe transformation of the target variable

    # log 10 transformed target variable
    preds_intervals <- predict(
      workflows::pull_workflow_prepped_recipe(lm_wf) %>% bake(ames_holdout),
      type = "pred_int",
      level = 0.90
    ) %>% 
      mutate(across(contains(".pred"), ~10^.x))
  • Get CV coefs (?)

    get_glmnet_coefs <- function(x) {
      x %>%
        extract_fit_engine() %>%
        tidy(return_zeros = TRUE) %>%
        rename(penalty = lambda)
    parsnip_ctrl <- control_grid(extract = get_glmnet_coefs)
    glmnet_res <-
      glmnet_wflow %>%
        resamples = bt,
        grid = grid,
        control = parsnip_ctrl
  • Showing table of results from multiple models

      "Original" = unbalanced_model, 
      "Undersampled" = balanced_model, 
      "Smote" = smote_model
    ) %>%
      map(tidy) %>%
      imap(~ select(.x, "Term" = term, !!.y := "estimate")) %>%
      reduce(inner_join, by = "Term") %>%
  • Extract training times

    • extract_fit_time doesn’t include the overhead associated with {tidymodels} — only training time performed by the engine

    • Allows you to choose a much faster model that is almost as good as the best predictive model.

    • Currently only available in development versions of tidymodels

    • Also see Tune for xgboost example

    • Example

      taxi_fit <- fit(boost_tree(mode = "classification"), tip ~ ., taxi)
      #> # A tibble: 1 × 2
      #>   stage_id   elapsed
      #>   <chr>        <dbl>
      #> 1 boost_tree   0.120


  1. set-up
  2. recipe
  3. Specify model(s)
  4. workflow, workflow_set
  5. fit, fit_resamples, or tune_grid
  6. autoplot
  7. collect metrics
  8. Repeat as necessary
  9. finalize_workflow
  10. last_fit

Checks, Debugging

  • check number of predictors and preprocessing results

    check_recipe <- function(recipe_obj) {
    recipe_obj %>%  # already created recipe instructions
        prep() %>%  # instantiates recipe (makes necessary calcs)
        bake() %>% # executes recipe on data
  • check tuning error

    tune_obj$.notes[[2]] # 2 is the fold number
  • check a particular fold after preprocessing

    recipe_obj %>%
    training(cv_obj$splits[[2]]) %>% # 2 is the fold number
  • show_best: Display the top sub-models and their performance estimates

    show_best(tune_obj, "rmse")
    • example orders models by rmse
  • Check learning curves after tuning a model



  • predictions + newdata tbl for workflow and stacks objects

    augment.workflow <- function(x, newdata, ...) {
    predict(x, newdata, ...) %>%
    # model_stack is the class of a stack obj
    augment.model_stack <- function(x, newdata, ...) {
    predict(x, newdata, ...) %>%


  • Some packages

    • tidyverse - cleaning
    • tidymodels - model building
    • scales - loss metrics
    • lubridate - ts cleaning functions
    • textrecipes - tokenizers, etc.
    • themis - up/down-sampling for imbalanced/unbalanced outcomes
    • stacks - ensembling
  • Split

    spl <- initial_split(dataset, prop = .75)
    train <- training(spl)
    test <- testing(spl)
    train_folds <- train %>%
            vfold_cv(v = 5)
    • Might be useful to create a row id column before splitting to keep track of observations after the split
      • df %>% rowid_to_column(var = "row_id")  then use step_rm(row_id) to remove it in the recipe
  • Metrics

    mset <- metric_set(mn_log_loss)
  • Parallel

    plan(multisession, workers = 10)
    • As of tune 1.2.0, the {future} framework is recommended and other frameworks will begin to be deprecated.
  • Grid control options

    grid_control <- 
        # save the out-of-sample predictions
        save_pred = TRUE,
        save_workflow = TRUE,
        extract = extract_model
  • ggplot theme

    • Liked this theme for calibration curves


  • format: workflow function, add_recipe, add_model

    imb_wf <-
      workflow() %>%
      add_recipe(bird_rec) %>%
  • Can also add fit(training(splits)) to the pipe to go ahead and fit the model if you’re not tuning, etc.

  • Fit multiple models and multiple recipes

    preproc <- list(none = basic_recipe, pca = pca_recipe, sp_sign = ss_recipe)
    models <- list(knn = knn_mod, logistic = lr_mod)
    wf_set <- workflow_set(preproc, models, cross = TRUE)
    • cross = TRUE says fit each model with each recipe


  • fit:  fit a model on a dataset

    imb_fit <- fit(workflow_obj, data = dat)
  • fit_resample: cross-validation

    imb_rs <-
        resamples = cv_folds_obj,
        metrics = metrics_obj
    • Using int_pctl(imb_rs, alpha = .1) will calculate percentile 90% CIs for the metrics.


