

  • Packages

    • {quarto}
    • {{brand_yml}} - Create reports, apps, dashboards, plots and more that match your company’s brand guidelines with a single _brand.yml file
      • For Quarto dashboards, websites, reports, etc.
      • For Python shiny, seaborn, matplotlib, etc.
      • For R shiny, ggplot2, plot, RMarkdown
    • {froggeR} - Reusable templates and project structures
      • Enhanced Quarto Project Creation
        • Creates skeleton of project files. These files can also be created with individual functions (See below)
      • Reusable YAML Headers
      • Templated Documents
      • .gitignore, SCSS, RProj, README templates
    • {litedown} - A lightweight version of R Markdown
      • Control number of rows printed (source)
        • Global

          options(xfun.md_table.limit = N)
          • Where N is the number of the maximum number of rows you want printed.
        • Chunk

          ```{r print.args = list(data.frame = list(limit = N)}
          # stuff
          • You can substitute ‘data.frame’ with the class of your data object to be printed
    • {cocoon} - Extract, Format, and Print Statistical Output into inline Rmd/qmd documents
  • Resources

  • Tools

    • qvm - Quarto Version Manager
  • quarto --version - Must be in RStudio Terminal

  • quarto check - Must be in RStudio Terminal - versions and engine checks

    $ quarto check
    [>] Checking versions of quarto binary dependencies...
          Pandoc version 3.1.1: OK
          Dart Sass version 1.55.0: OK
    [>] Checking versions of quarto dependencies......OK
    [>] Checking Quarto installation......OK
          Version: 1.3.340
          Path: C:\Users\tbats\AppData\Local\Programs\Quarto\bin
          CodePage: 1252
    [>] Checking basic markdown render....OK
    [>] Checking Python 3 installation....OK
          Version: 3.8.1 (Conda)
          Path: C:/Users/tbats/Miniconda3/python.exe
          Jupyter: 4.9.1
          Kernels: python3
    (\) Checking Jupyter engine render....2023-04-28 10:18:15,018 - traitlets - WARNING - Kernel
    Provisioning: The 'local-provisioner' is not found.  This is likely due to the presence of multiple jupyter_client distributions and a        previous distribution is being used as the source for entrypoints - which does not include 'local-provisioner'.  That distribution should     be removed such that only the version-appropriate distribution remains (version >= 7) Until then, a 'local-provisioner' entrypoint will     be automatically constructed and used.
    The candidate distribution locations are: ['C:\\Users\\tbats\\Miniconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\jupyter_client-5.3.4.dist-info',                'C:\\Users\\tbats\\Miniconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\jupyter_client-7.0.6.dist-info']
    [>] Checking Jupyter engine render....OK
    [>] Checking R installation...........OK
          Version: 4.2.3
          Path: C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-42~1.3
            - C:/Users/tbats/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2
            - C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.3/library
          knitr: 1.42
          rmarkdown: 2.20
    [>] Checking Knitr engine render......OK
  • CLI

    • quarto render to compile a document
    • quarto preview to render a live preview that automatically updates when the source files are saved
  • Using a development verison of Quarto

    • First Usage
      • Change directories to where you want to store the dev version

      • Clone repo and change to the cloned directory

        git clone https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli
        cd quarto-cli
      • Disable Anti-Virus

      • Run Configuration Script

        • Windows Command Prompt

          cmd /k configure.cmd
          • \k keeps the window open in case it errors
        • Powershell

          Invoke-Item configure.cmd
        • Linux/MacOS

        • This will take a minute or two as it checks versions, installs dependencies like pandoc, etc.

