

  • Examples of using numeric indexes to subset dfs
    • indexes >> Syntax for using indexes
    • select
    • filtering >> .loc/.iloc
  • df.head(8) to see the first 8 rows
  • is like str in R
  • df.describe() is like summary in R
    • include='all' to include string columns


  • a vector with an index (ordered data object)

    s = pd.Series([20, 21, 12],
                  index=['London', 'New York', 'Helsinki'])
    >> s
    London      20
    New York    21
    Helsinki    12
    dtype: int64
  • Misc

    • Two Pandas Series with the same elements in a different order are not the same object
    • List vs Series: list can only use numeric indexes, while the Pandas Series also allows textual indexes.
  • Args

    • data: Different data structures can be used, such as a list, a dictionary, or even a single value.
    • index: A labeled index for the elements in the series can be defined.
      • If not set, the elements will be numbered automatically, starting at zero.
    • dtype: Sets the data types of the series
      • Useful if all data in the series are of the same data type
    • name: Series can be named.
      • Useful if the Series is to be part of a DataFrame. Then the name is the corresponding column name in the DataFrame.
    • copy: True or False; specifies whether the passed data should be saved as a copy or not
  • Subset: series_1["A"] or series_1[0]

  • Find the index of a value: list(series_1).index(<value>)

  • Change value of an index: series_1["A"] = 1 (1 is now the value for index, A)

  • Add a value to a series: series_1["D"] = "fourth_element" (D is the next index in the sequence)

  • Filter by condition(s): series_1[series_1 > 4] or series_1[series_1 > 4][series_1 != 8]

  • dict to Series: pd.Series(dict_1)

  • Series to df: pd.DataFrame([series_1, series_2, series_3])

    • Series objects should either all have the same index or no index. Otherwise, a separate column will be created for each different index, for which the other rows have no value
  • Mutability

    df = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["bert", "albert"]})
    series = df["name"]     # shallow copy
    series[0] = "roberta"   # <-- this changes the original DataFrame
    series = df["name"].copy(deep=True)
    series[0] = "roberta"   # <-- this does not change the original DataFrame
    series = df["name"].str.title()  # not a copy whatsoever
    series[0] = "roberta"   # <-- this does not change the original DataFrame
    • Creating a deep copy will allocate new memory, so it’s good to reflect whether your script needs to be memory-efficient.


  • Misc - Also see - Conversions for converting between types - Optimizations >> Memory Optimizations >> Variable Type

  • Categorical (docs)

    • python version of factors in R

      • R’s levels are always of type string, while categories in pandas can be of any dtype.
      • R allows for missing values to be included in its levels (pandas’ categories). pandas does not allow NaN categories, but missing values can still be in the values.
        • See below
    • Create a categorical series: s = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"], dtype="category")

    • Create df of categoricals

      df = pd.DataFrame({"A": list("abca"), "B": list("bccd"){style='color: #990000'}[}]{style='color: #990000'}, dtype="category")
      0    a
      1    b
      2    c
      3    a
  • Specify categories and add to dataframe (also see Set Categories below)

    raw_cat = pd.Categorical(
        ["a", "b", "c", "a"], categories=["b", "c", "d"], ordered=False   
    df["B"] = raw_cat
      A    B
    0  a  NaN
    1  b    b
    2  c    c
    3  a  NaN
    • Note that categories not in the specification get NaNs
  • See categories, check if ordered: cat.categories, cat.ordered
    Out[61]: Index(['c', 'b', 'a'], dtype='object')
    Out[62]: False
  • Set categories for a categorical: s =["one", "two", "three", "four"])

  • Rename categories w/cat.rename_categories

    # with a list of new categories
    new_categories = ["Group %s" % g for g in]
    s =
    # with a dict
    s ={1: "x", 2: "y", 3: "z"})
    0    Group a
    1    Group b
    2    Group c
    3    Group a
  • Add a category (doesn’t have to be a string, e.g. 4): s =[4])

  • Remove categories

    s =[4])
  • Ordered

    • Create ordered categoricals

      from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype
      s = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"])
      cat_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=["b", "c", "d"], ordered=True)
      s_cat = s.astype(cat_type)
      0    NaN
      1      b
      2      c
      3    NaN
      dtype: category
      Categories (3, object): ['b' < 'c' < 'd']
      # alt
      s = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c", "a"]).astype(CategoricalDtype(ordered=True))
    • Reorder: cat.reorder_categories

      s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 1], dtype="category")
      s =[2, 3, 1], ordered=True)
      0    1
      1    2
      2    3
      3    1
      dtype: category
      Categories (3, int64): [2 < 3 < 1]
  • Category codes:

    s = pd.Series(["a", "b", np.nan, "a"], dtype="category")
    0      a
    1      b
    2    NaN
    3      a
    dtype: category
    Categories (2, object): ['a', 'b']
    0    0
    1    1
    2  -1
    3    0
    dtype: int8



