

  • Packages
    • {stacks} - Performs model stacking that aligns with the tidymodels
    • {{BayesBlend}} (Vignette) - Easy Model Blending using Pseudo-Bayesian Model Averaging, Stacking and Hierarchical Stacking in Python
    • {loo::stacking_weights} (Vignette) - Model averaging via stacking of predictive distributions
  • Papers
    • Bayesian Stacking (paper)
  • May be better to used a ML model for the ensembling procedure since the features are probably highly correlated
  • Feature-Weighted Linear Stacking (FWLS) (Paper)
    • Incorporates meta-features for improved accuracy while retaining the well-known virtues of linear regression regarding speed, stability, and interpretability
    • use of meta-features, additional inputs describing each observation in a dataset, can boost the performance of ensemble methods, but the greatest reported gains have come from nonlinear procedures requiring significant tuning and training time.
    • Meta-features - should be discrete variables
      • Example (product sales model): current season, year, information about the products, and vendors variables
        • “benchmark” is just a 28-day MA model, prediction_CNNLSTM is a DL model, and prediction_XGBoost is an xgboost model
    • Need to read the paper but the article I read that used this method used predictors from the base models as these “meta-features.”
  • Manually
    • With tidymodels objects from drob 1:58:08, Predicting box office performance

      on_test_set <- function(d) {
          bind_cols(predict(mod_obj1, d) %>% rename(mod_name1 = .pred),
                    predict(mod_ojt2, d) %>% rename(mod_name2 = .pred)) %>%
              augment(combination, newdata = .) %>%
              transmute(id = d$id, outcome_var = 2 ^ fitted # outcome was transformed with log2 during preprocessing
      on_test_set(test_set) %>%
          rename(.pred = outcome_var) %>%
          bind_cols(test) %>%
          rmse(log2(.pred), outcome_var) # loss metric is RMSLE (Root Mean Squared Log Error)


  • Steps:

    1. Add models and tune a penalyzed regression model to determine weights
      • blend_predictions args: penalty, mixture, metric, control
        • control is for tune::control_grid
        • metric used to determine penalty. Use the same one you used to tune the models.
    lin_best <- lin_location_tune %>% filter_parameters(parameters = select_best(lin_location_tune))
    xg_best <- xg_tune %>% filter_parameters(parameters = select_best(xg_tune))
    lin_xg_blend <- stacks() %>%
      add_candidates(lin_best) %>%
      add_candidates(xg_best) %>%
    1. Fit the ensemble on the full training set
    lin_xg_fit <- lin_xg_blend %>%
    1. Measure performance on the test set
    predictions <- lin_xg_fit %>%
      predict(test, type = "prob", members = TRUE)
    # Log loss by model, or by the blend
    predictions %>%
      select(contains("_Rained")) %>%
      bind_cols(select(test, rain_tomorrow)) %>%
      gather(model, prediction, -rain_tomorrow) %>%
      mutate(prediction = 1 - prediction) %>%
      group_by(model) %>%
      mn_log_loss(rain_tomorrow, prediction)


  • Majority Vote

    from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000)
    ensemble = VotingClassifier(
            ("xgb", xgb.XGBClassifier(eval_metric="auc")),
            ("lgbm", lgbm.LGBMClassifier()),
            ("cb", cb.CatBoostClassifier(verbose=False)),
        # n_jobs=-1,
    _ = ensemble.fit(X, y)
    • If the classes are probabilities or predictions are continuous, the predictions are averaged.

    • voting = “soft” says use probabilities

    • voting = “hard” says each model makes a binary classification (guessing 50/50 threshold), and the ensemble model tally’s up the votes to output its final result

    • weights argument can be used to assign different coefficients for more accurate models

    • votingRegressor also available

  • Stacking

    from sklearn.ensemble import StackingClassifier, StackingRegressor
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000)
    ensemble = StackingClassifier(
            ("xgb", xgb.XGBClassifier(eval_metric="auc")),
            ("lgbm", lgbm.LGBMClassifier()),
            ("cb", cb.CatBoostClassifier(verbose=False)),
        # n_jobs=-1,
    _ = ensemble.fit(X, y)
    • StackingRegressor also available