

  • {cicerone} - Provides guided tours to your shiny apps



  • Packages
    • {deps} (article)
      • Lightweight method that installs packages via a DESCRIPTION json file
        • Blend between package and renv approaches to dependency management
      • Project scripts contain roxygen-like, decorator code about packages and those are used to build the DESCRIPTION json file
      • Image size should be similar to the “deps/DESCRIPTION” method above


  • Images have a 2GB limit
  • Base Image Build Times
    • Smaller images take longer to load because all the packages/libraries have to be compiled
    • rstudio/base, rocker/shiny, rocker/r-ubuntu use binary packages
    • rocker/r-bspm and eddelbuettel/r2u uses binary packages and apt-get
  • Order of Image Layers
    • Order is bottom to top when writing your dockerfile. (see example below)
    • Important for the bottom layers to be things that you might change most often. This way you don’t have to reinstall R everytime you change something in your app code.


  • Example

    From rocker/r-base:4.0.4
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
        --no-install-recommneds \
        make libssl-dev libxml2-dev \
        && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    COPY /etc/R
    RUN install.r shiny ggplot2 htmltools plotly
    RUN addgroup --system app && adduser --system --ingroup app app
    WORKDIR /home/app
    COPY app .
    RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
    USER app
    EXPOSE 3838
    CMD ["R", "-e", "shiny::runApp('/home/app', port = 3838, host = '')"]


  • Methods (article)

    # Explicit
    RUN install.r shiny ggplot2 htmltools plotly
    # DESCRIPTION file
    RUN install.r remotes
    RUN Rscript -e "remotes::install_deps()"
    # renv package
    RUN install.r remotes renv
    COPY ./renv.lock .
    RUN Rscript -e "options(renv.consent=TRUE); renv::restore(lockfiile='/home/app/renv.lock')"
    • littler::install.r ({littler} is installed on all Rocker images)
  • Image Size Comparison

    REPOSITORY                  TAG                SIZE
    analythium/covidapp-shiny  renv                1.7GB
    analythium/covidapp-shiny  deps                1.18GB
    analythium/covidapp-shiny  basic               1.24GB
    • basic Image (aka “explicit” method): 105 packages installed
    • deps Image (aka “DESCRIPTION” method): Has remotes added on top of these; remotes::install_deps() to install packages from the DESCRIPTION file
    • renv Image: Has remotes, renv and BH as extras.
      • BH seems to be responsible for the size difference, this package provides Boost C++ header files.
      • Your app will probably work perfectly fine without BH.
      • You can use renv::remove("BH") to remove BH from the project or use the “custom” model and list all the packages to be added to the lockfile


  • Example: Dockerfile

    RUN addgroup --system app && adduser --system --ingroup app app
    WORKDIR /home/app
    COPY app .
    RUN chown app:app -R /home/app
    USER app
    • Best to create user groups and not run app as a root sudo
    • chown, an abbreviation of change owner, is used on Unix and Unix-like operating systems to change the owner of file system files, directories. Unprivileged users who wish to change the group membership of a file that they own may use chgrp


  • Use github action for docker caching which builds the image and pushes your image to Docker Hub
  • Then your compute instance (PaaS) pulls the image from that registry

Data Strategies

  • Do as little processing as possible in the app
  • Bundle datasets alongside the source code, such that wherever the app is deployed, those datasets are available.
    • Drawback: data would need to be kept in version control along with your source code, and a new deployment of the app would be required whenever the data is updated.
      • For frequently updated datasets, this is impractical, but may be valuable if those datasets are unlikely to change during the lifetime of a project.
  • Keep data in cloud storage
    • Allows collaborators to upload new data on an ad-hoc basis without touching the app itself. The app would then download data from the cloud for presentation during each user session
    • Better for frequently updated datasets
    • Optimization (loading in secs instead of mins)
      • Use parquet file format
      • Caching the data for the app’s landing page or use asynchronous computing to initiate downloading the data while presenting a less data-intensive landing page
      • Pipeline
        • Partition data:
          • Raw data that is not computationally expensive or needs no processing
          • Processed data that is more computationally expensive to process.
        • The data processing pipeline is outside of the app. (e.g. GitHub Actions workflow)
        • Data storage and app server should be in the same region to reduce latency
      • Create Pipeline Triggers
        • When new raw data is uploaded, then data gets processed and into the app in a timely manner.
        • When the source code for the app or the data processing pipeline change, the data processing pipeline should run afresh.
        • If changes to the structure of the raw dataset mean that the data processing pipeline produces malformed processed data, there should be a way to log that.
  • {pins}
    • Also see Databases, Engineering >> Misc >> {pins}