  • Misc

    • For large datasets, better to use data.table::fread (see Python, Misc >> Misc)
  • CSV df = pd.read_csv('wb_data.csv', header=0)

    • “usecols=[‘col1’, ‘col8’]” for only reading certain columns
  • Read and process data in chunks

    for chunk in pd.read_csv("dummy_dataset.csv", chunksize=50000): 
        print(type(chunk)) # process data
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    • Issue: Cannot perform operations that need the entire DataFrame. For instance, say you want to perform a groupby() operation on a column. Here, it is possible that rows corresponding to a group may lie in different chunks.


  • CSV: df.to_csv("file.csv", sep = "|", index = False)
    • “sep” - column delimiter (assume comma is default)
    • “index=False” -  instructs Pandas to NOT write the index of the DataFrame in the CSV file


  • Dataframes
    • Syntaxes

      df = pd.DataFrame({
          "first_name": ["John","jane","emily","Matt","Alex"],
          "last_name": ["Doe","doe","uth","Dan","mir"],
          "group": ["A-12","B-15","A-18","A-12","C-15"],
          "salary": ["$75000","$72000","£45000","$77000","£58,000"]
      df = pd.DataFrame(
              (1, 'A', 10.5, True),
              (2, 'B', 10.0, False),
              (3, 'A', 19.2, False)       
          columns=['colA', 'colB', 'colC', 'colD']
      data = pd.DataFrame([["A", 1], ["A", 2], ["B", 1], 
                          ["C", 4], ["A", 10], ["B", 7]], 
                          columns = ["col1", "col2"])
      df = pd.DataFrame([('bird', 389.0),
                        ('bird', 24.0),
                        ('mammal', 80.5),
                        ('mammal', np.nan)],
                        index=['falcon', 'parrot', 'lion', 'monkey'],
                        columns=('class', 'max_speed'))
              class  max_speed
      falcon    bird      389.0
      parrot    bird      24.0
      lion    mammal      80.5
      monkey  mammal        NaN
    • Create a copy of a df: df2 = df1.copy()

      • deep=True (default) means it’s a deep rather than shallow copy. A deep copy is its own object and manipulations to it don’t affect the original.


  • Misc

    • Row labels
    • DataFrame indexes do NOT have to be unique
    • The time it takes to search a dataframe is shorter with unique index
    • By default, the index is a numeric row index
  • Set

    df = df.set_index('col1')
    df.set_index(column, inplace=True)
    • previous index is discarded
    • inplace=True says modify orginal df
  • Change indexes but keep previous index

    df.reset_index() # converts index to a column, index now the default numeric
    df = df.set_index('col2')
    • reset_index
    • inplace=True says modify orginal df (default = False)
    • drop=True discards old index
  • Change to new indices or expand indices: df.reindex

  • See indexes: df.index.names

  • Sort: df.sort_index(ascending=False)

  • Syntax for using indexes

    • Misc
      • “:”  is not mandatory as a placeholder for the column position
    • .loc
      • df.loc[one_row_label] # Series
      • df.loc[list_of_row_labels] # DataFrame
      • df.loc[:, one_column_label] # Series
      • df.loc[:, list_of_column_labels] # DataFrame
      • df.loc[first_row:last_row]
    • .iloc
      • df.iloc[one_row_position, :] # Series
      • df.iloc[list_of_row_positions, :] # DataFrame
  • Example: df.iloc[0:3] or df.iloc[:3]

    • outputs rows 0, 1, 2  (end point NOT included)
  • Example: df.iloc[75:]

    • (e.g. 78 rows) outputs rows 75, 76, 77 (end point, i.e., last row, NOT included)
  • Example: df.loc['The Fool' : 'The High Priestess']

    • outputs all rows from “The Fool” to “The High Priestess” (end point included)
  • Example: Filtering cells

        ['King of Wands', 'The Fool', 'The Devil'],
        ['image', 'upright keywords']
    • index values: ‘King of Wands’, etc.
    • column names: ‘image’, etc.
  • Multi-indexes

    • Use list of variables to create multi-index: df.set_index(['family', 'vowel_inventories'], inplace=True)

      • “family” is the 0th index; “vowel_inventories” is the 1st index
    • See individual index values: df.index.get_level_values(0)

