

  • Notes from
  • Resources
    • Docs - All on one page so you can just ctrl + f
    • PostgreSQL is Enough - Links to various applications/extensions resources
  • When you don’t use the open-source distribution of PostgreSQL, and instead, utilize PostgreSQL as a managed service by subscribing to a provider like Amazon RDS, you are limited to that service provider’s list of supported extensions. These services usually offer all the core PostgreSQL capabilities, but may not support an extension you might need in the future.
  • Everything is case sensitive, so use lowercase for db and table names
  • Check postgres sql version - psql --version or -V
  • See flag options - psql --help
  • If there’s a “#” in the prompt after logging into a db, then that signifies you are a super-user
  • Meta commands (i.e. commands once you’re logged into the db)
    • \du - list roles (aka users + permissions)
    • \c <different db> - switches databases
    • \password <user name> - assign a password to a user (prompt will ask for the password twice)
      • Can also use ALTER ROLE for this but the password will then be in the log
  • Unlogged Table - Data written to an unlogged table will not be logged to the write-ahead-log (WAL), making it ideal for intermediate tables and considerably faster. Note that unlogged tables will not be restored in case of a crash, and will not be replicated.
  • Pigsty
    • Open Source RDS alternative
    • Aims to harness the collective power of PostgreSQL ecosystem extensions and democratize access to high-quality database services.


  • pgai
    • Repo, Intro
    • Simplifies the process of building search, and Retrieval Augmented Generation(RAG) AI applications with PostgreSQL.
    • Features
      • Create embeddings for your data.
      • Retrieve LLM chat completions from models like OpenAI GPT4o.
      • Reason over your data and facilitate use cases like classification, summarization, and data enrichment on your existing relational data in PostgreSQL.
  • pg_analytics
    • Intro, Repo
    • Arrow and Datafusion integrated with Postgres
    • Delta Lake tables behave like regular Postgres tables but use a column-oriented layout via Apache Arrow and utilize Apache DataFusion, a query engine optimized for column-oriented data
    • Data is persisted to disk with Parquet
    • The delta-rs library is a Rust-based implementation of Delta Lake. This library adds ACID transactions, updates and deletes, and file compaction to Parquet storage. It also supports querying over data lakes like S3, which introduces the future possibility connecting Postgres tables to cloud data lakes.
  • pg_bm25
    • Intro, Repo
    • Rust-based extension that significantly improves Postgres’ full text search capabilities
      • Built to be an Elasticsearch inside of a postgres db
    • Performant on large tables, adds support for operations like fuzzy search, relevance tuning, or BM25 relevance scoring (same algo as Elasticsearch), real-time search — new data is immediately searchable without manual reindexing
      • Query times over 1M rows are 20x faster compared to tsquery and ts_ran (built-in search and sort)
    • Can be combined with PGVector for semantic fuzzy search
  • Citus
    • Website
    • Distributed Postgres
    • Transforms a standalone cluster into a horizontally partitioned distributed database cluster.
    • Scales Postgres by distributing data & queries. You can start with a single Citus node, then add nodes & rebalance shards when you need to grow.
    • Can combine with PostGIS for a distributed geospatial database, PGVector for a distributed vector database, pg_bm25 for a distributed full-text search database, etc.
    • yugabytedb is also an option for distributed postgres
  • pg_duckdb
    • Repo, Intro
    • Developed in collaboration with our partners, Hydra and MotherDuck
    • Embeds DuckDB’s columnar-vectorized analytics engine and features into Postgres
    • SELECT queries executed by the DuckDB engine can directly read Postgres tables
    • Read parquet and CSV files from object storage (AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, or Google GCS)
    • Enable the DuckDB Iceberg extension and read Iceberg files.
    • Write a query — or an entire table — to parquet in object storage.
    • Read and write to Parquet format in a single query
    • Query and JOIN data in object storage with Postgres tables, views, and materialized views.
    • Create indexes on Postgres tables to accelerate your DuckDB queries
    • Install DuckDB extensions
    • Toggle DuckDB execution on/off with a setting
  • duckdb_fdw
    • Repo
    • Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) to connect PostgreSQL to DuckDB database file.
    • A Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) in PostgreSQL is a mechanism that allows you to access and query data stored in external data sources (e.g. duckdb) from within a PostgreSQL database.
  • pg_lakehouse
    • Repo
    • Transforms Postgres into an analytical query engine over object stores
    • Object Stores: Amazon S3, S3-compatible object stores (e.g. MinIO), Local file system, Google Cloud Storage (coming soon), Azure Blob Storage (coming soon)
    • File Formats: Parquet, CSV, JSON, Avro, ORC (coming soon)
    • Table Formats: Delta Lake, Apache Iceberg (coming soon)
  • plprql
    • Repo
    • Enables you to run PRQL queries. PRQL has a syntax that is similar to {dplyr}
    • Built in Rust so you have to have pgrx installed. Repo has directions.
  • pgrx
    • Repo
    • Framework for developing PostgreSQL extensions in Rust
    • To install extensions built in Rust, you need to have this extension installed
  • pg_sparse
    • Intro, Repo
    • Enables efficient storage and retrieval of sparse vectors using HNSW
      • SPLADE outputs sparse vectors with over 30,000 entries. Sparse vectors can detect the presence of exact keywords while also capturing semantic similarity between terms.
    • Fork of pgvector with modifications
    • Compatible alongside both pg_bm25 and pgvector
  • pgstream
    • Intro, Site, Repo
    • CDC (Change-Data-Capture) CLI tool that calls webhooks whenever there is a data (or schema) change
    • Whenever a row is inserted, updated, or deleted, or a table is created, altered, truncated or deleted, a webhook is notified of the relevant event detail
  • pg_timeseries
  • pgvector
    • Repo
    • Also see Databases, Vector Databases for alternatives and comparisons
    • Enables efficient storage and retrieval of dense vectors using HNSW
      • OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada-002 model outputs dense vectors with 1536 entries
    • Exact and Approximate Nearest Neighbor search
    • L2 distance, Inner Product, and Cosine Distance
    • Supported inside AWS RDS
  • pg_vectorize
    • Repo
    • Workflows for both vector search and RAG
    • Integrations with OpenAI’s embeddings and chat-completion endpoints and a self-hosted container for running Hugging Face Sentence-Transformers
    • Automated creation of Postgres triggers to keep your embeddings up to date
    • High level API - one function to initialize embeddings transformations, and another function to search
  • pgvectorscale
    • Repo, Intro
    • A complement to pgvector for high performance, cost efficient vector search on large workloads.
    • Features
      • A new index type called StreamingDiskANN, inspired by the DiskANN algorithm, based on research from Microsoft.
      • Statistical Binary Quantization: developed by Timescale researchers, This compression method improves on standard Binary Quantization.