  • Misc

    • Packages
      • {tune} - Hyperparameter tuning for the tidymodels packages
      • {finetune} - Extension for {tune}
        • Simulated Annealing - An iterative search tool for finding good values
        • Racing - Starts off by doing a small set of resamples for all of the grid points, then statistically testing to see which ones should be dropped or investigated more.
    • Every column in a tuning result that’s prefixed with a . has a collect_*() function associated with it that helps to summarize that column
    • If after training the model, you’d like to add additional metrics, you can used compute_metrics. Need save_pred = TRUE in the control_grid object. - e.g. compute_metrics(xgb_res, metric_set(huber_loss, mape)) adds huber loss and mape to the tune_grid object
  • CV and Tune Model with Multiple Recipes (article)

    plan(multisession, workers = 10)
    tune_res <-
            resamples = cv_folds,
            grid = 15,
            metrics = metric_set(accuracy, roc_auc, mn_log_loss, sensitivity, specificity),
            param_info = parameters(narrower_penalty)
    • “wf_set is a workflow_set object

    • “grid = 15”: this workflow set is only tuning one model, glmnet, and the parameter being tuned is the penalty. So “grid = 15” says try 15 different values.

    • “narrow_penalty” is narrower_penalty <- penalty(range = c(-3, 0)

    • Viz: autoplot(tune_res)

      • Interpretation:
        • When accuracy is high, specificity (accuracy at picking negative class) is very high but sensitivity (accuracy at picking positive class) is very low.
        • Add middling values of specificity and sensitivity, mean log loss is also middling
        • mean log loss is high when sensitivity is high
        • AUROC is high at middling values of specificity and sensitivity indicating a best model for discriminating both classes. (but which recipe is this; see next section)
      • Workflow Rank (X-Axis): In this example there were 15 values of penalty considered and 2 differerent recipes, so I’m guessing that’s where the 30 comes from.
    • Extract a particular model/recipe combo and viz

      downsample_rs <-
        tune_rs %>%
      • Y-Axis: metric value, X-Axis: parameter value (e.g. glmnet penalty value)
      • Where “downsampling_glmnet” is the model/recipe combo you want to extract
      • Shows how downsampling affects the glmnet model
      • Interpretation:
        • Looks like the 1st half of workflow set in above viz is the downsampling recipe
        • Shows downsampling without recalibration of the predicted probabilities results in a model that can only pick 1 class well based on the penalty
        • The GOF metrics: high accuracy, low mean log loss, high auroc prefer the model that picks the negative class really well.
    • Show results ordered by a metric

      rank_results(tune_rs, rank_metric = "mn_log_loss")
      • results ordered from best to worst according to the metric
  • tune_grid

    • Format: workflow, data, grid, metrics, control
    lin_tune <- lin_wf %>%
                grid = crossing(penalty = 10 ^ seq(-6, -.5, .05)),
                metrics = mset,  # see set-up section
                control = grid_control) # see set-up section
  • Tuning multiples of the same hyperparameter

    1. add id to specification (e.g. recipe step)
    2. use id name instead of parameter name in grid
    step_ns(var1, deg_free = tune("df_var1"))
    step_ns(var2, def_free = tune("df_var2"))
    tune_obj <- workflow_obj %>%
                  grid = crossing(df_var1 = 1:4, df_var2 = 4:6),
                  metrics = mset,
                  control = grid_control)
  • Grids

    • {dials}

    • purrr::crossing

      grid = crossing(mtry = 2:7,
                      trees - seq(100, 1000, 100),
                      learn_rate = 0.1)
    • Latin Hypercube

      xgb_grid <- grid_latin_hypercube(
          min_n = sample(2, 10, 3)
          loss_reduction = sample(runif(min = 0.01, max = 0.1), 3),
          sample_size = sample(0.5:0.8, 3),
          mtry = sample(3:6, 3),
          learn_rate = sample(runif(min = 0.03, max = 0.1), 3)
      • size: total number of parameter value combinations (default: 3)
    • Random

      xgb_grid <- grid_random(
          finalize(sample_prop(), train_data),
          finalize(mtry(), train_baked),
          size = 20
      • size: default: 5
  • Get coefficients for folds

