

  • Resources
    • Heiss guide on setting up a caddy server on a Digital Ocean droplet with Docker and {plumber}
  • Differences between caddy and nginx (ChatGPT 3.5)
    • Configuration:
      • Nginx uses a complex, block-based configuration language, which can be challenging for beginners.

      • Caddy uses a simpler, declarative configuration file called the Caddyfile.

    • Automatic HTTPS:
      • Nginx requires manual configuration for HTTPS and certificate management.

      • Caddy automatically obtains and manages TLS certificates, making it easier to secure your website.

    • Plugins:
      • Nginx has a vast ecosystem of third-party modules, but adding these can increase complexity.

      • Caddy has built-in modules for common tasks like logging, rate limiting, and authentication, reducing reliance on external tools.

    • Performance:
      • Both are performant, but benchmarks often show Caddy with a slight edge in low-resource situations.
    • Ease of use:
      • Caddy is generally considered easier to learn and use due to its simpler configuration and focus on automation.

      • Nginx has a steeper learning curve but offers more control for experienced users.