
  • Packaages
    • {strata} - Simple project automation framework
      • Supports {renv}, {cronR}, and {taskscheduleR}
      • Simple and consistent built-in logging
      • Manage code execution in .toml files
      • Quick build options for rapid prototyping
    • {future}
      • Use plan(multisession) for paralleliztion on local machine

        • Replaced plan(multiprocess) in 2020
      • If you are on Linux or macOS, and are 100% sure that your code and all its dependencies is fork-safe and not working through RStudio, then you can also use plan(multicore)

      • Example: {furrr}

        plan(multisession, workers = 2)
        future_map(c("hello", "world"), ~.x)
    • {mirai} - Modern networking and concurrency, built on nanonext and NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), ensures reliable and efficient scheduling over fast inter-process communications or TCP/IP secured by TLS. Distributed computing can launch remote resources via SSH or cluster managers.
      • Daemons are persistent background processes for receiving mirai requests

      • Options

        • x[.flat] collects and flattens map results to a vector, checking that they are of the same type to avoid coercion. Note: errors if an ‘errorValue’ has been returned or results are of differing type.

        • x[.progress] collects map results whilst showing a progress bar with completion percentage and ETA, or else a simple text progress indicator. Note: if the map operation completes too quickly then the progress bar may not show at all.

        • x[.stop] collects map results applying early stopping, which stops at the first failure and cancels remaining operations. Note: operations already in progress continue to completion, although their results are not collected.

        • The options above may be combined in the manner of:
          x[.stop, .progress] which applies early stopping together with a progress indicator.

      • Comparison to {future} (source)

        • Explicit vs Automatic Dependency Management:

          • The future package tries hard to automatically infer what variables and packages you need from the main R package, and makes those available to the child process.
          • mirai doesn’t try to do this for you; you need to pass in whatever data you need explicitly, and make package-namespaced calls explicitly inside of your inner code.
        • Response Time

          • mirai is very fast; it’s much faster than future at starting up and has less per-task overhead. mirai creates event-driven promises. This makes mirai ideal where response times and latency are critical.
          • Promises using future time-poll every 0.1 seconds.
        • Support for Various Backends

          • future is designed to be a general API supporting many types of distributed computing backends, and potentially offers more options.
          • mirai on the other hand is its own system, whilst it does support both local and distributed execution.
        • Promise Managment

          • mirai is inherently queued, meaning it readily accepts more tasks than workers. This means you don’t need an equivalent of future_promise.
          • With future you need to manage cases where futures launch other futures (“evaluation topologies”) upfront, whereas with mirai they will just work.
        • Task Cancellation: mirai supports task cancellation and the ability to interrupt ongoing tasks on the worker.

      • Example: with {purrr}

        daemons(6) # starts 6 processes
        mtcars |> purrr::map_dbl(sum, .parallel = TRUE)
        #>      mpg      cyl     disp       hp     drat       wt     qsec 
        #>  642.900  198.000 7383.100 4694.000  115.090  102.952  571.160 
        #>       vs       am     gear     carb 
        #>   14.000   13.000  118.000   90.000 
        daemons(0) # terminates processes
  • Weights and Biases - Experiment tracking


  • Asynchronous - Tasks run independently, and you don’t have to wait for them to finish.
    • i.e. in a separate process (e.g. R process) which self-contained and only has access to data present there.
  • Promise (or Future)- Represents a future value or the result of an asynchronous operation. It’s a way to handle tasks that take time to complete (e.g., fetching data, running computations, or executing code in parallel) without blocking the main program.
    • i.e. an IOU/placeholder for a result that isn’t ready yet.
    • Useful to:
      • Avoid blocking: Instead of waiting for each task to finish, you can start all tasks at once and collect results later.
      • Handle dependencies: If one task depends on the result of another, promises let you chain them together.
      • Improve efficiency: By running tasks in parallel and managing their results asynchronously, you can make better use of resources.
  • SSH Reverse Tunneling - Allows you to securely access a computer or server that’s behind a firewall or not directly reachable from the internet.
    • Provides a convenient way to launch remote daemons without requiring the remote machine to be able to access the host. Often firewall configurations or security policies may prevent opening a port to accept outside connections.