    get_glmnet_coefs <- function(x) {
      x %>% 
        extract_fit_engine() %>% 
        tidy(return_zeros = TRUE) %>% 
        rename(penalty = lambda)
    glmnet_res <- 
      glmnet_wflow %>% 
        resamples = bt,
        grid = grid,
        control = control_grid(extract = get_glmnet_coefs)
    glmnet_coefs <- 
      glmnet_res %>% 
      select(id, .extracts) %>% 
      unnest(.extracts) %>% 
      select(id, mixture, .extracts) %>% 
      group_by(id, mixture) %>%          # ┐
      slice(1) %>%                      # │ Remove the redundant results
      ungroup() %>%                      # ┘
    glmnet_coefs %>% 
      select(id, penalty, mixture, term, estimate) %>% 
      filter(term != "(Intercept)")
    #> # A tibble: 300 × 5
    #>    id        penalty mixture term      estimate
    #>    <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
    #>  1 Bootstrap1 1          0.1 Clark_Lake    0.391
    #>  2 Bootstrap1 0.464      0.1 Clark_Lake    0.485
    #>  3 Bootstrap1 0.215      0.1 Clark_Lake    0.590
    #>  4 Bootstrap1 0.1        0.1 Clark_Lake    0.680
    #>  5 Bootstrap1 0.0464      0.1 Clark_Lake    0.746
    #>  6 Bootstrap1 0.0215      0.1 Clark_Lake    0.793
    #>  7 Bootstrap1 0.01        0.1 Clark_Lake    0.817
    #>  8 Bootstrap1 0.00464    0.1 Clark_Lake    0.828
    #>  9 Bootstrap1 0.00215    0.1 Clark_Lake    0.834
    #> 10 Bootstrap1 0.001      0.1 Clark_Lake    0.837
    #> # … with 290 more rows
    • extract_fit_engineadds an additional column “.extracts” to tuning output

    • “return_zeros” keeps records of variables with penalized coefficients to zero during tuning

    • Viz

      glmnet_coefs %>% 
        filter(term != "(Intercept)") %>% 
        mutate(mixture = format(mixture)) %>% 
        ggplot(aes(x = penalty, y = estimate, col = mixture, groups = id)) + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 3) +
        geom_line(alpha = 0.5, lwd = 1.2) + 
        facet_wrap(~ term) + 
        scale_x_log10() +
        scale_color_brewer(palette = "Accent") +
        labs(y = "coefficient") +
        theme(legend.position = "top")
      • Interpretation
        • With a pure lasso model (i.e., mixture = 1), the Austin station predictor is selected out in each resample. With a mixture of both penalties, its influence increases.
          • Also, as the penalty increases, the uncertainty in this coefficient decreases.
        • The Harlem predictor is either quickly selected out of the model or goes from negative to positive.
  • Select a faster model that’s almost as predictive as the best model (article)

    • Currently only available in development versions of tidymodels

    • Also see Misc for extracting training times from a single model

    • See article for visualizations

    • For large datasets, the trees hyperparameter can substantially effect the training time for a boosted tree model or bagged tree model.

    • Fit model

      bt_res <- 
          tip ~ ., 
          control = control_grid(extract = extract_fit_time)
    • Extract predictive metrics and training times

      # mean GOF metrics for tuning combos
      bt_metrics <- collect_metrics(bt_res)
      # fit times across folds and tuning combos
      bt_extracts_unnested <- bt_extracts %>% unnest(cols = ".extracts")
      • Using int_pctl(bt_rs, alpha = .1) will calculate percentile 90% CIs for the metrics.
    • Calculate mean training times and join with GOF metrics

      bt_metrics_extracts <-
          # summarized metrics across resamples
          # summarize fit times across resamples
            elapsed = mean(elapsed),
            .by = c(trees, learn_rate, .config)
          by = c("trees", "learn_rate", ".config")
        ) %>%
        relocate(elapsed, .before = everything())
    • Select fastest model that’s within 1 standard deviation of most predictive model

      best_fit <-
        bt_metrics_extracts %>%
        filter(.metric == "roc_auc") %>%
        arrange(desc(mean)) %>%
        select(mean, std_err, elapsed, .config)
      best_speedy_fit <- 
        bt_metrics_extracts %>%
        filter(.metric == "roc_auc") %>%
        filter(mean >= best_fit$mean - best_fit$std_err) %>%
        arrange(elapsed) %>%


  • Misc

    • Make sure to set control option, ctrl <- control_grid(save_workflow = TRUE)
    • collect_notes(tuning_results) - If you need more information about errors or warnings that occur
      • To turn off the interactive logging, set the verbose control option to TRUE
  • fit_best(x, metric = NULL, parameters = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) is a shortcut for:

    best_param <- select_best(tune_results, metric) # or other `select_*()`
    wflow <- finalize_workflow(wflow, best_param)  # or just `finalize_model()`
    wflow_fit <- fit(wflow, data_set)
    • x: results of class, “tune_results”, from functions like tune_*
  • Select a simpler model or a more complex model

    downsample_rs <- 
      tune_rs %>% 
    best_penalty <- 
      downsample_rs %>%
      select_by_one_std_err(-penalty, metric = "mn_log_loss")
    final_fit <- 
      wf_set %>% 
      extract_workflow("downsampling_glmnet") %>%
      finalize_workflow(best_penalty) %>%
    • Selecting a simpler model can reduce chances of overfitting

    • Selects a model that has a mean log loss score that’s 1 standard deviation from the top mean log loss value

      • select_by_pct_loss() also available
    • The first argument is passed to dplyr::arrange

      • So with “-penalty,” penalty is a column in the results tibble that you want to sort by and the “-” says you want start at the higher penalty parameter values
    • A higher penalty (lasso model) means a simpler model

    • “tune_rs” is a workflow_map object

    • The last chunk finalizes the original tuneable workflow with this value for the penalty, and then last_fit   fits the model one time to the (entire) training data and evaluates one time on the testing data.