  • Steps
    • Start docker desktop
    • Start powershell
    • docker run --name pg_database -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=ericb2022 -d postgres:latest
      • 1st 5432 is local computer port
      • 2nd 5432 is the required postgres image port
      • -e is for defining an environment variable; here its the db password that I set to ericb2022
      • -d
        • Runs the container in the background
        • Allows you to run commands in the same terminal window that you used the container run command in
      • “postgres:latest” is the name of the image to build the container from
    • Close powershell
    • In docker desktop, the “pg_database” container should be running
  • Connect to the db
    • Steps
      • psql should be in your list of path environment variables
        • Right-click Start >> System >> advanced settings (right panel) >> environment variables >> highlight path >> edit
        • “C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin”
          • ** Note the “14” in the path which is the current version. Therefore, when postgres is updated, this path will have to be updated **
      • psql --host localhost --port 5432 --dbname postgres --username postgres
        • Note these are all default values, so this is equivalent to psql -U postgres
        • –host (-h) is the ip address or computer name that you want to connect to
          • localhost is for the docker container that’s running
        • 5432 is the default –port (-p) for a postgres container
        • –dbname (-d) is the name of the database on the server
          • “postgres” is a db that ships with postgres
        • –username (-U) is a username that has permission to access the db
          • “postgres” is the default super-user name
      • A prompt will then ask you for that username’s password
        • The container above has the password ericb2022
          • This didn’t work for me, needed to use my postgres password that I set-up when I installed postgres and pgAdmin.
          • My local postgres server and the container are listening on the same port, so maybe if I changed the first port number to something else, it would connect to the container.
      • To exit db, \q
  • Create a db
    • Steps
      • createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -O eric two_trees
        • -U is the user account used to create the db
        • -O is used to assign ownership to another user account
          • “role” (i.e. user account) must already exist
        • “two_trees” is the name of the new db
        • You will be prompted for user’s password
      • List of dbs on the server
        • psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -l
          • -l lists all dbs on server
          • You will be prompted for user’s password
  • Run a sql script
    • psql -d acweb -f test.sql
      • -d is for the database name (e.g. acweb)
      • -f is for running a file (e.g. test.sql)
  • Add users
    • Create user/role (once inside db)