  • Notes from
  • Concurrency - Managing multiple tasks at the same time, not necessarily simultaneously. Tasks may take turns, creating the illusion of multitasking.
  • Thread - A thread is the smallest unit of execution within a process. A process acts as a “container” for threads, and multiple threads can be created and destroyed over the process’s lifetime.
    • Every process has at least one thread — the main thread — but it can also create additional threads.
    • Threads share memory and resources within the same process, enabling efficient communication.
  • Preemptive Context Switching - When a thread is waiting, the OS switches to another thread automatically. During a context switch, the OS pauses the current task, saves its state and loads the state of the next task to be executed. This rapid switching creates the illusion of simultaneous execution on a single CPU core.
    • For processes, context switching is more resource-intensive because the OS must save and load separate memory spaces.
    • For threads, switching is faster because threads share the same memory within a process. 
  • Multithreading - Allows a process to execute multiple threads concurrently, with threads sharing the same memory and resources.
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) - A lock that allows only one thread to hold control of the Python interpreter at any time, meaning only one thread can execute Python bytecode at once.
    • Introduced to simplify memory management in Python as many internal operations, such as object creation, are not thread safe by default.
    • Without a GIL, multiple threads trying to access the shared resources will require complex locks or synchronisation mechanisms to prevent race conditions and data corruption.
    • For multithreaded I/O-bound programs, the GIL is less problematic as threads release the GIL when waiting for I/O operations.
    • For multithreaded CPU-bound operations, the GIL becomes a significant bottleneck. Multiple threads competing for the GIL must take turns executing Python bytecode.
      • Multiprocessing is recommended for CPU-bound tasks
  • Multiprocessing - Enables a system to run multiple processes in parallel, each with its own memory, GIL, and resources. Within each process, there may be one or more threads
  • Async/Await - Unlike threads or processes, async uses a single thread to handle multiple tasks.
    • Differences from Multithreading
      • Multithreading relies on the OS to switch between threads when one thread is waiting (preemptive context switching).
      • Async/Await uses a single thread and depends on tasks to “cooperate” by pausing when they need to wait (cooperative multitasking).
    • Components
      • Coroutines: These are functions defined with an async function. They are the core of async and represent tasks that can be paused and resumed later.
      • Event loop: It manages the execution of tasks.
      • Tasks: Wrappers around coroutines. When you want a coroutine to actually start running, you turn it into a task
      • await: Pauses execution of a coroutine, giving control back to the event loop.




  • Misc

    • mlflow_log_batch(df) - A dataframe with columns key, value, step, timestamp
      • Key can be names of metrics, params
      • Step is probably for loops
      • Timestamp can be from Sys.time() probably
    • mlflow.search_runs() - querying runs
      • Available columns greatly exceed those available in the experiments GUI

      • Example: py

        # Create DataFrame of all runs in *current* experiment
        df = mlflow.search_runs(order_by=["start_time DESC"])
        # Print a list of the columns available
        # print(list(df.columns))
        # Create DataFrame with subset of columns
        runs_df = df[
        # add additional useful columns
        runs_df["start_date"] = runs_df["start_time"]
        runs_df["is_nested_parent"] = runs_df[["run_id","tags.mlflow.rootRunId"]].apply(lambda x: 1 if x["run_id"] == x["tags.mlflow.rootRunId"] else 0, axis=1)
        runs_df["is_nested_child"] = runs_df[["run_id","tags.mlflow.rootRunId"]].apply(lambda x: 1 if x["tags.mlflow.rootRunId"] is not None and x["run_id"] != x["tags.mlflow.rootRunId"]else 0, axis=1)
    • Use mlflow.pyfunc for a model agnostic Class approach
      • An approach which allows you to use libraries outside of {{sklearn}}

      • Example: Basic (source)

