

  • Isomorphism - Two graphs are isomorphic if there is a mapping between their nodes in which we can conclude that these graphs are in fact the same
    • Two graphs \(H\) and \(G\) are isomorphic if and only if, for any pair of nodes \(u\) and \(v\) from H that are adjacent, there is a transformation \(f\) where \(f(u)\) is adjacent to \(f(v)\) in \(G\)
    • No polynomial-time solution and the problem may as well be considered NP-Complete
    • Example


  • Weisfeiler-Lehman Test
    • Tests if two graphs are isomorphic or not
    • H0: Not Isomorphic; Ha: May be Isomorphic
      • Given that the problem might be NP-Complete, the test can fail in many situations
        • Example: Non-Isomorphic but passes WL Test
    • Process
      • We start by setting an initial value to every node on the graph. Let’s say ‘1’.
      • For each node, we get the value of every neighbor and concatenate it together with the node value
      • We take the hash of this value to set the new value of the node
      • We repeat the process until there is no further change in the distribution of the values (not the values themselves)
      • If the distribution of the values is the same for both graphs, H0 is rejected
    • GNNs are, at most (which means that they can be worse) as powerful as a WL-Test on its ability to tell if two graphs are isomorphic
  • k-Weisfeiler-Lehman Test
    • For a 2-WL Test:
      • Let [K] be the set of nodes from K. Let now K² be the set of tuples of size 2 comprised of every permutation of nodes from [K]
      • Repeat the WL-Test, but with these 2-tuples instead of the nodes
      • Neighbors are tuples with at least 2 common node with the original tuple