      CREATE USER <user name1>;
      CREATE ROLE <user name2>;
      ALTER ROLE <user name2> LOGIN
      • CREATE USER will give the user login attribute/permission while CREATE ROLE will not
        • ALTER ROLE gives the user attributes/permissions (e.g. login permission)
      • Create user/role (at the CLI) - createuser <user name>


  • Create a server
    • Right-click on servers >> create >> server
      • General tab >> enter name
      • Connection tab
        • Host name/address: computer name or ip address where the server is running
          • local: localhost or
        • Port: default = 5432
        • Maintenance database: db you want to connect to
          • If you haven’t created it yet, just use default “postgres” which autmatically created during installation
        • username/password
          • u: default is postgres
          • p: installation password
          • Tick Save password
      • Click Save
  • Create a db
    • Right-click databases >> create >> databases >> enter name (lowercase) and click save
  • Create a table
    • Via gui
      • Click db name >> schema >> public >> right-click tables >> create >> tables
      • General tab
        • Enter the table name (lower case)
      • Columns tab
        • Enter name, data type, whether there should be a “Not Null” constraint, and whether it’s a primary key
        • Add additional column with “+” icon in upper right
        • If you’re going to fill the table with a .csv file, make sure the column names match
      • Click save
      • Table will be located at db name >> schema >> public >> tables
    • Via sql
      • Open query tool
        • Right-click or Schemas or Tables >> query tool
        • Click Tools menu dropdown (navbar) >> query tool
      • Run CREATE TABLE statement
        • If you don’t include the schema as part of the table name, pgadmin automatically places it into the “public” schema directory (e.g. public.table_name)
  • Import csv into an empty table
    • Make sure the column names match
    • Right-click table name >> import/export
    • Options tab
      • Make sure import is selected
      • Select the file
      • If you have column names in your csv, select Yes for Header
      • Select “,” for the Delimiter
    • Columns tab
      • Check to make sure all the column names are there
    • Click OK
  • Query Table
    • Right-click table >> query editor
    • Query editor tab
      • Type query >> click ▶ to run query


  • Misc
  • Steps
    • Search AWS services for “RDS” (top left navbar)
    • Create Database
      • Click “Create Database”
    • Create Database
      • Choose Standard create or Easy Create
        • Easy Create - uses “best practices” settings
      • Select postgres
        • Also available: Amazon Aurora, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server
      • Templates
        • Production
          • Multi-AZ Deployment - Multiple Availability Zones
          • Provisioned IOPS Storage - Increased output
        • Dev/Test
        • Rree tier
          • 750 hrs of Amazon RDS in a Single-AZ db.t2.micro Instance.
          • 20 GB of General Purpose Storage (SSD).
          • 20 GB for automated backup storage and any user-initiated DB Snapshots.
        • RDS pricing page
      • Settings
        • DB Instance Identifier - enter name
        • Set master username, master username password
      • DB Instance
        • db.t3.micro or db.t4g.micro for free tier
          • dev/test, production has many other options
      • Storage
        • Defaults: SSD with 20GB
        • Autoscaling can up the storage capacity to a default 1000GB