        # Step 1: Create a mlflow.pyfunc model
        class ToyModel(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
            ToyModel is a simple example implementation of an MLflow Python model.
            def predict(self, context, model_input):
                A basic predict function that takes a model_input list and returns a new list 
                where each element is increased by one.
                - context (Any): An optional context parameter provided by MLflow.
                - model_input (list of int or float): A list of numerical values that the model will use for prediction.
                - list of int or float: A list with each element in model_input is increased by one.
                return [x + 1 for x in model_input]
        # Step 2: log this model as an mlflow run
        with mlflow.start_run():
                artifact_path = "model", 
            run_id = mlflow.active_run
        # Step 3: load the logged model to perform inference
        model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(f"runs:/{run_id}/model")
        # dummy new data
        x_new = [1,2,3]
        # model inference for the new data
        >>> [2, 3, 4]
        • This only shows a predict method, but you can include anything you need such as a fit and preprocessing methods.
        • See source for a more involved XGBoost model example and details on extracting metadata.
  • Set experiment name and get experiment id

    • Syntax: mlflow_set_experiment("experiment_name")
      • This might require a path e.g. “/experiment-name” instead the name
    • Experiment IDs can be passed to start_run() (see below) to ensure that the run is logged into the correct experiment
      • Example: py

        my_experiment = mlflow.set_experiment("/mlflow_sdk_test")
        experiment_id = my_experiment.experiment_id
        with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id):
  • Starting runs

    • Using a mlflow_log_ function automatically starts a run, but then you have to mlflow_end_run

    • Using with(mlflow_start_run(){}) stops the run automatically once the code inside the with() function is completed

          run_id = NULL,
          experiment_id = only when run id not specified,
          start_time = only when client specified,
          tags = NULL,
          client = NULL)
    • Example

    # can format the variable outside the log_param fun or inside
    alpha <- mlflow_param(args)
    # experiment contained inside start_run
    with(mlflow_start_run( ) {
        alpha_fl <- mlflow_log_param("alpha" = alpha)
        lambda_fl <- mlflow_log_param("lambda" = mlflow_param(args))
        mod <- glmnet(args)
        # preds
        # error
        # see Models section below for details
        mod_crate <- carrier::crate(~glmnet::glmnet.predict(mod, train_x), mod)
        mlflow_log_model(mod_crate, "model_folder")
        mlflow_log_metric("MAE", error)
    # this might go on the inside if you're looping the "with" FUN and want to log results of each loop
    # not working, logs run, but doesn't log metrics
    # run saved script
    mlflow::mlflow_run(entry_point = "script.R")
    # End any existing runs
    with mlflow.start_run() as run:
        # Turn autolog on to save model artifacts, requirements, etc.
        diabetes_X =
        diabetes_y =
        # Split data into test training sets, 3:1 ratio
        ) = train_test_split(diabetes_X, diabetes_y, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)
        alpha = 0.9
        solver = "cholesky"
        regr = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=alpha, solver=solver)
   , diabetes_y_train)
        diabetes_y_pred = regr.predict(diabetes_X_test)
        # Log desired metrics
        mlflow.log_metric("mse", mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
            "rmse", sqrt(mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
  • Custom run names

    • Example: py

      # End any existing runs
      # Explicitly name runs
      today =
      run_name = "Ridge Regression " + str(today)
      with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name) as run:
    • Previously unlogged metrics can be retrieved retroactively with the run id

      # py
      with mlflow.start_run(run_id="3fcf403e1566422493cd6e625693829d") as run:
          mlflow.log_metric("r2", r2_score(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
      • The run_id can either be extracted by print( from the previous run, or by querying mlflow.search_runs() (See Misc above).
  • Nested Runs

    • Useful for evaluating and logging parameter combinations to determine the best model (i.e. grid search), they also serve as a great logical container for organizing your work. With the ability to group experiments, you can compartmentalize individual data science investigations and keep your experiments page organized and tidy.