      • Add path to quarto.cmd to PATH

        • After the configuration file runs, it will output the path you need to put on PATH, e.g. "C:\Users\erc\Documents\Quarto\quarto-cli\package\dist\bin"
      • Enable Anti-Virus

      • Should be able to use in RStudio

        • I was not able to use the RStudio terminal for quarto commands (e.g. quarto check) though.
        • To find the version, I just opened powershell and ran quarto –version just to make sure it was running and on PATH.
          • Not sure if they use this every time but it was 99.9.9 instead of the verion in the changelog.
        • I also rendered a qmd file using quarto-cmd from the root directory of quarto-cli to see if it matched the output from RStudio. (cd qmd then quarto preview forecasting-statistical.qmd --to html --no-watch-inputs --no-browse)
    • Subsequent Development Versions
      • Change directory to quarto-cli and git pull
  • Shortcuts

    • New R chunk: ctrl + alt + i
    • Build whole book: ctrl+shift b
    • Render page and preview book: ctrl+shift k
  • Using yaml style for chunk options

  • Convert Rmd chunk options to Quarto: knitr::convert_chunk_header("doc.rmd", "doc.qmd")

  • Anchor Link - A link, which allows the users to flow through a website page. It helps to scroll and skim-read easily. A named anchor can be used to link to a different part of the same page (like quickly navigating) or to a specific section of another page.

    • This is the “#sec-moose” id that can be added to headers which it allows to be referenced within the document or in other documents.
  • MathJax commands

    • Font Size: \tiny{ }, \scriptsize{ }, \small{ }, \normal{ }, \large{ }, \Large{ }, \LARGE{ }, \huge{ }, \Huge{ }
  • Lightbox

    • Docs
    • Grouping images for lightbox carousel: ![A Lovely Image](mv-1.jpg){group="my-gallery"}
    • For a book project, you should set quarto options at the outer most level in _quarto.yml (e.g. not under format >> html)
  • Foldable (non-executable) Code Blocks

    • HTML Tags

      <summary>Code: My non-executable code</summary>
      ``` r
      # code
  • Add an animated gif

    ```{r, echo = FALSE}
                            error = FALSE)
  • Using variables and highlighting text

    ```{epoxy, .data=text_data_chunk_1_3}
    In {year}, measles elimination was <span class = "txt-navy">achieved</span> in {nb_achieved} countries in the WHO region, while it was <span class = "txt-yellow">re-established</span> in ...


  • Inline code

    -   Total number of counties: **`{r} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> distinct(county_name) |> count()`**
    -   Total number of polling places: **`{r} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> count()`**
    -   Election Day: **`{r} polling_places |> filter(state == "Alabama") |> pull(election_date) |> unique()`**
    • To escape backticks in inline code, you have to use double-backticks instead of single backticks

      • Example: To get "`"\$(\$file.FullName)`""

        `` "`"\$(\$file.FullName)`"" ``
  • Align code chunk under bullet and add indented comment below chunk

    -   [Example]{.ribbon-highlight} (using a SQL Query; method 1)
        ``` r
        # open dataset
        ds <- arrow::open_dataset(dir_out, partitioning = "species")
        # open connection to DuckDB
        con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())
        # register the dataset as a DuckDB table, and give it a name
        duckdb::duckdb_register_arrow(con, "my_table", ds)
        # query
        dbGetQuery(con, "
          SELECT sepal_length, COUNT(*) AS n
          FROM my_table
          WHERE species = 'species=setosa'
          GROUP BY sepal_length
        # clean up
        duckdb_unregister(con, "my_table")
        -   filtering using a partition, the WHERE format is '\<partition_variable\>=\<partition_value\>'
    • Space between bullet and top ticks
    • Space between bottom ticks and bullet
    • Note alignment of text
  • Add Code Annotations

    -   [Partition a large file and write to arrow format]{.underline}
        ``` r
        lrg_file <- open_dataset(<file_path>, format = "csv") # <1>
        lrg_file %>%
            group_by(var) %>% # <2>
            write_dataset(<output_dir>, format = "feather") # <3>
        1.  Pass the file path to `open_dataset()`
        2.  Use `group_by()` to partition the Dataset into manageable chunks
        3.  Use `write_dataset()` to write each chunk to a separate Parquet file---all without needing to read the full CSV file into R
        -   `open_dataset` is fast because it only reads the metadata of the file system to determine how it can construct queries
  • Footnote

    words [^1]
    [^1]: Data from https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday
  • For PDF output, you need pagebreaks:

    {{< pagebreak >}}
  • Reference Figure

    1 See polling place locations in @fig-statemap.


  • Set global chunk options in yaml

    • For code cells

        echo: false
        message: false
        warning: false
  • Enable Margin Notes

    # YAML front matter
    reference-location: margin
  • !expr to render code within chunk options

    • e.g. figure caption: #| fig-cap: !expr glue::glue("The mean temperature was {mean(airquality$Temp) |> round()}")
  • column: screen-inset yaml markup is used to show a very wide table

  • If you haven’t set your Quarto document to be self-contained, then the images have also already been saved for you - probably in a folder called documentname_files/figure-html/

        embed-resources: true
  • Date first published and date modified using the current date:

    date: 2024-01-01
    date-modified: today
  • YAML Examples

    • Example
  • For Standalone HTML Documents with htmlwidgets, make sure to set embed-resources: true

        embed-resources: true

Chunk Options

  • Graphics

    • Code Chunk

      #| label: "fig-statemap"
      #| dpi: 300
      #| fig.height: 7.2
      #| fig.width: 3.6
      #| dev: "png"
      #| echo: false
      #| warning: false
      #| message: false
      • Example shows settings for a graph for mobile
      • fig.height and fig.width are always given in inches
    • Set Figure Height and Width Dynamically

      if(params$country == "Somalia") {
        map_width <- 5
        map_height <- 4
      } else {
      stuff and more stuff
      |# fig-width: !expr map_width + .5
      |# fig-height: !expr map_height
  • Dynamic Fig Captioning (via rmflight)

    #| label: fig-each
    #| fig-cap: !expr glue::glue('Number of things in {multi}.')
    #| fig-keep: all
    purrr::walk(multi, \(in_item){
        tmp = big_df |>
                   dplyr::filter(value %in% in_item)
        print(ggplot(tmp, aes()) + geom_point())
  • Conditional Code Chunk Evaluation

    • Example: document output type

      • Set value in a code chunk

        ```{r setup}
        # Include in first chunk of .qmd
        # Get output file type
        out_type <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")
      • Use !expr sytax to determine evaluation status

        • Example: eval chunk based on output type

          #| eval: !expr out_type == "html"
          # code to create interactive {plotly}
          #| eval: !expr out_type == "docx"
          # code to create static {ggplot2}
    • Example: Use parameterization to set value

      title: "test"
      format: html
        my_value: false
      • my_value can then be used throughout the document to determine chunk evaluation status
  • Knitr Hooks

    • Notes from Writing knitr hooks
      • Also has a knitr hook example that alters cell output (e.g. only prints 4 lines of a vector)
    • Chunk Hooks
      • Chunk hooks get called twice: once before knitr executes the code in the chunk, and once again afterwards

      • The function can take up to four arguments, all of which are optional:

        • before: A logical value indicating whether the function is being called before or after the code chunk is executed
        • options: The list of chunk options
        • envir: The environment in which the code chunk is executed
        • name: The name of the code chunk option that triggered the hook function
      • The chunk hook is called for its side effects not the return value. However, if it returns a character output, knitr will add that output to the document output as-is.

      • Example: Chunk Timer

        • Code

          create_timer_hook <- function() {
            start_time <- NULL
            function(before, options) {
              if (before) {
                start_time <<- Sys.time()
              } else {
                stop_time <- Sys.time()
                elapsed <- difftime(stop_time, start_time, units = "secs")
                  "<div style='font-size: 70%; text-align: right'>",
                  "Elapsed time:", 
                  round(elapsed, 2), 
          knitr::knit_hooks$set(timer = create_timer_hook())
          • The hook is triggered the first time (with before = TRUE) to record the system time somewhere (e.g., in a variable called start_time). Then, when the hook is triggered the second time (with before = FALSE), it records the system time again (e.g., as stop_time), and computes the difference in time.
        • Use in a cell

