

  • Allows you to use external caching sources and build mounts to speed up image builds through caching (requires Docker version ≥18.09)
    • Able to supply a previously built image in your registry where Docker will check the manifest of the image, and pull any layers that can be used as local cache.
  • Notes from Fast Docker Builds With Caching
  • Must have the environment variable, DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1
  • External Cache
    • Docs

    • Example: Single stage build

      DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
        --cache-from my-repo.com/my-image \
        --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 \
      • Use --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 and --cache-from arguments when building the image
        • “my-repo.com/my-image” is the url of the image you want Docker to pull dependencies (aka layers) that can be used as a local cache
    • Example: Multi-Stage

      export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1
      # Build image for the build stage
      docker build \
        --target build-stage \
        --cache-from "${IMAGE}:build-stage" \
        --tag "${IMAGE}:build-stage" \
        --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 \
      # Build the final image
      docker build \
        --cache-from "${IMAGE_NAME}:build-stage" \
        --cache-from "${IMAGE_NAME}:latest" \
        --tag "${IMAGE_NAME}:latest" \
        --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 \
      # Push the build-stage image too so that it can be reused for cache
      docker push "${IMAGE_NAME}:build-stage"
      docker push "${IMAGE_NAME}:latest"
      • This shell script that gets referenced in the docker file (another example in this note; search for “shell script”)
      • “export” creates the environment variable; IMAGE is a variable storing the URL of the externally cached image
      • --target in the first build command to stop at the build-stage stage, and that
      • The second build command referenced both the build-stage and latest images as cache sources
  • Build Mounts
    • This type of caching is only available:
      • Locally and cannot be reused across machines
      • During a single RUN instruction, so you need to either:
        • Copy the files to a different location in the image before the RUN instruction finishes (e.g., with cp) or
        • COPY the cache directory from another image, e.g., a previously built build-stage image.
    • See the article for an example
  • Credentials
    • Steps
      • Prepare an auth.toml file with your credentials

        • Example: {{poetry}} credentials for installing deps from a private repo)

          username = "my_username"
          password = "my_ephemeral_password"
      • Place it outside of your Docker context or exclude it in .dockerignore (the cache would still get invalidated otherwise).

      • Update your Dockerfile to include “# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3” as the very first line

      • Adjust install commands that require the credentials (e.g. poetry install command becomes:)

        RUN --mount=type=secret,id=auth,target=/root/.config/pypoetry/auth.toml \
          poetry install --no-dev --no-interaction --remove-untracked
      • Build the image with docker build --secret id=auth,src=auth.toml ...

Multi-Stage Dockerfile

  • Misc

    • With multi-stage builds, you compile and build everything in an initial stage, and then, in a separate stage, you copy over just the necessary artifacts. This results in a much leaner, more efficient final image. It’s not only good practice for keeping image sizes down, but it also means quicker deployments and reduced storage costs.
      • The bigger the image size, the longer the run time and the higher the runtime cost
      • Going to multi-stage can drastically reduce image size (e.g. 65%)
    • You should consider moving your build to a multi-stage build when the build-required dependencies are no longer needed after the build is completed
    • Notes from
  • Process

    • First Build - Installing the required decencies and building the binaries. This image is also called the builder image
    • Second Build - Starting from a new base image and copying from the builder image binaries applications
      • Attributes or settings from the first build are not inherited unless using specific commands or arguments such as the -- from=builder argument.
  • Example: 2 Stages

    FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS final
    FROM ubuntu:20.04 as build
    RUN apt-get update -y && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \
      curl \
      osmium-tool \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    RUN mkdir /osmfiles \
    && mkdir /merged \
    && curl http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/monaco-latest.osm.pbf -o /osmfiles/monaco.osm.pbf \
    && curl http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/andorra-latest.osm.pbf -o /osmfiles/andorra.osm.pbf \
    && osmium merge /osmfiles/monaco.osm.pbf /osmfiles/andorra.osm.pbf -o /merged/merged.osm.pbf
    FROM final
    RUN mkdir /merged
    COPY --from=build /merged /merged
    • Stage 1: build

      • Starts at FROM ubuntu:20.04 as build
      • Downloads a couple geospatial files, then merges them and stores them in the “merged” folder
    • Stage 2: final

      • Starts at FROM final
      • Creates a “merged” dir and copies merged file from stage 1 (build) to the “merged” dir
      • The curl and osmium-tool dependencies that are installed in Stage 1 are not included in Stage 2 which reduces the size of the final image.
    • I’m not sure if FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS final being the first line (instead of replacing the FROM final line) is necessary or not. It looks kind of redundant.

    • If a slimmer ubuntu image is used in the last stage, the size of the image can reduced further

  • Example: Python Development Environment

    • Dockerfile

      # Stage I
      FROM python:3.10-slim AS builder
      ARG VENV_NAME="my_project"
      RUN mkdir requirements
      COPY install_requirements.sh requirements/
      COPY requirements.txt requirements/
      RUN bash ./requirements/install_requirements.sh $VENV_NAME
      # Stage II
      FROM python:3.10-slim
      ARG VENV_NAME="my_project"
      COPY --from=builder /opt/$VENV_NAME /opt/$VENV_NAME
      RUN echo "source /opt/$VENV_NAME/bin/activate" >> ~/.bashrc
      • See link to article in Note From section for more details
      • Stage I:
        • Define the first stage as the builder by adding AS builder argument to the FROM command.
        • Import the python:3.10 image as the base image
        • Use an argument variable to set the virtual environment name
        • Create a local folder and copy the helper files — install_requirements.shand requirements.txt
          • requirements.txt - File defines the Python environment required libraries.
          • install_requirements.sh - Bash script sets the virtual environment and installs the libraries from the requirements.txt file.
        • Set the virtual environment and install the required libraries
      • Stage II:
        • python:3.10-slim is the base image
        • Copy the Python virtual environment from the builder image using the COPY command with the — from=builder argument.
          • Need to update the .bashrc file (See CLI, Linux >> Misc) and set it up again as the default virtual environment. Alternatively, you can copy the .bashrc file from the builder as the install_requirements.sh file did it on the builder image in Stage I.
    • Build Image

      build_docker.sh Dockerfile.multi-stage rkrispin/python-multi-stage:3.10
      • build_docker.sh - Bash script that runs docker build command. Also has parameters for you to set the dockerfile name and the image name.
      • Builds the Dockerfile.multi-stage Dockerfile and names it as rkrispin/python-multi-stage:3.10