    • Example: py; start a nested run

      # End any existing runs
      # Explicitly name runs
      run_name = "Ridge Regression Nested"
      with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name) as parent_run:
          with mlflow.start_run(run_name="Child Run: alpha 0.1", nested=True):
              # Turn autolog on to save model artifacts, requirements, etc.
              diabetes_X =
              diabetes_y =
              # Split data into test training sets, 3:1 ratio
              ) = train_test_split(diabetes_X, diabetes_y, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)
              alpha = 0.1
              solver = "cholesky"
              regr = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=alpha, solver=solver)
    , diabetes_y_train)
              diabetes_y_pred = regr.predict(diabetes_X_test)
              # Log desired metrics
              mlflow.log_metric("mse", mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
                  "rmse", sqrt(mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
              mlflow.log_metric("r2", r2_score(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
      • alpha 0.1 is the parameter value being evaluated
    • Example: py; add child runs

      # End any existing runs
      with mlflow.start_run(run_id="61d34b13649c45699e7f05290935747c") as parent_run:
          with mlflow.start_run(run_name="Child Run: alpha 0.2", nested=True):
              # Turn autolog on to save model artifacts, requirements, etc.
              diabetes_X =
              diabetes_y =
              # Split data into test training sets, 3:1 ratio
              ) = train_test_split(diabetes_X, diabetes_y, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)
              alpha = 0.2
              solver = "cholesky"
              regr = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=alpha, solver=solver)
    , diabetes_y_train)
              diabetes_y_pred = regr.predict(diabetes_X_test)
              # Log desired metrics
              mlflow.log_metric("mse", mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
                  "rmse", sqrt(mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
              mlflow.log_metric("r2", r2_score(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred))
      • Add to nested run by using parent run id, e.g. run_id=“61d34b13649c45699e7f05290935747c”
        • Obtained by print( from the previous run or querying via mlflow.search_runs (see below)
  • Query Runs

    • Available columns greatly exceed those available in the experiments GUI

    • Example: py; Create Runs df

      # Create DataFrame of all runs in *current* experiment
      df = mlflow.search_runs(order_by=["start_time DESC"])
      # Print a list of the columns available
      # print(list(df.columns))
      # Create DataFrame with subset of columns
      runs_df = df[
      # add additional useful columns
      runs_df["start_date"] = runs_df["start_time"]
      runs_df["is_nested_parent"] = runs_df[["run_id","tags.mlflow.rootRunId"]].apply(lambda x: 1 if x["run_id"] == x["tags.mlflow.rootRunId"] else 0, axis=1)
      runs_df["is_nested_child"] = runs_df[["run_id","tags.mlflow.rootRunId"]].apply(lambda x: 1 if x["tags.mlflow.rootRunId"] is not None and x["run_id"] != x["tags.mlflow.rootRunId"]else 0, axis=1)
    • Query Runs Object

      • Example: Number of runs per start date

      • Example: How many runs have been tested for each algorithm?



  • Name of the file is standard - “MLproject”

    • yaml file but he didn’t give it an extension
    • Multi-Analysis flows take the output of one script and input to another. The first script outputs the object somewhere in the working dir or a sub dir. The second script takes that object as a parameter with value = path.,
  • Example

    name: MyProject
    envir: specify dependencies using packrat snapshot (didn't go into details)
    entry points:
        # "main" is the default name used. Any script name can be an entry point name.
                # 2 methods, looks like same args as mlflow_param or mlflow_log_param
                # python types used, e.g. float instead of numeric used
                alpha: {type: float, default: 0.5}
                    type: float
                    default: 0.5
            # CLI commands to execute the script
            # sigh, he used -P in the video and -r on the github file
                    # he used a -P for each param when executing from CLI, so that might be correct
                    # Although that call to Rscript makes me think it might not be correct
            command: "Rscript <script_name>.R -P alpha={alpha} -P lambda={lambda}"
            # another one of their python examples
            command: "python --ratings-csv {ratings_csv} --max-row-limit {max_row_limit}"
            # This is similar to one of python their examples and it jives with Rscript practice, except there's a special function in the R script to take the args
            # command: "Rscript <script_name>.R {alpha} {lambda}"
        # second script, same format as 1st script
            blah, blah
  • Run script with variable values from the CLI

    mlflow run . --entry-point script.R -P alpha=0.5 -P lambda=0.7
    • mlflow starts mlflow.exe
    • . says run from current directory
    • also guessing entry point value is a path from the working directory
  • Run script from github repo

    $mlflow run --entry-point script.R -P alpha=0.5 -P lambda=0.7
    • Adds link to repo in source col in ui for that run
    • Adds link to commit (repo version) at the time of the run in the version col in the ui for that run


  • Typically, models in R exist in memory and can be saved as .rds files. However, some models store information in locations that cannot be saved using save() or saveRDS() directly. Serialization packages can provide an interface to capture this information, situate it within a portable object, and restore it for use in new settings.