    • Metrics

      collect_predictions(final_fit) %>%
        conf_mat(squirrels, .pred_class)
    • Variable Importance

      feeder_vip <-
        extract_fit_engine(final_fit) %>%
      feeder_vip %>%
        group_by(Sign) %>%
        slice_max(Importance, n = 15) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        ggplot(aes(Importance, fct_reorder(Variable, Importance), fill = Sign)) + 
        geom_col() +
        facet_wrap(vars(Sign), scales = "free_y") +
        labs(y = NULL) +
        theme(legend.position = "none")
  • finalize_model, recipe, workflow

    • after finding the best parameter values, this updates the object
    lin_wf_best <- lin_wf %>%
    # or manually list parameter/vale pairs
    xgb_wf_best <- lin_wf %>% 
      finalize_workflow(list(mtry = 6, trees = 1200, learn_rate = 0.01)
  • last_fit: fit finalized model on entire learning dataset and collect metrics

    xgb_wf_best %>%
        last_fit(initial_split_obj, metrics = metric_set_obj) %>%
    • Manually

              xgb_wf_best %>%
                  fit(train) %>%
                  augment(test, type_predict = "prob") %>%
                  mn_log_loss(churned, .pred_yes)
  • Predict on new data

    xgb_wf_best %>%
        fit(new_data) %>%
        predict(newdata, type = "prob") %>%
  • Predict on test set and score

    wflw_fit %>%
        predict(testing(splits) %>% select(outcome_var)) %>%
        metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq)(outcome_var, .pred)

Model Specification

  • Format: model function, set_engine, set_mode (“classification” or “regression”)

    bag_spec <-
      bag_tree(min_n = 10) %>%
      set_engine("rpart", times = 25) %>%
  • Logistic/Linear

    # lasso
    logistic_reg(penalty = tune()) %>%
    • function: logistic_reg, linear_reg
      • args: penalty (λ), mixture (α) (number or tune())
        • penalty grid examples: 10^seq(-7, -1, .1), 10 ^ seq(-6, -.5, .05)
        • penalty default: penalty(range = c(-10, 0), trans = log10_trans())
          • Silge uses range = c(-3, 0)
    • engines
      • types: glm, glmnet, LiblineaR (only logistic), stan, spark, keras
      • Liblinear
        • built for large data
          • faster than using glmnet even w/sparse matrix
        • requires mixture = 0 or 1; default: 0 (ridge)
        • also regularizes intercept which affects coef values
      • glmnet
        • mixture default = 1 (lasso)
      • spark
        • mixture default = 0 (ridge)
      • args
        • path_values: sequence of  values for penalty

          • assigns a collection of penalty values used by each glmnet fit (regardless of the data or value of mixture)
            • Without this arg, glmnet uses multiple penalty values which depend on the data set; changing the data (or the mixture amount) often produces a different set of values
              • So, if you want to look at results for a specific penalty value, you need to use this arg to make sure its included.
          • must still give penalty arg a number
          • if using ridge, include 0 in sequence of values for penalty
          path_values = c(0, 10^seq(-10, 1, length.out = 20))
          # example in docs
          10^seq(-3, 0, length.out = 10)
          # drob's range
          10 ^ seq(-6, -.5, .05)
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM)

    svm_linear() %>% 
      set_engine("LiblineaR") %>% 
    • modes: regression or classification
    • engines
      • LiblineaR
        • built for bigdata (C++ library)
        • No probability predictions for classification models
          • In order to use tune_grid, metrics must be hard classification metrics (e.g. accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, etc.)
          • Won’t be able to adjust thresholds either
        • L2-regularized
      • kernlab
        • kernel = “vanilladot”
      • args
        • cost: default = 1
        • margin: default = 0.1
  • Boosted Trees

    xgb_mod <- boost_tree("regression",
                          mtry = tune(),
                          trees = tune(),
                          learn_rate = 0.01,
                          stop_iter = tune()) %>%
    • XGBoost
      • drob says
        • logging predictors has no effect on this algorithm
      • args
        • mtry
        • trees
        • learn_rate
        • tree_depth
        • stop_iter: early stopping; stops if no improvement has been made after this many iterations
  • Random Forest

      mode = "regression",
      engine = "ranger",
      mtry = tune(),
      trees = tune(),
      min_n = tune()
    ) %>%
      set_engine(importance = "permutation",
                seed = 63233,
                quantreg = TRUE)
    • ranger doc
    • args
      • mode: “classification”, “regression”, “unknown”

      • engine: ranger (default), randomForest, spark

      • default hyperparameters: mtry, trees, min_n

      • importance: ‘none’, ‘impurity’, ‘impurity_corrected’, ‘permutation’

      • num.threads = 1 (default)

      • quantreg = TRUE for quantile regression

        preds <- regr_fit$fit %>% predict(airquality, type = 'quantiles')
        • Currently have to extract the ranger model in order to obtain quantile predictions
        • issue still open