  • {{psycopg2}}
    • Misc

    • Connect to db

      import psycopg2
      connection = psycopg2.connect(
      connection.autocommit = True
    • Create a table

      def create_staging_table(cursor) -> None:
              DROP TABLE IF EXISTS staging_beers;
              CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE staging_beers (
                  id                  INTEGER,
                  name                TEXT,
                  tagline             TEXT,
                  first_brewed        DATE,
                  description         TEXT,
                  image_url           TEXT,
                  abv                 DECIMAL,
                  ibu                 DECIMAL,
                  target_fg           DECIMAL,
                  target_og           DECIMAL,
                  ebc                 DECIMAL,
                  srm                 DECIMAL,
                  ph                  DECIMAL,
                  attenuation_level   DECIMAL,
                  brewers_tips        TEXT,
                  contributed_by      TEXT,
                  volume              INTEGER
      with connection.cursor() as cursor:
      • The function receives a cursor and creates a unlogged table called staging_beers.
    • Insert many rows at once

      • Notes from Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python

      • The best way to load data into a database is using the copy command (last method in this section). The issue here is that copy needs a .csv file and not json.

        • This might be an issue just because of psycopg2 library doesn’t support json or that there is a postgres extension that isn’t supported by the library. This also might not be a problem in the future.
      • Data

        beers = iter_beers_from_api()
        {'id': 1,
         'name': 'Buzz',
         'tagline': 'A Real Bitter Experience.',
         'first_brewed': '09/2007',
         'description': 'A light, crisp and bitter IPA brewed...',
         'image_url': '',
         'abv': 4.5,
         'ibu': 60,
         'target_fg': 1010,
        {'id': 2,
         'name': 'Trashy Blonde',
         'tagline': "You Know You Shouldn't",
         'first_brewed': '04/2008',
         'description': 'A titillating, ...',
         'image_url': '',
         'abv': 4.1,
         'ibu': 41.5,
        • Data is from beers api

        • iter_beers_from_api is a udf that takes the json from the api and creates a generator object that iterates through each beer.

      • Insert data in db using execute_values (low memory usage and still pretty fast)

        def insert_execute_values_iterator(
            beers: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]],
            page_size: int = 100,
        ) -> None:
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                psycopg2.extras.execute_values(cursor, """
                    INSERT INTO staging_beers VALUES %s;
                """, ((
                ) for beer in beers), page_size=page_size)
        • parse_first_brewed is a udf that transforms a date string to datetime type.

        • beer[‘volume’][‘value’]: Data is in json and the value for volume is subsetted from the nested field.

        • Benchmark: At page_size = 1000, 1.468s, 0.0MB of RAM used

        • The generator((bear['id'], … , bear['volume']['value'], for beer in beers) keeps data from being stored in memory during transformation

        • page_size: maximum number of arglist items to include in every statement. If there are more items the function will execute more than one statement.

          • Here arglist is the data in the form of generator
      • Insert data in db using copy_from (Fast but memory intensive)

        import io
        def clean_csv_value(value: Optional[Any]) -> str:
            if value is None:
                return r'\N'
            return str(value).replace('\n', '\\n')
        def copy_stringio(connection, beers: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                csv_file_like_object = io.StringIO()
                for beer in beers:
                    csv_file_like_object.write('|'.join(map(clean_csv_value, (
                    ))) + '\n')
                cursor.copy_from(csv_file_like_object, 'staging_beers', sep='|')
        • clean_csv_value: Transforms a single value

          • Escape new lines: some of the text fields include newlines, so we escape \n -> \\n.

          • Empty values are transformed to \N: The string "\N" is the default string used by PostgreSQL to indicate NULL in COPY (this can be changed using the NULL option).

        • csv_file_like_object: Generate a file like object using io.StringIO. A StringIO object contains a string which can be used like a file. In our case, a CSV file.

        • csv_file_like_object.write: Transform a beer to a CSV row

          • Transform the data: transformations on first_brewed and volume are performed here.

          • Pick a delimiter: Some of the fields in the dataset contain free text with commas. To prevent conflicts, we pick “|” as the delimiter (another option is to use QUOTE).