    • {crate} - formats the model into a binary file so it can be run by a system (e.g. API) regardless of the language used to create it
      • saves it as a bin file, crate.bin
    • {bundle} - similar for tidymodels’ objects
  • mlflow_save_model  creates a directory with the bin file and a MLProject file

  • Examples

    • Using a function

      mlflow_save_model(carrier::crate(function(x) {
                  # glmnet requires a matrix
                  predict(model, as.matrix(x))
      }, model = mod), "dir_name")
      • predict usually takes a df but glmnet requires a matrix
      • model = mod is the parameter being passed into the function environment
      • [dir_name][var.text] is the name of the folder that will be created
    • Using a lambda function

      mlflow_save_model(carrier::crate(~glmnet::predict.glmnet(model, as.matrix(.x)), model = mod), "penal_glm")
      • Removed the library function (could’ve done that before as well)
      • *** lambda functions require .x instead of just x ***
      • The folder name is penal_glm
  • Serving a model as an API from the CLI

    >> mlflow models serve -m file:penal_glm
    • mlflow runs mlflow.exe
    • serve says create an API
    • -m is for specifying the URI of the bin file
      • Could be an S3 bucket
      • file: says it’s a local path
    • Default host:port
      • -h, -p can specify others
    • *** Newdata needs to be in json column major format ***
      • Prediction is outputted in json as well

      • Example: Format in column major

        jsonlite::toJSON(newdata_df, matrix = "columnmajor")
      • Example: Send json newdata to the API

        # CLI example for 
        curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{    "columns": ["a", "b", "c"],    "data": [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}'


  • mlflow_ui( )
  • Click date,
    • metric vs runs
    • notes
    • artifact
  • If running through github
    • link to repo in source column for that run
    • link to commit (repo version) at the time of the run in the version column



  • Also see

  • Resources

  • use_targets

    • Creates a “_targets.R” file in the project’s root directory
      • Configures and defines the pipeline
        • load packages
        • HPC settings
        • Load Functions from scripts
        • Target pipeline
    • File has commented lines to guide you through the process
  • Check Pipeline

    • tar_manifest(fields = command)
      • lists names of targets and the functions to execute them
    • tar_visnetwork()
      • Shows target dependency graph
      • Could be slow if you have a lot of targets, so may want to comment in/out sections of targets and view them in batches.
  • Run tar_make in the background

    • Put into .Rprofile in project
    make <- function() {
            {{ targets::tar_make() }},
            title = "<whatever>"
  • Get a target from another project


Target Pipeline

  • Example

        tar_target(file, "data.csv", format = "file"),
        tar_target(data, get_data(file)),
        tar_target(model, fit_model(data)),
        tar_target(plot, plot_model(model, data))
    • 1st arg is the target name (e.g. file, data, model, plot)

    • 2nd arg is a function

      • Function inputs are target names
      • Except first target which has a file name for the 2nd arg
        • “format” arg says that this target is a file and if the contents change, a re-hash should be triggered.
  • tar_make() - Execute pipeline

    • Output saved in _targets >> objects
  • tar_read(target_name) - Reads the output of a target

    • e.g. If it’s a plot output, a plot will be rendered in the viewer.