          #| timer: true
        • Output

Multiple Programming Languages

  • If only R or R and Python, the notebook is rendered by {knitr}

  • If only Python, the notebook is rendered by jupyter

  • Set-up

    • {reticulate} automatically comes loaded in Quarto and it knows to use it when it sees a python block, so you don’t need to load the package
    • Quarto will select a version of Python using the Python Launcher on Windows or system PATH on MacOS and Linux. You can override the version of Python used by Quarto by setting the QUARTO_PYTHON environment variable.
      • In CLI on Windows, type py is see which version the Python Launcher , and therefore Quarto, is using and py –list to see which versions are installed.
  • R

    #| label: read-data
    #| echo: true
    #| message: false
    #| cache: true
    lemurs <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2021/2021-08-24/lemur_data.csv')
  • Python

    #| label: modelling 
    #| echo: true 
    #| message: false
    lemur_data_py = r.lemur_data 
    import statsmodels.api as sm 
    y = lemur_data_py[["Weight"]] 
    x = lemur_data_py[["Age"]] 
    x = sm.add_constant(x) 
    mod = sm.OLS(y, x).fit() 
    lemur_data_py["Predicted"] = mod.predict(x) 
    lemur_data_py["Residuals"] = mod.resid`
    • Use r. to access the data in the R chunk
    • The first execution of a python cell starts reticulate::repl_python() in the terminal
  • (back to) R

    #| label: plotting 
    #| echo: true 
    #| output-location: slide 
    #| message: false 
    #| fig-align: center 
    #| fig-alt: "Scatter plot of predicted and residual values for the fitted linear model." 
    lemur_residuals <- py$lemur_data_py 
    ggplot(data = lemur_residuals, aes(x = Predicted, y = Residuals)) +
      geom_point(colour = "#2F4F4F") +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0,
                colour = "red") +
      theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#eaf2f2", colour = "#eaf2f2"),
            plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#eaf2f2", colour = "#eaf2f2"))
    • Use py$ to access the data in the Python chunk *
    • Must call library(reticulate) in order for Quarto to recognize py$
  • Use embed shortcode to add more than one programming language engine to a document (source)

        embed-resources: true
    engine: knitr
    ::: {.panel-tabset .nav-pills}
    ## R
    print("Hello World, from R")
    #| fig-align: "center"
    x <- seq(-10,10, by = 0.1)
    y <- x ^ 3
    plot(x, y, type = "l")
    ## Python
    {{< embed python-code-using-jupyter-python3-engine.qmd echo=true >}}
    ## Stata
    {{< embed stata-code-using-jupyter-nbstata-engine.qmd echo=true >}}
    ## Julia
    {{< embed julia-code-using-julia-engine.qmd echo=true >}}


  • 2 cols (1 col: text, 1 col: image)

    ::: {layout="[50,50]"}
    ::: column
    Every Quarto project starts with a Quarto file that has the extension `.qmd`.
    This particular one analyzes children's early words, but every `.qmd` includes the same three basic elements inside:
    - A block of metadata at the top, between two fences of `---`s. This is written in [YAML](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/). 
    - Narrative text, written in [Markdown](https://commonmark.org/help/tutorial/). 
    - Code chunks in gray between two fences of ```` ``` ````, written with R or another programming language.
    You can use all three elements to develop your code and ideas in one reproducible document.
  • 2 figures, 2 columns (i.e. side-by-side) with captions at the top

    fig-cap-location: top
    -   Words
        -   Predictions of Standard RF vs Oblique RF
            ::: {layout-ncol="2"}
            ![Standard Random Forest](_resources/Regression,_Survival.resources/ml-rf-obl-vs-axis-axpred-1.png){fig-align="left" width="432"}
            ![Oblique Random Forest](_resources/Regression,_Survival.resources/ml-rf-obl-vs-axis-oblpred-1.png){fig-align="left" width="432"}
            -   Words  
    • fig-cap-location: bottom is default;
    • fig-cap-location: margin is buggy, at least in for project type book. Captions are added to the margins but bullet points mysteriously disappear during rendering to html
  • 2 charts side-by-side extending past body margins

    #| label: my-figure
    #| layout-ncol: 2
    #| column: page
    ggplot() + ...
    ggplot() + ...
    • “layout-ncol” says 2 side-by-side columns
    • “column: page” says extend column width to the width of the page
  • Tabs