  • Docs, FunctionReference

  • Step args are tunable. Just use tune() for value in the arg and include it in tune_grid

    • e.g spline degrees in step_ns or bs, number of bootstraps in step_impute_bag, or number of neighbors in step_impute_knn
  • recipe(formula, data)

    recipe(rain_tomorrow ~ date + location + rain_today +
                    min_temp + max_temp + rainfall +
                    wind_gust_speed + wind_speed9am +
                    wind_speed3pm + humidity9am + humidity3pm + pressure9am +
                    pressure3pm + cloud9am + cloud3pm + temp9am + temp3pm +
                    wind_gust_dir + wind_dir9am + wind_dir3pm +
                    rain_today, data = train)
  • Variable selectors

    • based on role
      • has_role, all_outcomes, all_predictors, all_numeric_predictors, all_nominal_predictors
    • based on type
      • has_type, all_numeric, all_nominal


  • zv, nzv

    • Removes predictors with zero variance or near-zero variance
    step_nsv(all_predictors(), freq_cut = 90/10)
    • freq_cut: ratio that determines when indicator variables with too few 1s or too few 0s are removed.
      • default: 95/5
    • unique_cut: percentage (not a decimal), number of unique values divided by the total number of samples
      • default: 10
  • step_indicate_na

    example_data <- tibble(
      x1 = c(1, 5, 8, NA, NA, 3),
      x2 = c(1, NA, 3, 6, 2, 2),
      x3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
      x4 = c(7, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1)
    recipe(~ ., data = example_data) |>
      step_indicate_na(all_predictors()) |>
      prep() |>
      bake(new_data = NULL)
    #> # A tibble: 6 × 8
    #>      x1    x2 x3       x4 na_ind_x1 na_ind_x2 na_ind_x3 na_ind_x4
    #>   <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl>     <int>     <int>     <int>     <int>
    #> 1     1     1 NA        7         0         0         1         0
    #> 2     5    NA NA        8         0         1         1         0
    #> 3     8     3 NA        4         0         0         1         0
    #> 4    NA     6 NA        2         1         0         1         0
    #> 5    NA     2 NA        1         1         0         1         0
    #> 6     3     2 NA        1         0         0         1         0
    • Creates dummys for the NAs in a column(s)

    • If you’re doing this, I think you’re assuming the missingness is MNAR (See Missingness)

  • step_clean_names - From {textrecipes}, a step_* function for the {janitor} function from tidying column names

  • step_clean_levels - From {textrecipes}, some levels will produce bad column names if used for other things such as dummy variables, so this function cleans the bad category names.


  • step_log, BoxCox, YeoJohnson, sqrt

    step_log(rainfall, offset = 1, base = 2)
    • If variable has zeros, offset adds 1 to the value.
    • base is the log base
  • splines

    • step_bs (B-Splines); step_ns (Natural Splines), step_poly (Orthogonal polynomial)

    • deg_free: where larger values –> more complex curves

    • degree: bs-only, degree of polynomial spline (e.g. 2 quadratic, 3 cubic)

    • Original variable replaced with “varname_ns_1”

    • {splines2} versions

      • A supplementary package to {splines}. The practical benefits
      • I-splines as integrals of M-splines are used for monotone regressions; C-splines as integrals of I-splines are used for shape-restricted regressions
      • time-to-event analysis, the derivatives or integrals of the basis functions are needed in inferences
      • allows basis functions of degree zero which is useful in some applications
      • natural cubic splines more computationally efficient
    • step_spline_nonnegative

      data(ames, package = "modeldata")
      recipe(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Frontage + Lot_Area, data = ames) |>
        step_spline_nonnegative(starts_with("Lot_"), deg_free = 3) |>
        prep() |>
        bake(new_data = NULL)
      #> # A tibble: 2,930 × 7
      #>    Sale_Price Lot_Frontage_1 Lot_Frontage_2 Lot_Frontage_3 Lot_Area_1 Lot_Area_2
      #>         <int>          <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
      #>  1     215000        0.00522       0.00428       0.00117      5.87e-6    9.76e-7
      #>  2     105000        0.00543       0.00186       0.000213     2.45e-6    1.24e-7
      #>  3     172000        0.00545       0.00190       0.000221     3.00e-6    1.94e-7
      #>  4     244000        0.00563       0.00238       0.000335     2.35e-6    1.14e-7
      #>  5     189900        0.00528       0.00164       0.000169     2.91e-6    1.81e-7
      #>  6     195500        0.00539       0.00179       0.000198     2.09e-6    8.85e-8
      #>  7     213500        0.00379       0.000572      0.0000287    9.17e-7    1.58e-8
      #>  8     191500        0.00392       0.000624      0.0000331    9.38e-7    1.65e-8
      #>  9     236500        0.00366       0.000521      0.0000247    1.03e-6    2.01e-8
      #> 10     189000        0.00480       0.00114       0.0000900    1.53e-6    4.57e-8
      #> # ℹ 2,920 more rows
      #> # ℹ 1 more variable: Lot_Area_3 <dbl>