      • Insert data (streaming) in db using copy_from (Fastest and low memory but complicated, at least with json)

        • Buffering function

          from typing import Iterator, Optional
          import io
          class StringIteratorIO(io.TextIOBase):
              def __init__(self, iter: Iterator[str]):
                  self._iter = iter
                  self._buff = ''
              def readable(self) -> bool:
                  return True
              def _read1(self, n: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
                  while not self._buff:
                          self._buff = next(self._iter)
                      except StopIteration:
                  ret = self._buff[:n]
                  self._buff = self._buff[len(ret):]
                  return ret
              def read(self, n: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
                  line = []
                  if n is None or n < 0:
                      while True:
                          m = self._read1()
                          if not m:
                      while n > 0:
                          m = self._read1(n)
                          if not m:
                          n -= len(m)
                  return ''.join(line)
          • The regular io.StringIO creates a file-like object but is memory-heavy. This function creates buffer that will feed each line of the file into a buffer, stream it to copy, empty the buffer, and load the next line.
        • Copy to db

          def clean_csv_value(value: Optional[Any]) -> str:
              if value is None:
                  return r'\N'
              return str(value).replace('\n', '\\n')
          def copy_string_iterator(connection, beers: Iterator[Dict[str,
          Any]]) -> None:
              with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                  beers_string_iterator = StringIteratorIO((
                      '|'.join(map(clean_csv_value, (
                      ))) + '\n'
                      for beer in beers
                  cursor.copy_from(beers_string_iterator, 'staging_beers', sep='|')
          • Similar to other code above