      • Gets the 0th index values (e.g. “family”)
    • Sort by specific level: df.sort_index(level=1)

      • Not specifying a level means df will be sorted first by level 0, then level 1, etc.
    • Replace index values: df.rename(index={"Arawakan" : "Maipurean", "old_value" : "new_value"})

      • Replaces instances in all levels of the multi-index
      • For only a specific level, use “levels=‘level_name’”
    • Subsetting via multi-index

      • Basic
      row_label = ('Indo-European', '2 Average (5-6)')
      df.loc[row_label, :].tail(3)
    • Note: Using “:” or specifying columns may be necessary using a multi-index

    • With multiple multi-index values

      row_labels = [
          ('Arawakan', '2 Average (5-6)'),
          ('Uralic', '2 Average (5-6)'),
      row_labels = (['Arawakan', 'Uralic'], '2 Average (5-6)') # alternate method
      df.loc[row_labels, :]
    • With only 1 level of the multi-index

      row_labels = pd.IndexSlice[:, '1 Small (2-4)']
      df.loc[row_labels, :]
      # drops other level of the multi-index
      df.loc['1 Small (2-4)']
      # more verbose
      df.xs('1 Small (2-4)', level = 'vowel_inventories', drop_level=False)
      • Ignores level 0 of the multi-index and filters only by level 1
      • Could also use an alias, e.g. idx = pd.IndexSlice if writing the whole thing gets annoying


  • Also see Indexes

  • Select by name:

    df.filter(["Type", "Price"])
    dat.loc[:, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]]
    target_columns = df.columns.str.contains('\+') # boolean array: Trues, Falses
    X = df.iloc[:, ~target_columns]
    Y = df.iloc[:, target_columns]
    • “:” is a place holder in this case
  • Subset

        t-3  t-2  t-1  t-0
    10  10.0  11.0  12.0  13.0
    11  11.0  12.0  13.0  14.0
    12  12.0  13.0  14.0  15.0
  • All but last column

    ts_df.iloc[:, :-1]
        t-3  t-2  t-1
    10  10.0  11.0  12.0
    11  11.0  12.0  13.0
    12  12.0  13.0  14.0
    • For [:, :-2], the last 2 columns would not be included 
  • All but first column

    ts_df.iloc[:, 1:]
        t-2  t-1  t-0
    10  11.0  12.0  13.0
    11  12.0  13.0  14.0
    12  13.0  14.0  15.0
    • i.e. the 0th indexed column is not included
    • For [:, 2:], the 0th and 1st indexed column would not be included
  • All columns between the 2nd col and 4th col

    ts_df.iloc[:, 1:4]
        t-2  t-1  t-0
    10  11.0  12.0  13.0
    11  12.0  13.0  14.0
    12  13.0  14.0  15.0
    • left endpoint (1st index) is included but the right endpoint (4th index) is not
    • i.e. the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd indexed columns are included
  • All columns except the first 2 cols and the last col

    ts_df.iloc[:, 2:-1]
    10  12.0
    11  13.0
    12  14.0
    • i.e. 0th and 1st indexed columns not included and “-1” says don’t include the last column

Rename columns

df.rename({'variable': 'Year', 'value': 'GDP'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
-   "variable" is renamed to "Year" and "value" is renamed to "GDP"

Delete columns

  • df.drop(columns = ["col1"])


  • Misc

    • Also see Indexes

    • Grouped and regular pandas data frames have different APIs, so it’s not a guarantee that a method with the same name will do the same thing. 🙃

  • On value: df_filtered = data[data.col1 == "A"]

  • Via query: df_filtered = data.query("col1 == 'A'")

    • More complicated

        .query("amount <= amount.median() * 10")
      # or
      .loc[lambda df: df["amount"] <= df["amount"].median() * 10]
  • By group

      .apply(lambda df: df[df["amount"] <= df["amount"].median() * 10]) 
    • FIlters each country by the median of its amount times 10.
    • The result of apply is a dataframe, but that dataframe has the index, country (i.e. rownames). The problem is that the result also has a country column. Therefore using reset_index would move the index to a column, but since there’s already a country column, it will give you a ValueError. Including drop=True fixes this by dropping the index entirely.
  • On multiple values: df_filtered = data[(data.col1 == "A") | (data.col1 == "B")]

  • By pattern: df[df.profession.str.contains("engineer")]