    -   Stuff
        -   More Stuff
    ::: panel-tabset
    ## tab title 1
    ``` r
    # code
    ## tab title 2
    ``` r
    # other code
    -  Thoughts
    -   Stuff
  • Nested Tabs

  • Callout Blocks

    • Resources

    • Example: Todo

      ::: {.callout-note collapse="true"}
      ## todo
      1.  Finish video
          -   Currently working on: multinomial
      2.  Figure out exactly what $e$ is in the weight formula
      3.  Organize note
      4.  Transfer PS Matching section from econometrics-general
    • Example: Caution

      ::: callout-caution
      This note is unfinished. I still have more to add, and the concepts need to be organized.
  • Landscape Mode

    • Docs

    • In docx, pdf, and typst formats, you can set portions of the document to landscape mode by wrapping the content around a fenced div

    • Syntax

      This will appear in portrait mode.
      ::: {.landscape}
      This will appear in landscape.
      This will appear in portrait mode again.


  • Misc

    • Using External R FIles (source)
      • Use source

      • Chunk Option

        #| file: R/functions.R
        • Also see Include shortcode below
        • The file path should be relative to where your Quarto document is, and you need to make sure you set eval: true either in the code block, or document-wide.
    • Use dataframes as parameter inputs
      • Not recommended. Should used files (e.g. csvs) instead.

      • Using serialization

      • Using get

        title: "Data as a parameter"
          dataset: "mtcars"
  • Include shortcode to copy/paste the content of another quarto document (Docs, Article)

    • Relative references (links, images, etc.) inside the included file resolve based on the directory of the main file not the included file

    • Need to appear by themselves in a line, and they need to be surrounded by empty lines. This means that you cannot use an include shortcode inside markdown syntax (such as an item in a bulleted list).

    • Use cases: block of text, code cells

    • Example: Text

      • Source Document (_snippets/state-intro.qmd)

        In this document, we cover facts that are unique to the state, like the state's population, its flower, and animal.
        • So text that we want to appear at the top of multiple documents
      • Main Document

        title: New York
        {{< include _snippets/state-intro.qmd >}}
        New York has a geographical size of 54,555, making it the 27th largest state with an estimated population size of 19.8 million.
        The state's flower is the Rose, as shown below:
    • Example: Text with parameters

      • Source Document (_snippets/facts.qmd)

        {{< meta state >}} covers approximately {{< meta square-miles >}} making it the {{< meta size-rank >}} largest state in the United States. As of 2023, {{< meta state >}} has an approximate population of about {{< meta population >}}.
        • state, square-miles, size-rank, and population are parameters whose values will be set in the the main document.
      • Main Document

        title: New York
        state-abbr: ny
        state: New York
        size-rank: 27th
        square-miles: 54,555
        population: 19.8 million
        flower: Rose
        {{< include _snippets/facts.qmd >}}
        {{< meta state >}}'s official flower is the {{< meta flower >}}, pictured below:
        ![The official {{< meta state >}} state flower, the {{< meta flower >}}](../images/{{< meta state-abbr >}}/flower.png)
        • The text from the source document is transferred to the main document and the parameter values set in the yaml will be inserted into appropriate shortcode locations.

        • Meta variables are also used in image captions and file paths

    • Using External Quarto Files (Docs):

      {{< include file.qmd >}}
  • Iteration and Parameterization

    • Misc

      • Notes from

      • Might need to use fs::file_move to move processed reports to another folder.

        • You can also use Quarto Project and its _quarto.yml file to specify a directory

            output-dir: "Outputs"
          • If you’re publishing your document on GitHub Pages (but not using GitHub Actions to render the documents), then setting output-dir: "docs" will make for easier set up.
        • Helper function that moves rendered files with base R file maintenance functions

      • Check the number of pages generated is correct (source)

        purrr::walk(list.files("generated_reports/", full.names = TRUE),
                    function (x) {
                      pdf_length <- pdftools::pdf_length(x)
                      if (pdf_length != 6) {
                        print(paste0(x, " reports ERROR"))
                      } else {
                        print("All reports have correct number of pages")
      • Plot Bug During Iteration (source, github issue)

        • When using walk, plots get overwritten in the loop and either none show up or only the last one shows up in the document.

