Simulation, Data





  • Available distributions (link)

    • Probability Distributions
    • nonrandom: For constants; can be a numeric or a string with a formula that defines a dependency on another variable
    • clusterSize: For variable cluster sizes but a constant total sample size
      • formula: The (fixed) total sample size
      • variance: A (non-negative) dispersion measure that represents the variability of size across clusters
        • If the dispersion is set to 0, then cluster sizes are constant
    • trtAssign: For treatment assignment
      • formula: Ratio which is separated by semicolons and number of treatments

        • e.g. 2 values = 2 groups and “1;2” says group 2 has twice as many units and group 1
      • variance: Stratification; ratio in formula is used as the stratification ratio (e.g. unbalanced treatment groups → unbalanced stratification)

      • Example

        def <- 
                  varname = "rx", 
                  dist = "trtAssign",
                  formula = "1;1;2", 
                  variance = "male;over65")
        count(studytbl, rx)
        #> # A tibble: 3 × 2
        #>     rx    n
        #>   <int> <int>
        #> 1    1    84
        #> 2    2    82
        #> 3    3  164
        count(studytbl, male, rx)
        #> # A tibble: 6 × 3
        #>   male    rx    n
        #>   <int> <int> <int>
        #> 1    0    1    40
        #> 2    0    2    39
        #> 3    0    3    78
        #> 4    1    1    44
        #> 5    1    2    43
        #> 6    1    3    86
        count(studytbl, over65, rx)
        #> # A tibble: 6 × 3
        #>   over65    rx    n
        #>   <int> <int> <int>
        #> 1      0    1    66
        #> 2      0    2    65
        #> 3      0    3  130
        #> 4      1    1    18
        #> 5      1    2    17
        #> 6      1    3    34
  • Functions

    • defData(dtDefs = NULL, varname, formula, variance = 0, dist = "normal", link = "identity", id = "id") - Initially creates a data.table or adds a column to a data.table with instructions about creating a variable
      • formula: Numeric constant or string formula for the mean, probability of event (binary), probability of success (binomial), etc.
    • defDataAdd(dtDefs = NULL, varname, formula, variance = 0, dist = "normal", link = "identity") - Creates a variable definition like defData but is used to augment a already generated dataset. Used as input to addColumns which will generate the variable data from the instructions in this object and add it as a column to the already generated dataset.
    • genCluster(dtClust, cLevelVar, numIndsVar, level1ID, allLevel2 = TRUE) - After generating cluster-level data, this function takes the number of clusters and the sizes of each cluster from that data, and does something like expand.grid to generate an individual-level dataset. Also, adds an id variable.
      • dtClust: Cluster-Level Data
      • cLevelVar: Cluster variable from the cluster-level data
      • numIndsvar: Variable with the number of units per cluster from the cluster-level data
      • level1ID: Name you want for your individual-level ID variable

Variable Dependence

  • Binary depends on a Binary
    • Definitions

      def <- defData(varname = "male", dist = "binary",
                     formula = .5 , id="cid")
      def <- defData(def, varname = "over65", dist = "binary",
                     formula = "-1.7 + .8*male", link="logit")
    • What’s happening

      male <- c(1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1)
      logits <- -1.7 + 0.8 * male
      probabilities <- boot::inv.logit(logits)
      over65 <- rbinom(n = 10, size = 1, prob = probabilities)
      • The formula in the logits line defines the relationship between being male and being over 65yrs old.
      • Males in this sample will have a higher probability (0.2890505) of being over 65yrs old than females (0.1544653)
      • To sample from a Bernoulli distribution, set size = 1
      • over65 is an indicator where each value is determined by a separate probability parameter for a Bernoulli distribution