  • Also see

  • step_dummy: if there are C levels of the factor, there will be C - 1 dummy variables created and all but the first factor level are made into new columns

  • step_dummy(one_hot = TRUE): One-Hot Encoding

  • step_other

    • collapses categories that have a frequency below a specified threshold
    • threshold: proportion of total rows that a category will be collapsed into other
      • default = 0.05
      • grid value examples: 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03
  • step_unknown

    • If NAs aren’t random, they can be pooled into a category called “Unknown”
  • To guard against future new categories not in the training data, use step_novel (source)

    rec <- recipe( ~ ., data = iris_tr) %>% 
      step_novel(Species) %>% 
      step_dummy(Species, one_hot = TRUE)


  • Also see Missingness

  • tldr;

    • Try bag first, knn second
      • Seems to me that bag would be more flexible
    • rolling would be useful for time series
  • common args

    • impute_with: arg for including other predictors (besides outcome and variable to be imputed) in the imputation model.

      step_impute_<method>(var, impute_with = imp_vars(pred1, pred2))
    • “skip” arg: When set to false, this step will not be used when the recipe is baked (unless newdata=NULL)

      • useful when down/up-sampling an outcome variable. New data should be asis in the wild. So usecases where the step is good for training but not production.
      • default = T for step_filter, slice, sample, naomit
  • bag

    • bagged tree model
    • categoricals and numerics can be imputed
    • Predictors can have NAs but can’t be included in the list of variables to be imputed
      • Guess you could do separate imputation steps if you want to include them as predictors
    • speed up by lowering bootstrap replications
    # keepX = FALSE says don't return a df of predictions - not sure why that's included (memory optimization?)
    options = list(nbagg = 5, keepX = FALSE))
  • knn

    • K-Nearest Neighbors
    • categoricals and numerics can be imputed
      • gower distance used (only distance available)
    • possible that missing values will still occur after imputation if a large majority (or all) of the imputing variables (predictors?) are also missing
    • Can be computationally intensive and is NOT robust to outliers
    • neighbors = 5 by default
    • options: nthreads, eps (threshold for values to be set to 0, default = 1e-8)
  • linear, mean, median

    • regression model, mean, median
    • only numerics can be imputed
    • if missingness is missing not at random (MNAR) then mean shouldn’t be used (probably not median either)
  • mode

    • most common value
    • discrete variable (maybe only nominal variables)
    • if more than one mode, one of them will be chosen at random
  • roll

    • rolling window
    • window: window of data that you want to use to calculate the statistic
      • For time series, maybe look at a acf, pacf plot to get an idea for a good window size
    • statistic: stat to calculate over the window (e.g. mean, median, etc)
      • probably takes a custom function with a single arg (data)
    • values in the window that would be imputed in previous steps aren’t used to impute the current value.


  • {themis} for unbalanced outcome variables
  • Common args
    • “skip”: When set to false, this step will not be used when the recipe is baked (unless newdata=NULL)
      • useful when down/up-sampling an outcome variable. New data should be asis in the wild. So usecases where the step is good for training but not production.
      • default = T for step_filter, slice, sample, naomit, and themis data balancing steps
    • “over_ratio”: desired ratio of num_rows of  the minority level(s) to num_rows of the majority level. Default = 1 (i.e. all levels have equal number of rows)
      • Example: Bring the minority levels up to about 200 rows each where the majority level has 16562 rows in the data. Therefore, 200/16562 is approx 0.0121. Set over_ratio to 0.0121 and each minority level will have 200 rows in the upsampled dataset.
    • “neighbors”:  number of clusters, default = 5
  • Upsampling
    • All methods handle multi-level factor variables except rose.
    • Misc
      • Applying SMOTE without re-calibration is bad (paper)
    • tldr;
      • If time isn’t an issue AND you have a binary variable, rose sounds like a good approach, otherwise use bsmote (probably should tune the all_neighbor option)
    • upsample
      • repeats rows of minority level until dataset has desired ratio
    • smote
      • SMOTE alg performs knn, generates points between the that level’s points and the centroid for each cluster
      • Preprocessing: Every predictor in the formula must be numeric with no missing data.
        • impute missing data and encode all categoricals before using this step
      • Generated points can form “bridges” between that level’s outlier points and the main distribution. This is like adding a feature that doesn’t exist in the sample.
    • bsmote
      • borderline-SMOTE alg is the same as SMOTE except that it generates points in the border region between classes. Ignores outliers in the resampling process.
      • Preprocessing: Every predictor in the formula must be numeric with no missing data.
        • impute missing data and encode all categoricals before using this step
      • all_neighbors; default = FALSE
        • FALSE then points will be generated between nearest neighbors in its own class.
          • This can produce mini-clusters of points
        • TRUE then points will be generated between neighbors of the upsampled class and the other classes.
          • May blur the line between clusters (and levels? Therefore potentially making classification tasks more difficult)
      • Only selecting from the borderline region can be an issue if there aren’t that many borderline points in the original dataset.
    • adasyn
      • similar to SMOTE, but generates the most points from points that have the smallest representation in the data, i.e. generates a lot of outlier or extreme value points.
        • Might produce much more stable results with tree models as compared to regression models
      • Preprocessing: Every predictor in the formula must be numeric with no missing data.
        • impute missing data and encode all categoricals before using this step
    • rose
      • Uses a “smoothed” bootstrap approach to generate new samples. (paper was incoherent as fuck)
      • Only for binary (factor) variables
      • Preprocessing: Every predictor in the formula must be numeric with no missing data.
        • impute missing data and encode all categoricals before using this step
          • no mention of missing data in the docs but probably still a good idea.
      • minority_prop: same function as over_ratio. Default = 0.5
      • minority_smoothness and majority_smoothness
        • default = 1. Reducing this value will shrink the (resampling?) region in the feature space associated with that class (minority or majority).
        • If these regions are too large, the boundary between class regions blurs. If too small, maybe you aren’t getting the variance out of the resampling that you could be getting.
  • Downsampling
    • Misc
      • Manually

