
  • Resources

  • Some JS libraries use custom attributes in html tags that have hyphens in their name. R hates hypens, but you can just put the attribute name in quotes and it works (e.g. data-sub-html).

    # see data-sub-html
      href = paste0("images/gallery/large/", l),
      "data-sub-html" = "<h4>Photo by - <a href='' >Diego Guzmán </a>",
      tags$img(src = paste0("images/gallery/thumbnails/", t))
  • glue("<b style='background-color:{color}; font-family:Roboto; font-size:15px'>{value}</b>")

    • color and value are variables
  • glue("<b style= 'font-family:Roboto; font-size:15px'>{name}</br>Combined Indicator</b>: {value_text}")

    • name and value_text are variables
  • html coment - <!-- comment -->

  • withTags - Instead of needing to specify tags each time a tag function is used, as in tags\(div() and tags\)p(), code inside withTags is evaluated with tags searched first, so you can simply use div() and p().

  • tagList - takes a list of tag objects and combines them into html code

  • Example: From my website gallery

    • html

      <!---- withTags part ---->
      <div class="row" id="lightgallery">
        <!---- tagsList part ---->
        <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/excess-death-col.png">
          <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-excess-death-col.png"/>
        <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png">
          <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png"/>
    • {htmltools}

      • Create list of tags

        # images_thumb, images_full_size are paths to png files
        moose <- 
          purrr::map2(images$images_thumb, images$images_full_size, 
            function(t, l) {
                href = paste0("_gallery/img/", l),
                              tags$img(src = paste0("_gallery/img/", 
        #> [[1]]
        #> <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/excess-death-col.png">
        #> <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-excess-death-col.png"/>
        #> </a>
        #> [[2]]
        #> <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png">
        #> <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png"/>
        #> </a>
      • Convert list of tags to code with tagsList

        squirrel <- tagsList(moose)
        #> <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/excess-death-col.png">
        #> <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-excess-death-col.png"/>
        #> </a>
        #> <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png">
        #> <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png"/>
        #> </a>
      • Insert into a div frame with withTags

            class = "row",
            id = "lightgallery",
        #> <div class="row" id="lightgallery">
        #>    <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/excess-death-col.png">
        #>        <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-excess-death-col.png"/>
        #>    </a>
        #>    <a href="_gallery/img/images/gallery/large/pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png">
        #>        <img src="_gallery/img/images/gallery/thumbnails/thumb-pos-policy-one-2021-06-20.png"/>
        #>    </a>
        #> </div>