        • Solution: Set Embed Resources in YAML

              embed-resources: true
    • It involves having a “child” document as a template and running it repeatedly with different parameters

    • The “main” document includes the output from the child document

    • Rendering Options

      • CLI: e.g. quarto render polling-places-report.qmd -P state:'California'

      • {quarto}:

          input = here::here("polling-places-report.qmd"),
          execute_params = list(state = "California")
          # execute_params = yaml::yaml.load_file("params.yml")
        • YAML files can be used to deliver parameter values
    • Example: Create a report for each parameter value. In each report, use the parameter value (e.g. state) to iterate through a template file that makes a tables (1 for each county) based on that value.

    • Main Report Document

      title: "Polling Places Report - `r params$state`"
        state: "California"
      #| results: hide
      counties <- polling_places |> 
        filter(state == params$state) |> 
        distinct(county_name) |> 
      expanded_child <- 
        counties |> 
          purrr::map(\(county) {
                               current_county = county))
      parsed_child <- knitr::knit_child(text = unlist(expanded_child))
      `{{r}} parsed_child`
      • The document that gets published, emailed, etc.
      • params specified in YAML
        • Value can also be used in the title of the document via inline R code
      • Each county is iterated through the child document (_template.qmd) via current_county variable and knit_expand
      • parsed_child is a list of the template file outputs.
      • Then, parsed_child is converted to a character vector by unlist and all the results are printed in the document by the inline R code
    • Child Document (i.e. Template)

      ### {{current_county}} COUNTY
      -   Total Polling Places: `{r} polling_places |> filter(state == params$state, county_name == "{{current_county}}") |> count()`
      -   Example Locations:
      polling_places |> 
        filter(state == params$state, 
               county_name == "{{current_county}}") |> 
        head(6) |> 
        select(name, address.x) |> 
        kbl(format = "markdown")
      • Parameter value is used to get county data and create tables for each.
      • No YAML is necessary in child document
        • params values are automatically available through knitr::knit_expand that’s executed in the Main document
      • The county variable is utilized by the template file using the double curly braces, {{current_county}}
      • kbl outputs in markdown format so the table is correctly rendered in the Main document.
    • Rendering Script

      • Example

        polling_places <-
          readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "geocoded_polling_places.csv"))
        # create quarto::render arguments df
        polling_places_reports <-
          polling_places |>
          dplyr::distinct(state) |>
          dplyr::slice_head(n = 5) |>
            output_format = "html",
            output_file = paste0(tolower(state),
            execute_params = purrr::map(state,
                                        \(state) list(state = state))
          ) |>
          # default output is html, so that variable not selected
          dplyr::select(output_file, execute_params) 
        # iterate through args and create reports
          .l = polling_places_reports,
          .f = quarto::quarto_render,
          input = here::here("main_report_document.qmd"),
          .progress = TRUE
        • Creates a report for each params value (e.g. state)
        • Generates a dataframe for each set of arguments to be fed to quarto::quarto_render.
      • Example

        gapminder_params <- expand.grid(
          years = unique(gapminder$year),
          continents = unique(gapminder$continent)
          .x = gapminder_params$years,
          .y = gapminder_params$continents,
          .f = ~quarto_render(
            input = "example.qmd",
            output_file = glue("report_{.x}_{.y}_{Sys.Date()}.html"),
            execute_params = list(
              choose_year = .x,
              choose_continent = .y


  • Alternative to LaTeX for formatting pdfs

  • Resources

  • Notes from

  • Comparison with LaTeX

    • LaTeX

      \geometry{a4paper, total={170mm,257mm}, left=20mm, top=20mm, bottom=20mm, right=50mm}
      • Advantages
        • You want to include equations (currently easier in LaTeX)
        • (Currently) more flexibility with images and tables
    • Typst

      set page(
        margin: (left: 2cm, right: 1.5cm, top: 2cm, bottom: 2cm),
        background: place(right + top, rect(
          fill: rgb("#E6E6FA"),
          height: 100%,
          width: 3cm,
      • Advantages