        minority_class <- data %>%
          count(class) %>%
          filter(n == min(n))
        balanced <- data %>%
          group_split(class, .keep = TRUE) %>%
            ~ {
              if (.x$class[1] == minority_class$class) {
              } else {
                  n = minority_class$n,
                  replace = FALSE
        balanced %>%
          count(class) %>%
    • tldr;
      • none of the methods below sound too bad.
    • downsample
      • removes majority level(s) rows randomly to match the under_ratio (see over_ratio defintion above)
    • nearmiss
    • removes majority level(s) rows by undersampling points in the majority level(s) based on their distance to other points in the same level. - Default: neighbors = 5 - Preprocessing: Every predictor in the formula must be numeric with no missing data.
      • impute missing data and encode all categoricals before using this step
    • tomek
      • undersamples by removing pairs of points that each other’s nearest neighbor but are of different levels (tomek links)
        • Doesn’t make sense to me this way. SInce it’s binary, maybe the point that’s the majority class gets removed the other point in the pair (minority class) gets saved.
      • Only for binary (factor) variables
      • Preprocessing: Every predictor in the formula must be numeric with no missing data.
        • impute missing data and encode all categoricals before using this step

Feature Reduction

  • step_discretize_xgb, step_pca_sparse, step_pca_sparse_bayes, step_pca_truncated

  • step_discretize_cart

    data(ames, package = "modeldata")
    recipe(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Frontage + Lot_Area, data = ames) |>
      step_discretize_cart(all_numeric_predictors(), outcome = "Sale_Price") |>
      prep() |>
      bake(new_data = NULL)
    #> # A tibble: 2,930 × 3
    #>    Lot_Frontage Lot_Area              Sale_Price
    #>    <fct>        <fct>                      <int>
    #>  1 [118.5, Inf] [1.341e+04, Inf]          215000
    #>  2 [60.5,81.5)  [1.093e+04,1.341e+04)     105000
    #>  3 [60.5,81.5)  [1.341e+04, Inf]          172000
    #>  4 [81.5,94.5)  [1.093e+04,1.341e+04)     244000
    #>  5 [60.5,81.5)  [1.341e+04, Inf]          189900
    #>  6 [60.5,81.5)  [8639,1.093e+04)          195500
    #>  7 [24.5,49.5)  [-Inf,8639)               213500
    #>  8 [24.5,49.5)  [-Inf,8639)               191500
    #>  9 [24.5,49.5)  [-Inf,8639)               236500
    #> 10 [49.5,60.5)  [-Inf,8639)               189000
    #> # ℹ 2,920 more rows
    • Fits a decision tree using the numeric predictor against the outcome. Then replaces it with levels, according to the leafs of the tree.
  • step_umap

    data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2")
    recipe(price ~ ., data = diamonds) |>
      step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) |>
      step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
      step_umap(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
      prep() |>
      bake(new_data = NULL)
    #> # A tibble: 53,940 × 3
    #>    price   UMAP1   UMAP2
    #>    <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>
    #>  1   326  -0.605   5.56 
    #>  2   326  -1.17  -16.8  
    #>  3   327  -1.78   -5.43 
    #>  4   334 -10.7   -12.3  
    #>  5   335  14.2     2.66 
    #>  6   336   2.50    1.79 
    #>  7   336  -5.48    0.914
    #>  8   337   7.39   -5.29 
    #>  9   337  -1.43   -5.95 
    #> 10   338  -6.38   -0.785
    #> # ℹ 53,930 more rows
  • step_nnmf_sparse