Clustered with Cluster-Level Random Effect

  • Example: Fixed Cluster sizes; Balanced

    • Cluster Definitions

      d0 <- defData(varname = "n", formula = 20, dist = "nonrandom")
      d0 <- defData(d0, varname = "a", formula = 0, variance = 0.33)
      d0 <- defData(d0, varname = "rx", formula = "1;1", dist = "trtAssign")
      d1 <- defDataAdd(varname = "y", formula = "18 + 1.6 * rx + a",
                       variance = 16, dist = "normal")
      • n: sample size for the cluster
        • dist = “nonrandom” and formula = 20 says use a constant for the cluster sizer
      • rx: treatment indicator
        • dist = “trtAssign” and formula = “1;1” says 2 treatment groups and they’re balanced
      • y: the individual-level outcome is a function of the treatment assignment and the cluster effect, as well as random individual-level variation
      • a: random individual-level variation (i.e. random effect)
        • Random Effects are sampled from \(\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma)\) where the variance is typically estimated in a Mixed Effects model.
    • Generate Cluster-Level Data

      dc <- genData(10, d0, "site")
      ##    site  n      a rx
      ##  1:    1 20 -0.3548  1
      ##  2:    2 20 -1.1232  1
      ##  3:    3 20 -0.5963  0
      ##  4:    4 20 -0.0503  1
      ##  5:    5 20  0.0894  0
      ##  6:    6 20  0.5294  1
      ##  7:    7 20  1.2302  0
      ##  8:    8 20  0.9663  1
      ##  9:    9 20  0.0993  0
      ## 10:  10 20  0.6508  0
      • Generates 10 clusters labelled as site according to the instructions in d0
    • Generate Individual Level Data

      dd <- genCluster(dc, "site", "n", "id")
      dd <- addColumns(d1, dd)
      ##      site  n      a rx  id    y
      ##  1:    1 20 -0.355  1  1 17.7
      ##  2:    1 20 -0.355  1  2 16.2
      ##  3:    1 20 -0.355  1  3 19.2
      ##  4:    1 20 -0.355  1  4 20.6
      ##  5:    1 20 -0.355  1  5 14.7
      ##  ---                           
      ## 196:  10 20  0.651  0 196 25.3
      ## 197:  10 20  0.651  0 197 22.1
      ## 198:  10 20  0.651  0 198 13.2
      ## 199:  10 20  0.651  0 199 15.6
      ## 200:  10 20  0.651  0 200 13.8
      • genCluster performs an expand.grid to generate an individual-level dataset along with adding an ID variable
      • addColumns uses individual-level data and outcome variable definition to generate the outcome variable and add it to the dataset.
  • Example: Varying Cluster Sizes and therefore Varying Sample Size

    d0 <- defData(varname = "n", formula = 20, dist = "poisson")
    genData(10, d0, "site")
    ##    site  n
    ##  1:    1 13
    ##  2:    2 18
    ##  3:    3 21
    ##  4:    4 26
    ##  5:    5 25
    ##  6:    6 27
    ##  7:    7 23
    ##  8:    8 30
    ##  9:    9 23
    ## 10:  10 20
    • Formula sets the poisson distribution parameter, \(\lambda = 20\). So sizes are sampled from poisson distribution with that mean/variance
    • To increase the variability between clusters, use the negative binomial distribution
    • Most likely leads to an unbalanced design
  • Example: Varying Cluster Sizes but Constant Sample Size

    # moderately varying cluster sizes
    d0 <- defData(varname = "n", formula = 200, variance = 0.2, dist = "clusterSize")
    genData(10, d0, "site")
    ##    site  n
    ##  1:    1 20
    ##  2:    2 28
    ##  3:    3 25
    ##  4:    4 24
    ##  5:    5 28
    ##  6:    6 22
    ##  7:    7  7
    ##  8:    8 13
    ##  9:    9 22
    ## 10:  10 11
    # Very highly varying cluster sizes
    d0 <- defData(varname = "n", formula = 200, variance = 5, dist = "clusterSize")
    genData(10, d0, "site")
    ##    site  n
    ##  1:    1  10
    ##  2:    2  2
    ##  3:    3  17
    ##  4:    4  2
    ##  5:    5  49
    ##  6:    6 110
    ##  7:    7  1
    ##  8:    8  4
    ##  9:    9  1
    ## 10:  10  4
    • Total sample size is fixed at 200 (formula), but individual cluster sizes are allowed to vary.
    • variance: A dispersion parameter that controls the amount of varying of the cluster sizes