        • Easier to learn
        • More informative error messages
        • No extra installations
        • Speed
  • Font

    title: "My document"
        mainfont: "Cascadia Code"
  • Template

    • Example 1
      • YAML

        title: "My document"
                - typst-template.typ
                - typst-show.typ
        • typst-show.typ takes the variables from the quarto document and passes them to typst

        • typst-template.typ - Once typst has the quarto variables, it creates this template which is used to create the pdf

      • Show

        #show: article.with(
          title: "$title$",
        # another example with a param town in quarto yaml
        #show: psc-report.with(
            title: "$title$",
            town: "$params.town$",
        • Says if there’s a title in the qmd, then create a variable, title, with its value
      • Template

        #let article(
          // The document title.
          title: "Some title",
          // The document content.
        ) = {
          // Set document metadata.
          set document(title: title)
          // Links should be purple.
          show link: set text(rgb("#800080"))
          // Title.
          text(weight: 800, upper(title))
    • Example 2 (source)
      • Show

        #show: psc-report.with(
            title: "$title$",
            town: "$params.town$",
        • Sets variables for title metadata and town param from quarto YAML
      • Template


        #let psc-report(
          title: "title",
          town: "town",
        ) = {
          // text style for whole report
          set text(
           font: "Open Sans",
           size: 12pt,
          set page(
            // dimensions of document
            "us-letter", // or "a4"
            margin: (left: 1in, 
                     right: 1in, 
                     top: 0.7in, 
                     bottom: 1in),
            // places blue rectangle in header
                    rect(fill: rgb("15397F"), // hex-code for color
                         width: 100%, 
                         height: 0.5in
            // creates layout for text in header rectangle
            header: align(
                columns: (80%, 20%), // div sizes for title, town text
                // title text properties
                      text(size: 20pt, 
                           fill: white, 
                           weight: "bold", 
                // town text properties
                      text(size: 12pt, 
                           fill: white, 
                           weight: "bold", 
            // page number, image
            footer: align(
                columns: (40%, 60%), // page number, graphic
                      text(fill: rgb("15397F"), 
                      size: 12pt, 
                      counter(page).display("1"))), // sets page number
                            height: 300%)
  • Extensions

    • Installing the extension downloads a .typ file with some styling
    • Usage
      • Example: dept-news extension

        title: "Chemistry Department"
          dept-news-typst: default


  • Set-Up

    • Install the extension alongside your blog post by running quarto add coatless/quarto-webr
    • Add the extension to your blog by adding filters: ["webr"] to your post’s frontmatter
    • Instead of {r} code chunks, use {webr-r} ones
  • Install CRAN packages on page load

      - "webr"
      - "dplyr"
      - "tidyr"
      - "purrr"
      - "tibble"
      - "crayon"
    • Add to frontmatter
  • Install R-Universe Package

    #| context: setup
    webr::install("collateral", repos = c("https://jimjam-slam.r-universe.dev"))
    • R-Universe packages must be installed in code cells


  • Resources
  • Commands
    • Extension Install: quarto add username/repository
    • List exensions in a project: quarto list extensions
    • Remove: quarto remove username/repository
    • Update: quarto update username/repository
  • sverto - Lets you seamlessly write and include Svelte components, like charts and other visuals, in your Quarto website and documents.
    • It’s like adding shiny inputs and charts with just some js code.
  • closeread (video) - Scrollytelling
    • Rennie example (code, source)

      • Clean look with text and visuals separated
      • Shows how scrolling can zoom into different areas of a chart
  • Icons
  • animate (library) - CSS text animations
  • elevator (library)- Adds a back-to-the-top button at the bottom of the page. Can add a .mp3 to play a sound while the page returns to the top
  • nutshell - Opens a window that includes only the snippet you need, not the whole page. Plus, instead of being lost in a jungle of new tabs, your reader stays on one page, keeping their flow of reading
  • social-share - Add buttons to share articles on various social media platforms
  • bluesky-comments - When someone visits your [Quarto] web page, any replies to the linked post are pulled from Bluesky and shown directly in the page
  • custom-callout - Allows you to customize callouts through yaml settings instead of inside the callout code or through css/scss.