    library(Matrix) # needs to be loaded for step to work
    data(ames, package = "modeldata")
    recipe(Sale_Price ~ ., data = ames) |>
      step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) |>
      step_nzv(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
      step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) |> 
      step_nnmf_sparse(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
      prep() |>
      bake(new_data = NULL)
    #> # A tibble: 2,930 × 3
    #>    Sale_Price   NNMF1  NNMF2
    #>         <int>   <dbl>  <dbl>
    #>  1     215000  0.192  -0.473
    #>  2     105000 -0.366   0.245
    #>  3     172000 -0.165   0.141
    #>  4     244000  0.255  -0.269
    #>  5     189900  0.261  -0.160
    #>  6     195500  0.311  -0.316
    #>  7     213500  0.187  -0.307
    #>  8     191500  0.0956 -0.475
    #>  9     236500  0.315  -0.238
    #> 10     189000  0.268  -0.112
    • Converts numeric data into one or more components via non-negative matrix factorization with lasso penalization
  • step_kmeans

    recipe(~., data = mtcars) |>
      step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
      step_kmeans(all_numeric_predictors(), k = 3) |>
      prep() |>
      bake(new_data = NULL)
    #> # A tibble: 32 × 3
    #>    KMeans1   KMeans2 KMeans3
    #>      <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
    #>  1  0.583  -0.217     -0.823
    #>  2  0.583  -0.165     -0.666
    #>  3  0.634  -1.01       0.771
    #>  4 -0.624  -0.309      1.00 
    #>  5 -0.703   0.439     -0.666
    #>  6 -0.910  -0.327      1.22 
    #>  7 -0.857   0.918     -0.996
    #>  8  0.125  -0.734      1.16 
    #>  9  0.166  -0.655      1.97 
    #> 10  0.0166  0.000617   0.684
    #> # ℹ 22 more rows
  • step_depth

    data(penguins, package = "modeldata")
    recipe(species ~ bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm, data = penguins) |>
      step_impute_mean(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
      step_depth(all_numeric_predictors(), class = "species") |>
      prep() |>
      bake(new_data = NULL)
    #> # A tibble: 344 × 6
    #>    bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm species depth_Adelie depth_Chinstrap
    #>             <dbl>         <dbl> <fct>          <dbl>           <dbl>
    #>  1           39.1          18.7 Adelie       0.349            0     
    #>  2           39.5          17.4 Adelie       0.145            0     
    #>  3           40.3          18   Adelie       0.217            0     
    #>  4           43.9          17.2 Adelie       0.00658          0.0735
    #>  5           36.7          19.3 Adelie       0.0789           0     
    #>  6           39.3          20.6 Adelie       0.0395           0     
    #>  7           38.9          17.8 Adelie       0.329            0     
    #>  8           39.2          19.6 Adelie       0.132            0     
    #>  9           34.1          18.1 Adelie       0.0263           0     
    #> 10           42            20.2 Adelie       0.0461           0     
    #> # ℹ 334 more rows
    #> # ℹ 1 more variable: depth_Gentoo <dbl>
    • Requires {ddalpha}
    • Calculates a centroid from continuous variables and measures the distance the observation is from the centroid. There are various distance measures. The vignette has visual of a 2 dimension case for each distance measure. Contours are drawn around the centroid which give you an idea about the formulation of the distance measure.
    • It needs a categorical variable. I think there’s a centroid for each category. Probably works best if that categorical variable is the outcome, but I can also seeing it being useful with an informative categorical predictor.
    • A higher depth value means the observation is closer to the centroid.


  • Basic workflow (article)

    pacman::p_load(tidymodels, embed, finetune, vip)
    # "Accredation" is the binary outcome
    museum_split <- initial_split(museum_parsed, strata = Accreditation)
    museum_train <- training(museum_split)
    museum_test <- testing(museum_split)
    museum_folds <- vfold_cv(museum_train, strata = Accreditation)
    # "Subject_Matter" is a high cardinality categorical predictor
    museum_rec <- 
      recipe(Accreditation ~ ., data = museum_train) %>%
      update_role(museum_id, new_role = "id") %>%
      step_lencode_glm(Subject_Matter, outcome = vars(Accreditation)) %>%
    # specify model and workflow
    xgb_spec <-
        trees = tune(),
        min_n = tune(),
        mtry = tune(),
        learn_rate = 0.01
      ) %>%
      set_engine("xgboost") %>%
    xgb_wf <- workflow(museum_rec, xgb_spec)
    # fit
    xgb_rs <- tune_race_anova(
      resamples = museum_folds,
      grid = 15,
      control = control_race(verbose_elim = TRUE)
    # evaluate
    int_pctl(xgb_rs, alpha = .1) # Calculates percentile 90% CIs for the metrics.
    # viz for race_anova grid search strategy
     # fit on whole training set
    xgb_last <- xgb_wf %>%
      finalize_workflow(select_best(xgb_rs, "accuracy")) %>%
    # evalute final model on test
    collect_predictions(xgb_last) %>%
        conf_mat(Accreditation, .pred_class)
    xgb_last %>%
      extract_fit_engine() %>%