    • Only rows of profession variable with values containing “engineer”
    • Also available
      • str.startswith: df_filtered = data[data.col1.str.startswith("Jo")]
      • str.endswith: df_filtered = data[data.col1.str.endswith("n")]
    • If column has NAs or NaNs, specify arg, “nan=False” to ignore them, else you’ll get a valueError
    • Methods are case-sensitive unless you specify, “case=False:”
  • By negated pattern: df[~df.profession.str.contains("engineer")]

  • By character type: df_filtered = data[data.col1.str.isnumeric()]

    • Also available
      • upper-case: isupper()
      • lower-case: islower()
      • alphabetic: isalpha()
      • digits: isdigit()
      • decimal: isdecimal()
      • whitespace: isspace()
      • titlecase: istitle()
      • alphanumeric: isalnum()
  • By month of a datetime variable: df[df.date_of_birth.dt.month==11]

    • datetime variable has yy-mm-dd format; dt.month accessor used to filter rows of “date_of_birth” variable wit
  • Conditional: df[df.note > 90]

    • By string length: df_filtered = data[data.col1.str.len() > 4]
  • Multi-conditional

    df[(df.date_of_birth.dt.year > 2000) & 
    df.query("Distance < 2 & Rooms > 2")
  • %in%: df[["A","C"])]

  • Smallest 2 values of note column: df.nsmallest(2, "note")

    • nlargest also available
  • Only rows in a column with NA values: df[df.profession.isna()]

  • Only rows in a column that aren’t NA: df[df.profession.notna()]

  • Find rows by index value: df.loc['Tony']

    • loc is for the value, iloc is for position (numerical or logical)

      • See Select columns Example for iloc logical case
    • With groupby

      data_grp = data.groupby("Company Name")
  • Return 1st 3 rows (and 2 columns): df.loc[:3, ["name","note"]]

  • Return 1st 3 rows and 3rd column: df.iloc[:3, 2]

    • h 11th month
  • Using index to filter single cell or groups of cells

        ['King of Wands', 'The Fool', 'The Devil'],
        ['image', 'upright keywords']
    • index values: ‘King of Wands’, etc. (aka row names)
    • column names: ‘image’, etc.


  • Looks like all these functions do the same damn thing

  • assign e.g. Add columns

    df["col3"] = df["col1"] + df["col2"]
    df = df.assign(col3 = df["col1"] + df["col2"])
  • apply  an operation to column(s)

    • Function

      df[['colA', 'colB']] = df[['colA', 'colB']].apply(np.sqrt)
      df["col3"] = df.apply(my_func, axis=1)
      • docs: Series, DataFrame
      • axis - arg for applying a function across rowwise or columnwise (default is 0, which is for columnwise)
      • The fact that mutated columns are assigned to the columns of the df are what keeps it from being like summarize
        • If np.sum were the function, then the output would be two numbers and this probably wouldn’t work.
    • Within a chain

        .apply(lambda df: (df["amount"] - df["discount"]).sum())
        .rename(columns={0: "total"})
      • When the result of the apply function is coerced to a dataframe by reset_index, the column will be named “0”. rename is used to rename it total.
  • map

    df['colE'] = df['colE'].map({'Hello': 'Good Bye', 'Hey': 'Bye'})
    • Each case of “Hello” is changed to “Good By”, etc.
    • If you give it a dict, it acts like a case_when or plyr::mapvalues or maybe recode
    • Values in the column but aren’t included in the dict get NaNs
    • This also can take a lambda function
    • Docs (only applies to Series, so I guess that means only 1 column at a time(?))
  • applymap

    df[['colA', 'colD']] = df[['colA', 'colD']].applymap(lambda x: x**2)
    • Docs
    • Says it applies a function elementwise, so its probably performing a loop
      • Therefore better to avoid if a vectorized version of the function is available


  • pivot_longer

    • Example

      year_list=list(df.iloc[:, 4:].columns)
      df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Country Name','Series Name','Series Code','Country Code'], value_vars=year_list)
      • year_list has the variable names of the columns you want to merge into 1 column
  • pivot_wider

