

  • Look at failure cases
    • Always useful to check what cases the model gets wrong.
    • Analysis of these cases might detect things like mislabeled data
  • Plot at a confusion matrix
    • Example: PyTorch digit classifier

      import matplotlib
      from mlxtend.plotting import plot_confusion_matrix
      from torchmetrics import ConfusionMatrix
      cmat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=len(class_dict))
      for x, y in dm.test_dataloader():
        with torch.inference.mode():
          pred = lightning_model(x)
        cmat(pred, y)
      cmat_tensor = cmat.compute()
      cmat = cmat_tensor.numpy()
      fig, ax = plot_confusion_matrix(
      plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor")

  • New Architecture
    • Check that you can overfit 1000 data points, by using the same training and validation.
      • PyTorch Lightning has this flag
      • The loss should be near zero (because the network should be able to memorize it); if not, there’s a bug in your code.
  • Run {{weightwatcher}}}} and check that the layers have converged individually to a good alpha, and exhibit no rank collapse or correlation traps.

Learning Curves

  • Make sure training loss converged

    • Want to see a plateau in the loss (y-axis)
    • Left: bad - Increase complexity; Increase training iterations
    • Right: better
  • Check for overfitting

    • Don’t want the gap between training and validation accuracy to be too large
    • Left: bad - Reduce complexity; Regularization
      • This lack fo generalization could also indicate that the training set is too small or the training and validation set come from different distributions
    • Right: better
  • Don’t want a U-shape in the validation loss

    • Use early stopping to avoid overfitting (i.e. when th validation starts turning upwards)
  • Issues with the Validation Set

    • Validation set could be too small or easier to predict
  • Unstable Training Loss

    • Typically indicates a wrong choice of hyperparameters.
    • Solutions can be to decrease the learning rate or increase the batch size.
  • Compare accuracy to a zero-rule baseline

    • Check that the validation accuracy is substantially better than a baseline based on always predicting the majority class (aka zero-rule classifier)
      • Top chunk of code is just to determine which class is the majority class, which is class 1 with 1135 observations (aka examples)
      • Bottom chunk calculates the accuracy if a model just choose to classify each observation as class 1