  • Notes from Saturn Dask in the Cloud video

  • XGBoost, RAPIDS, LightGLM libraries can natively recognize Dask DataFrames and use parallelize using Dask

  • {{dask-ml}} can be used to simplify training multiple models in parallel

  • PyTorch DDP (Distributed Data Parallel)

    • {{dask_pytorch_ddp}} for Saturn
    • Each GPU has it’s own version of the model and trains concurrently on a data batch
    • Results are shared between GPUs and a combined gradient is computed
    from dask_pytorch_ddp import dispatch
    futures =, model_training_function)

Basic Usage

  • Dask Collections

    • Dask DataFrames - Mimics Pandas DataFrames
      • They’re essentially collection of pandas dfs spread across workers
    • Dask Arrays - Mimics NumPy
    • Dask Bags - Mimics map, filter, and other actions on collections
  • Storage

    • Cloud storage (e.g. S3, EFS) can be queried by Dask workers
    • Saturn also provides shared folders that attach directly to Dask workers.
  • Use Locally

    import dask.dataframe as dd
    ddf ="data/example.csv")
    • compute starts the computation and collects the results.
      • Evidently other functions can have this effect (see example). Need to check docs.
    • For a Local Cluster, the cluster = LocalCluster() and Client(cluster) commands are used. Recommende to initialize such a cluster only once in code using the Singleton pattern. You can see how it can be implemented in Python here. Otherwise, you will initialize a new cluster every launch;
  • Specify chunks and object type

    from dask import dataframe as dd
    ddf = dd.read_csv(r"FILEPATH", dtype={'SimillarHTTP': 'object'},blocksize='64MB')
  • Fit sklearn models in parallel

    import joblib
    from dask.distributed import Client
    client = Client(processes=False)
    with joblib.parallel_backend("dask"):, y_train)
    • Not sure if client is needed here

Evaluation Options

  • Dask Delayed

    • For user-defined functions — allows dask to parallelize and lazily compute them
    def double(x):
        return x*2
    def add(x, y):
        return x + y
    a = double(3)
    b = double(2)
    total = add(a,b) # chained delayed functions
    total.compute() # evaluates the functions
  • Futures

    • Evaluated immediately in the background

    • Single function

      def double(x):
          return x*2
      future = client.submit(double, 3)
    • Iterable

      learning_rates = np.arange(0.0005, 0.0035, 0.0005)
      futures =, learning_rates) # map(function, iterable)
      gathered_futures = client.gather(futures)
      futures_computed = client.compute(futures_gathered, resources = {"gpu":1})
      • resources tells dask to only send one task per gpu-worker in this case


  • Logging

    from distributed.worker import logger
    def log():'This is sent to the worker log')
    # ANN example
        f'{{style='color: #990000'}[}]{style='color: #990000'} - lr {lr} - epoch {epoch} - phase {phase} - loss {epoch_loss}'
    • Don’t need a separate log function. You can just include in the model training function.
  • Built-in dashboard

    • Task Stream - each bar is a worker; colors show activity category (e.g. busy, finished, error, etc.)

Error Handling

  • The Dask scheduler will continue the computation and start another worker if one fails.

    • If your code is what causing the error then it won’t matter
  • Libraries

    import traceback
    from distributed.client import wait, FIRST_COMPLETED
  • Create a queue of futures

    queue = client.compute(results)
    futures_idx = {fut: i for i, fut in enumerate(queue)}
    results = [None for x in range(len(queue))]
    • Since we’re not passsing [sync = True]{arg-text}, we immediately get back futures which represent the computation that hasn’t been completed yet.
    • Enumerate each item in the future
    • Populate the “results” list with Nones for now
  • Wait for results

    while queue:
        result = wait(queue, return_when = FIRST_COMPLETED)
  • Futures either succeed (“finished”) or they error (chunk included in while loop)

        for future in result.done:
            index = futures_idx[future]       
            if future.status == 'finished':
                print(f'finished computation #[{index}]{style='color: #990000'}')
                results[index] = future.result()
                print(f'errored #[{index}]{style='color: #990000'}')
                except Exception as e:
                    results[index] = e
        queue = result.not_done
    • future.status contains results of computation so you know what to retry
    • Succeeds: Print that it finished and store the result
    • Error: Store exception and print the stack trace
    • Set queue to those futures that haven’t been completed


