

  • Notes from
  • Packages
    • {shinyMobile} - Integrates the Framework7 mobile app framework that’s designed for Mobile-First applications
    • {apexcharter} - Fast interactive charts
  • The Server part of the Shiny app remains the same.
  • Apple App Store submission process involves setting up an Apple Developer account, paying the annual developer fee, and submitting your app for review.
  • Troubleshooting
    • Provisioning Profiles: Make sure your developer account is correctly set up, and you have the right provisioning profiles for development and distribution.
    • App Performance: Check that your app performs well on actual devices, not just in simulators or as a web app.


  • Layout
    • f7Page this sets up your mobile page
    • f7TabLayout This is the type of mobile layout. I prefer the Tab layout.
      • f7Navbar sets up the navigation bar for your mobile app
    • f7Tabs These expose tabs at the bottom of the mobile screen. They are swipeable so the app actually feels like a mobile app.
      • f7Tab: Each tab can be added that includes shiny content like inputs and outputs
    • f7Card: I use cards to house pieces of content like plots (in this case my portfolio growth plot)

Native Containers

  • To to install an app on an iPhone, Android, etc. you need to wrap it in a native container.
  • Capacitor
    • Website

    • VS Code Extension

    • Dependencies (Docs)

      • Android
        • Android Studio
        • An Android SDK installation
      • iOS
        • Xcode
        • Xcode Command Line Tools
        • Homebrew
        • Cocoapods
    • Example: iOS containter

      1npm install @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli
      2npx cap init MyApp <appId>
      3# Integrate Capacitor with Your Framework7 Project
      4npx cap add ios
      5npx cap copy
      Set Up Capacitor
      Create Capacitor Project
      If your Framework7 project was set up using a specific build tool (like Webpack or Vite), follow the integration steps specific to that setup. Essentially, you’ll be configuring Capacitor to use the output directory of your web app as its webDir.
      Add iOS as a Platform
      Build Your Project: First, build your Framework7 project, then update Capacitor with the latest web assets
      • Docs show a slightly different install procedure which uses a -D flag for the cli install

      • appId: Specifies the app’s identifier. The id should be in a reverse-DNS format however, only alphanumeric and dot characters are allowed. e.g: com.example.myapp. Maps to id attribute of widget element in capacitor.config.ts

      • Docs show an alternative command, npx cap init, which takes you through as series of questions about your app so it can fill out your config

      • In order to add iOS (or Android), you have to install their platforms

        npm i @capacitor/android @capacitor/ios
      • Docs show npx cap sync instead of copy, but actually sync runs copy and update. So, it’s pretty much the same thing when you’re intiating an app. (Command Reference)

  • Apache Cordova
    • Website

    • List of Cordova requirements for each platform: cordova requirements

    • Example: iOS container

      1npm install -g cordova
      2cordova create myapp <id> <app title>
      cd myapp
      3cordova platform add ios
      4# Add app files to www
      5cordova build ios
      Install Cordova
      Create a Cordova Project
      Add iOS as a Platform
      Place your Framework7 app files into the www directory of the newly created Cordova project — replacing the existing files.
      Build the iOS App
      • id: Specifies the app’s identifier. The id should be in a reverse-DNS format however, only alphanumeric and dot characters are allowed. e.g: com.example.myapp. Maps to id attribute of widget element in config.xml
      • app title: Application’s display title that maps name element in config.xml file
    • Project Structure

      |-- config.xml
      |-- merges/
      | | |-- android/
      | | |-- ios/
      |-- www/
      |-- platforms/
      | |-- android/
      | |-- ios/
      |-- plugins/
        |-- cordova-plugin-camera/


  • Apple’s IDE for creating native macOS, iOS, and iPadOS applications. You can install Xcode by using the Apple App Store on your Mac
  • Set-Up
    • Install CLI and Verify Installation

      xcode-select --install
      xcode-select -p
      # /Applications/
  • Steps
    1. Open the Project in Xcode:
      • For Cordova: Open the .xcworkspace in the platforms/ios/ folder.
      • For Capacitor: Open the .xcworkspace inside the ios folder.
    2. Run the App: Connect your iPhone to your Mac, select your device in Xcode, and hit the run button to build and run the app on your device. You might need to configure your developer settings and provisioning profiles via Xcode if it’s your first time running an app on a physical device.