  • Misc

    • Packages
      • {summarywidget} - Works with Crosstalk to display a single summary statistic. The statistic updates when the Crosstalk selection changes.
        • A SummaryWidget can display the count, sum or mean of one column of selected data. It can also have a fixed filter that selects a subset of the full dataset.
      • {kpiwidget} - Works with crosstalk to display key performance indicators (KPIs) in Quarto dashboards. Extends {summarywidget}
        • Offers “count”, “distinctCount”, “duplicates”, “sum”, “mean”, “min”, “max” as well as comparison modes (“ratio” and “share”) that let you compare groups within your data. 
    • Resources
    • Notes from Velasquez talk
    • Both interactive JavaScript-based plots and standard raster based plots are supported.
    • Deployment Types
      • Static: Rendered a single time (e.g.when underlying data won’t ever change)
      • Scheduled: Rendered on a schedule (e.g. via cron job) to accommodate changing data.
      • Parameterized: Variations of static or scheduled dashboards based on parameters.
      • Interactive: Fully interactive dashboard using Shiny (requires a server for deployment).
  • YAML

    • Basic

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
      format: dashboard
    • Logo and Nav-Buttons

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
          logo: images/car.png
            - reddit
            - icon: gitlab
              href: https://gitlab.com/ivelasq
    • Add Shiny Interactivity

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
          orientation: rows
      server: shiny
    • Bootswatch Themes

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
          theme: united
      server: shiny
    • CSS and SCSS files

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
          theme: style.scss
      server: shiny
  • Layouts

    • Using the YAML: Rows or Columns

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
          orientation: rows
      #| title: "Plot 1"
      #| title: "Plot 2"
      • orientation: columns for columns format
    • Using Headings: Multiple Rows

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
      format: dashboard
      ## Row
      Here is my dashboard:
      ## Row
      #| title: "Plot 1"
      #| title: "Plot 2"
    • Using Headings: Rows and Columns

      title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
      format: dashboard
      ## Row
      Here is my dashboard:
      ## Row
      ### Column
      #| title: "Plot 1"
      #| title: "Plot 2"
      ### Column
      #| title: "Plot 3"
      • 2 rows where the second row has 2 columns and the 1st column has 2 plots
      • Sub-layouts determined by h2 and h3 headers
  • Tabsets

    ### Column {.tabset}
    #| title: "Plot 1"
    #| title: "Plot 2"
  • Pages

    title: "My first Quarto dashboard"
    format: dashboard
    ## Row
    Here is my dashboard:
    # Page 1
    #| title: "Plot 1"
    #| title: "Plot 2"
    # Page 2
    #| title: "Plot 3"
    • Pages syntax uses h1 headers
    • h2 row specification at the top means that row is present in both pages
  • Text

    • Only-Text

      ::: {.card}
      This text will be displayed within a card
    • With Cell

      ::: {.card}
      Above is my plot.
  • Value Boxes

    ## Row
    ::: {.valuebox color="#F52A32"}
    Last updated:
    `{{r}} Sys.Date()`
    #| content: valuebox
    #| title: "Spam per day"
    n <- mtcars |> tibble::as_tibble() |> dplyr::count() |> dplyr::pull(n)
      icon = "trash",
      color = "#F52A32",
      value = n
  • Inputs

    • Sidebar

      ## {.sidebar}
      Sidebar text here!
    • Add Shiny interactivity

      #| context: setup
      ## {.sidebar}
          "Choose a variable:",
          choices = names(mtcars)
      ## Column
      ### Row
      Here is my dashboard:
      ### Row
      #| title: "Plot 2"
      #| context: server
      output$variablePlot <- renderPlot({
        yVar <- mtcars[[input$variableChoice]]
        plot(mtcars$index, yVar)
      • Need server: shiny in the YAML (See YAML section)