    • Everytime the pin is updated, pin_reactive_read also updates the data within the shiny app

      • You can also set a fixed update time within the function
    • Example: How to use pins + Shiny for ever-changing data

      board <-
        board_connect(server = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_SERVER"),
                      key = Sys.getenv("CONNECT_API_KEY"))
      name = "isabella.velasquez/shiny-calendar-pin"
      server <- function(input, output, session) {
        reactive_pin <- pins::pin_reactive_read(name = name, board = board)
        r <- reactiveValues(all_data = NULL, filtered_data = NULL)
          all_results <- reactive_pin() |>
            filter(! & ! |>
          r$all_data <- all_results
          r$filtered_data <- all_results



  • AWS
    • Notes from
    • Features
      • Secure, end-to-end encrypted (SSL, TLS) access to dashboards.
      • Secure authentication through E-mail and Single-Sign-On (SSO).
      • Horizontal scalability of dashboards according to usage, fail-safe.
      • Easy adaptability by analysts through automation and continuous integration (CI/CD).
      • Easy maintenance and extensibility for system operators.
    • Components
      • Application Load Balancer (ALB) to handle secure end-to-end (SSL) encrypted access to the dashboards based on different host names (host-based-routing).
      • AWS Cognito for user authentication based on E-mail and SSO through Ping Federate.
      • AWS Fargate for horizontal scalability, fail-safe operations and easy maintenance.
      • AWS Codepipeline and Codebuild for automated build of dashboard Docker containers.
      • Extensive usage of managed services requiring low maintenance (Fargate, Cognito, ALB) and Amazon Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to define and manage infrastructure-as-code managed in Git and deployed via Code Pipelines.



  • Also see Docker >> Security
  • {shinyauthr}
    • for user authentication. App doesn’t get rendered until user is authenticated


  • remotes::install_gitlab("rresults/backendlessr")
  • Provides user registration, login, logout, profiles
    • Some small amounts of data can be sent to backendless (not log files)
      • There are some user counting functions in the package for keeping track of API calls (I think)
  • API wrapper for backendless platform
  • Free for up to 60 API calls per minute 1M API calls per month
    • If you need more, use invite code p6tvk3 when you create a new app to get 25% off for the first 6 months
  • Demo login: backendlessr::shiny_demo_login (
    • Clicking the “Register” button calls the backendless API
    • Displays “Successful” if user registration worked
  • Steps
    • Register at backendless and get a free account

    • Register you app

      • Get the Application ID and API key
    • Add ID and key to .Renviron (for testing)

      BACKENDLESS_APPID = "<app id>"
      BACKENDLESS_KEY = "<api_key>"
    • Add ID and key to Docker Swarm secrets (for production)

    • Install package and run functions in your shiny app

      • ExampleBasic

        ui <- 
            titlePanel("User access demo"),
            actionLink("open login", "Log in"),
            hidden(actionLink("logout", "Log out")),
            hidden(plotOutput("demoPlot", height = "300px"))
        server <- 
          function(input, output, session) {
            # ...
        • App listens for actionLink open_login which is the user login into the app
        • Then showElement unhides all the hidden things in the ui (e.g. logout, loginmain module, demoPlot) and actionLink Log in becomes hidden (I think)
  • Bunch of user credential functions available but here’s a list that currently aren’t:
    • Social Network logins (e.g. to allow a user to use their Facebook account to log in to our service);
    • Async calls;
    • Geolocation;
    • Logging (send log messages of your app to Backendless platform).
    • Enhanced Security
    • User password reset