Distributed Architectures

  • Misc
    • Notes from An Overview of Distributed PostgreSQL Architectures
    • Features to achieve single node availability, durability, and performance - Replication - Place copies of data on different machines - Distribution - Place partitions of data on different machines - Decentralization - Place different DBMS activities on different machines
    • If transactions take on average 20ms, then a single (interactive) session can only do 50 transactions per second. You then need a lot of concurrent sessions to actually achieve high throughput. Having many sessions is not always practical from the application point-of-view, and each session uses significant resources like memory on the database server. Most PostgreSQL set ups limit the maximum number of sessions in the hundreds or low thousands, which puts a hard limit on achievable transaction throughput when network latency is involved.
  • Network-Attached Block Storage (e.g. EBS)
    • Common technique in cloud-based architectures
    • Database server typically runs in a virtual machine in a Hypervisor, which exposes a block device to the VM. Any reads and writes to the block device will result in network calls to a block storage API. The block storage service internally replicates the writes to 2-3 storage nodes.
    • Pros
      • Higher durability (replication)
      • Higher uptime (replace VM, reattach)
      • Fast backups and replica creation (snapshots)
      • Disk is resizable
    • Cons
      • Higher disk latency (~20μs -> ~1000μs)
      • Lower IOPS (~1M -> ~10k IOPS)
      • Crash recovery on restart takes time
      • Cost can be high
    • Guideline: The durability and availability benefits of network-attached storage usually outweigh the performance downsides, but it’s worth keeping in mind that PostgreSQL can be much faster.
  • Read Replicas
    • The most common way of using a replica is to set it up as a hot standby that takes over when the primary fails in a high availability set up.
    • Helps you scale read throughput when reads are CPU or I/O bottlenecked by load balancing queries across replicas, which achieves linear scalability of reads and also offloads the primary, which speeds up writes!
      • The primary usually does not wait for replication when committing a write, which means read replicas are always slightly behind. That can become an issue when your application does a read that, from the user’s perspective, depends on a write that happened earlier.
      • For example, a user clicks “Add to cart”, which adds the item to the shopping cart and immediately sends the user to the shopping cart page. If reading the shopping cart contents happens on the read replica, the shopping cart might then appear empty. Hence, you need to be very careful about which reads use a read replica.
    • When load balancing between different nodes, clients might repeatedly get connected to different replica and see a different state of the database
    • Powerful tool for scaling reads, but you should consider whether your workload is really appropriate for it.
    • Pros
      • Read throughput scales linearly
      • Low latency stale reads if read replica is closer than primary
      • Lower load on primary
    • Cons
      • Eventual read-your-writes consistency
      • No monotonic read consistency
      • Poor cache usage
    • Guideline: Consider using read replicas when you need >100k reads/sec or observe a CPU bottleneck due to reads, best avoided for dependent transactions and large working sets.
  • DBMS-Optimized Cloud Storage
    • Where DBMS is Database Management Software. (e.g. Aurora)
    • PostgreSQL is not optimized for this architecture
    • While the theory behind DBMS-optimized storage is sound. In practice, the performance benefits are often not very pronounced (and can be negative), and the cost can be much higher than regular network-attached block storage. It does offer a greater degree of flexibility to the cloud service provider, for instance in terms of attach/detach times, because storage is controlled in the data plane rather than the hypervisor.
    • Pros
      • Potential performance benefits by avoiding page writes from primary
      • Replicas can reuse storage, incl. hot standby
      • Can do faster reattach, branching than network-attached storage
    • Cons
      • Write latency is high by default
      • High cost / pricing
      • PostgreSQL is not designed for it, not OSS
    • Guideline: Can be beneficial for complex workloads, but important to measure whether price-performance under load is actually better than using a bigger machine.
  • Active-Active (e.g. BDR)
    • Any node can locally accept writes without coordination with other nodes.
    • It is typically used with replicas in multiple sites, each of which will then see low read and write latency, and can survive failure of other sites.
    • Active-active systems do not have a linear history, even at the row level, which makes them very hard to program against.
    • Pros
      • Very high read and write availability
      • Low read and write latency
      • Read throughput scales linearly
    • Cons
      • Eventual read-your-writes consistency
      • No monotonic read consistency
      • No linear history (updates might conflict after commit)
    • Guideline: Consider only for very simple workloads (e.g. queues) and only if you really need the benefits.
  • Transparent Sharding (e.g. Citus)
    • Tables distributed and/or replicated across multiple primary nodes using a “shard key .”
      • Each node shows the distributed tables as if they were regular PostgreSQL tables and queries
    • Data are located in “shards” which are regular PostgreSQL tables. Joins and foreign keys that include the shard key can be performed locally.
    • Scaling out transactional workloads is most effective when queries have a filter on the shard key, such that they can be routed to a single shard group (e.g. single tenant in a multi-tenant app) or compute-heavy analytical queries that can be parallelized across the shards (e.g. time series / IoT).
    • When loading data, use COPY, instead of INSERT, to avoid waiting for every row.
    • Pros
      • Scale throughput for reads & writes (CPU & IOPS)
      • Scale memory for large working sets
      • Parallelize analytical queries, batch operations
    • Cons
      • High read and write latency
      • Data model decisions have high impact on performance
      • Snapshot isolation concessions
    • Guideline: Use for multi-tenant apps, otherwise use for large working set (>100GB) or compute heavy queries.
  • Distributed Key-Value Stores With SQL (e.g. Yugabyte)
    • A bunch of complicated stuff I don’t understand 😅
    • Tables are stored in the key-value store, with the key being a combination of the table ID and the primary key.
    • Better to use PostgresSQL without this architecture.
    • Pros
      • Good read and write availability (shard-level failover)
      • Single table, single key operations scale well
      • No additional data modeling steps or snapshot isolation concessions
    • Cons
      • Many internal operations incur high latency
      • No local joins in current implementations
      • Not actually PostgreSQL, and less mature and optimized
    • Guideline: Just use PostgreSQL. For simple applications, the availability and scalability benefits can be useful.

Performance Tuning

  • Misc
    • For routine queries/operations, the main performance bottleneck is frequently the lack of proper indexing on the queried data
  • pg_stat_statements
    • An extension that comes as part of PostgreSQL, but needs to be activated

    • Notes from PostgreSQL: Detecting Slow Queries Quickly

    • Activate

      1. Open postgres’ config file, postgresql.conf

      2. Set shared_preload_libraries = ‘pg_stat_statements’ in the file and save.

      3. Restart PostgreSQL

      4. Deploy a View

        test=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
    • Example: Measuring Runtime of Queries