  • Resources
    • Dask Dataframes Best Practices
      • In general, recommends partition size of 100MB, but this doesn’t take into account server specs, dataset size, or application (e.g model fitting). Could be a useful starting point though.
  • Notes from:
  • Partition Size
    • Issues
      • Too Large: Takes too much time and resources to process them in RAM
      • Too Small: To process all of them Dask needs to load these tables into RAM too often. Therefore, more time is spent on synchronization and uploading/downloading than on the calculations themselves
    • Example: Runtime, 500K rows, 4 columns, XGBoost
      • Exact resource specs for this chart werent’ provided, but the experiment included 2, 3, and 4 vCPUs and 1, 2, and 4GB RAM per vCPU



  • Starting Dask from Jupyter Server that’s running JupyterLab, the Dask Cluster will have all the libraries loaded into Jupyter Server
  • Options
    • Saturn Cloud UI
      • Once you start a Jupyter Server, there’s a button to click that allows you to specify and run a Dask Cluster
        • Do work on a JupyterLab notebook
      • Benefits
        • In a shared environment
        • Libraries automatically get loaded onto the Dask cluster
    • Programmatically (locally)
      • SSH into Jupyter Server (which is connected to the Dask Cluster) at Saturn

      • Connect directly to Dask Cluster at Saturn

      • Cons

        • Have to load packages locally and on Jupyter Server and/or Dask Cluster
        • Make sure versions/environments match
      • Connection (basic)

        from dask_saturn import SaturnCluster
        cluster = SaturnCluster()
        client = Client(cluster)
  • Example
    • From inside a jupyterlab notebook on a jupyter server with a dask cluster running

    • Imports

      import dask.dataframe as dd
      import numpy as np
      from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
      from dask.distributed import Client, wait
      from dask_saturn import SaturnCluster
    • Start Cluster

      n_workers = 3
      cluster = SaturnCluster()
      client = Client(cluster)
      client.wait_for_workers(n_workers = n_workers) # if workers aren't ready, wait for them to spin up before proceding
      • For bigger tasks like training ANNs on GPUs, you to specify a gpu instance type (i.e. “worker_size”) and scheduler with plenty of memory

        cluster = SaturnCluster(
            n_workers = n_workers,
            scheduler_size = 'large',
            worker_size = 'g3dnxlarge'
        • If you’re bringing back sizable results from your workers, your scheduler needs plenty of RAM.
    • Upload Code files

      • 1 file - client.upload_file("")

        • Uploads a single file to all workers
      • Directory

        from dask_saturn import RegesterFiles, sync_files
        sync_files(client, "functions")
        • Plugin allows you to sync directory among workersjjj
    • Data

      ddf = dd.read_parquet(
      ddf = ddf.persist()
      _ = wait(ddf) # halts progress until persistance is done
      • Persist saves the data to the Dask workers
        • Not necessary, but if you didn’t, then each time you call .compute() you’d have to reload the file
    • Do work

      ddf["signal"] = (
          ddf["ask_close"].rolling(5 * 60).mean() - ddf["ask_close"].rolling(20 * 60).mean()
      # ... blah, blah, blah
      ddf["total"] = ddf["return"].cumsum().apply(np.exp, meta = "return", "float64"))
      • Syntax just like pandas except:
        • meta = (column, type) - Dask’s lazy computation sometimes gets column types wrong, so this specifies types explicitly
    • Compute and bring back to client

      total_returns = ddf["total"].tail(1)
      • Evidently .tail does what compute is supposed to do.


  • Misc

    • Docs

    • Available in Python

  • Helps with 3 aspects of MLOps

    • Versioning
      • Keeps track of metadata
      • Helpful during retraining
    • Deploying
      • Utilizes REST APIs to serve models
    • Monitoring
      • Tracks model performance
  • Fit Workflow Object

    model <- 
      recipe(species ~ island + flipper_length_mm + body_mass_g,
        data = penguins_data) |>
      workflow(nearest_neighbor(mode = "classification")) |>
  • Create a Vetiver Model Object

    v_model <- 
        model_name = "k-nn",
        description = "hyperparam-update-4")
    #> ── k-nn ─ <bundled_workflow> model for deployment 
    #> hyperparam-update-4 using 3 features
  • Versioning