      test=# SELECT substring(query, 1, 40) AS query, calls,
           round(total_exec_time::numeric, 2) AS total_time,
           round(mean_exec_time::numeric, 2) AS mean_time,
           round((100 * total_exec_time / sum(total_exec_time) 
                       OVER ())::numeric, 2) AS percentage
      FROM  pg_stat_statements
      ORDER BY total_exec_time DESC
      LIMIT 10;
                        query                   |  calls  | total_time | mean_time | percentage 
       SELECT  * FROM t_group AS a, t_product A | 1378242 |  128913.80 |      0.09 |      41.81
       SELECT  * FROM t_group AS a, t_product A |  900898 |  122081.85 |      0.14 |      39.59
       SELECT relid AS stat_rel, (y).*, n_tup_i |      67 |   14526.71 |    216.82 |       4.71
       SELECT $1                                | 6146457 |    5259.13 |      0.00 |       1.71
       SELECT  * FROM t_group AS a, t_product A | 1135914 |    4960.74 |      0.00 |       1.61
       /*pga4dash*/                            +|    5289 |    4369.62 |      0.83 |       1.42
       SELECT $1 AS chart_name, pg              |         |            |           | 
       SELECT attrelid::regclass::text, count(* |      59 |    3834.34 |     64.99 |       1.24
       SELECT  *                               +|  245118 |    2040.52 |      0.01 |       0.66
       FROM    t_group AS a, t_product          |         |            |           | 
       SELECT count(*) FROM pg_available_extens |     430 |    1383.77 |      3.22 |       0.45
       SELECT   query_id::jsonb->$1 AS qual_que |      59 |    1112.68 |     18.86 |       0.36
      (10 rows)
      • Query shows how often a certain type of query has been executed and how many milliseconds of total execution time.
      • The percentage of total runtime for each type of query has also been calculated for context.
      • substring was used to make the query shorter for visibility.
        • When you pick a query or group of queries that you want to examine further, you’ll want to see the entire query string.
      • Interpretation: the first two queries already need 80% of the total runtime.
    • Reset the content of the view

      test=# SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();
      (1 row)
    • Example: Measuring I/O Time

      • Tests whether you have a I/O problem (i.e. read/write) or CPU problem

      • If the I/O time is a significant fraction of the total time (e.g. over 25-50%), it means disk performance is the bottleneck.

      • If the I/O time is not a significant portion, then adding more disks/IOPS (disk I/O operations per second) won’t help performance much.

      • Set tracking_io_timing to “on” for a database

        1   test=# ALTER DATABASE test SET track_io_timing = on;
        2   ALTER DATABASE
        • You can also turn it on in postgresql.conf for the entire server
      • Inspect I/O Performance

        test=# SELECT substring(query, 1, 30), 
        FROM    pg_stat_statements 
        ORDER BY blk_read_time + blk_write_time DESC 
        LIMIT 10;
                   substring            |  total_exec_time   |   blk_read_time    | blk_write_time 
         SELECT relid AS stat_rel, (y). | 14526.714420000004 |        9628.731881 |              0
         SELECT attrelid::regclass::tex | 3834.3388820000005 | 1800.8131490000003 |       3.351335
         FETCH 100 FROM c1              |   593.835973999964 | 143.45405699999006 |              0
         SELECT   query_id::jsonb->$1 A |        1112.681625 |  72.39612800000002 |              0
         SELECT   oid::regclass, relkin |         536.750372 | 57.409583000000005 |              0
         INSERT INTO deep_thinker.t_adv |  90.34870800000012 | 46.811619999999984 |              0
         INSERT INTO deep_thinker.t_thi |  72.65854599999999 |          43.621994 |              0
         create database xyz            |          97.532209 |          32.450164 |              0
         WITH x AS (SELECT c.conrelid:: | 46.389295000000004 | 25.007044999999994 |              0
         SELECT * FROM (SELECT relid::r | 511.72187599999995 | 23.482600000000005 |              0
        (10 rows)
        • Compares the total_exec_time (total execution time) to the time used up for I/O.
      • An additional option is to look the temp_blks_read and temp_blks_written fields

        • This is for analyzing temporary I/O which includes operations like sorting, hashing, etc.
        • Note that increasing the work_mem parameter, which allows more data to be processed in memory, may not solve temporary I/O issues.
      • If I/O timing is a small portion of total_exec_time and temp_blks are low, it points to a CPU bottleneck. But if I/O timing is high compared to total_exec_time, the disk I/O is likely the bottleneck.