    • Write model to a {pins} board (storage)

      board <- pins::board_connect()
      board %>% vetiver_pin_write(v_model)
      • board_* has many options including the major cloud providers
        • Here “connect” stands for Posit Connect
      • board_temp(versioned = TRUE) creates a temporary local folder and stores the serialized model there.
    • Create a REST API

      pr() %>%
      #> # Plumber router with 2 endpoints, 4 filters, and 1 sub-router.
      #> # Use `pr_run()` on this object to start the API.
      #> ├──[queryString]
      #> ├──[body]
      #> ├──[cookieParser]
      #> ├──[sharedSecret]
      #> ├──/logo
      #> │  │ # Plumber static router serving from directory: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/library/vetiver
      #> ├──/ping (GET)
      #> └──/predict (POST)
      ## next pipe to `pr_run()` for local API
      • Then next step is pipe this into pr_run() to start the API locally
      • Helpful for development or debugging
    • Test

      • Deploy locally

        pr() %>%
          vetiver_api(v_model) |> 
        • When you run the code, a browser window will likely open. If it doesn’t simply navigate to
      • Ping API

        base_url <- ""
        url <- paste0(base_url, "ping")
        r <- httr::GET(url)
        metadata <- httr::content(r, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
        #> $status
        #> [1] "online"
        #> $time
        #> [1] "2024-05-27 17:15:39"
      • Test predict endpoint

        url <- paste0(base_url, "predict")
        endpoint <- vetiver::vetiver_endpoint(url)
        pred_data <- penguins_data |>
         dplyr::select("island", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g") |>
         dplyr::slice_sample(n = 10)
        predict(endpoint, pred_data)
        • The API also has endpoints metadata and pin-url
  • Deploy

    • Using Docker

      • Create a docker file

         docker_args = list(port = 8080)
        • Creates a docker file, renv.lock file, and plumber app that can be uploaded and deployed anywhere (e.g. AWS, GCP, digitalocean)
      • Build Image

        docker build --tag my-first-model .
      • Run Image

        docker run --rm --publish 8080:8080 my-first-model
    • Without Docker

      • Posit Connect

          board = pins::board_connect(), 
      • vetiver_deploy_sagemaker() also available

  • Monitor

    • Score model on new data and write metrics to storage

      new_metrics <-
        augment(x = v, # model API endpoint object
                new_data = housing_val) %>%
        vetiver_compute_metrics(date_var = date, 
                                period = "week", 
                                truth = price, 
                                estimate = .pred)
        overwrite = TRUE
      #> # A tibble: 90 × 5
      #>    .index                 .n .metric .estimator  .estimate
      #>    <dttm>              <int> <chr>   <chr>           <dbl>
      #>  1 2014-11-02 00:00:00   224 rmse    standard   206850.   
      #>  2 2014-11-02 00:00:00   224 rsq     standard        0.413
      #>  3 2014-11-02 00:00:00   224 mae     standard   140870.   
      #>  4 2014-11-06 00:00:00   373 rmse    standard   221627.   
      #>  5 2014-11-06 00:00:00   373 rsq     standard        0.557
      #>  6 2014-11-06 00:00:00   373 mae     standard   150366.   
      #>  7 2014-11-13 00:00:00   427 rmse    standard   255504.   
      #>  8 2014-11-13 00:00:00   427 rsq     standard        0.555
      #>  9 2014-11-13 00:00:00   427 mae     standard   147035.   
      #> 10 2014-11-20 00:00:00   376 rmse    standard   248405.   
      #> # ℹ 80 more rows
      • date_var: The name of the date column to use for monitoring the model performance over time.
      • period: The period (“hour”, “day”, “week”, etc) over which the scoring metrics should be computed.
      • truth: The actual values of the target variable
      • estimate: The predictions of the target variable to compare the actual values against
    • Analyze metrics

      new_metrics %>%
        ## you can operate on your metrics as needed:
        filter(.metric %in% c("rmse", "mae"), .n > 20) %>%
        vetiver_plot_metrics() + 
        ## you can also operate on the ggplot:
        scale_size(range = c(2, 5))