    • Example

      # Step 1: add a count column to able to summarize when grouping
      long_df['count'] = 1
      # Step 2: group by date and type and sum
      grouped_long_df = long_df.groupby(['date', 'type']).sum().reset_index()
      # Step 3: build wide format from long format
      wide_df = grouped_long_df.pivot(index='date', columns='type', values='count').reset_index()
      • “long_df” has two columns: type and date


df1 = pd.DataFrame({'strata': 1, 'y': np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=1, size=size){style='color: #990000'}[}]{style='color: #990000'})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'strata': 2, 'y': np.random.normal(loc=15, scale=2, size=size){style='color: #990000'}[}]{style='color: #990000'})
df3 = pd.DataFrame({'strata': 3, 'y': np.random.normal(loc=20, scale=3, size=size){style='color: #990000'}[}]{style='color: #990000'})
df4 = pd.DataFrame({'strata': 4, 'y': np.random.normal(loc=25, scale=4, size=size){style='color: #990000'}[}]{style='color: #990000'})
df = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3, df4])

df_ls = [df1, df2, df3, df4]
df_all = pd.concat([df_ls[i] for i in range(8)], axis=0)
  • 2 variables are created, “strata” and “y”, then merged into a df
  • Make sure no rows are duplicates
df_loans = pd.concat([df, df_pdf], verify_integrity=True)


pd.concat([top_df, more_df], axis=1)


  • value.counts: df["col_name"].value_counts()

    • output arranged in descending order of frequencies
    • faster than groupby + size
    • args
      • normalize=False
      • dropna=True
  • groupby + count

    • “size” includes null values
    • “count” doesn’t include null values
    • arranged by the index column


  • df.sort_values(by = "col_name")
    • args
      • ascending=True
      • ignore_index=False (True will reset the index)


  • To get a dataframe, instead of a series, after performing a grouped calculation, apply reset_index() to the result.

  • Find number of groups

    df_group = df.groupby("Product_Category")
  • groupby + count

    • “size” includes null values
    • “count” doesn’t include null values
  • Only groupby observed categories

    df.groupby("col1", observed=True)["col2"].sum()
    A    49
    B    43
    Name: col2, dtype: int64
    • col1 is a category type and has 3 levels specified (A, B, C) but the column only has As and Bs
    • observed=False (default) would include C and a count of 0.
  • Count NAs

    df["col1"] = df["col1"].astype("string")
    df.groupby("col1", dropna=False)["col2"].sum()
    # output
    A      49.0
    B      43.0
    <NA>    30.0
    Name: col2, dtype: float64
    • ** Will not work with categorical types **
      • So categorical variables, you must convert to strings to be able to group and count NAs
  • Combo

    df.groupby("col3").agg({"col1":sum, "col2":max})
          col1  col2
    A        1    2
    B        8    10
  • Aggregate with only 1 function

    • See summarize for aggregate by more than 1 function
  • Extract a group category

    df_group = df.groupby("Product_Category")
    # or
  • Group objects are iterable

    df_group = df.groupby("Product_Category")
    for name_of_group, contents_of_group in df_group:
  • Get summary stats on each category conditional on a column



  • agg can only operate on one column at time, so for transformations involving multiple columns (e.g. col3 = col1 - col2), see Mutate section.

  • With groupby and agg

    • df.groupby("cat_col_name").agg(new_col_name = ("num_col_name", "func_name"))
      • To reset the index  (i.e. ungroup)
        • use .groupby arg, as_index=False
        • use .reset_index() at the end of the chain (outputs a dataframe instead of a series)
          • arg: drop=TRUE …does something (maybe drops grouping columns)
  • Group aggregate with more than 1 function

    • When you mention ‘mean’ (with quotes), .aggregate() searches for a function mean belonging to pd.Series i.e. pd.Series.mean().
    • Whereas, if you mention mean (without quotes), .aggregate() will search for function named mean in default Python, which is unavailable and will throw an NameError exception.
  • Use a different aggregate function on specific columns

    function_dictionary = {'OrderID':'count','Quantity':'mean'}
  • Filter by Group, then Summarize by Group (link)

    • Option 1

        .apply(lambda df: df[df["amount"] <= df["amount"].median() * 10]) 
        .apply(lambda df: (df["amount"] - df["discount"]).sum())
        .rename(columns={0: "total"})
      • FIlters each country by the median of its amount times 10.
      • For each country, subtracts a discount from amount, then sums and renames the column from “0” to total.
    • Option 2

        .assign(country_median=lambda df:                         
        .query("amount <= country_median * 10")                                  
        .apply(lambda df: (df["amount"] - df["discount"]).sum())
        .rename(columns={0: "total"})
      • Here the median amount per country is calculated first and assigned to each row in purchases.
      • query is used to filter by each country’s median.
      • Then, apply and groupby are used in the same manner as option 1.


  • Using merge: pd.merge(df1,df2)

    • More versatile than join
    • Automatically detects a common column
    • Method: “how = ‘inner’” (i.e. default is inner join)
      • ‘outer’ , ‘left’ , ‘right’ are available
    • On columns with different names
      • on = “col_a”
      • left_on = ‘left df col name’
      • right_on = ‘right df col name’
    • copy = True (default)
  • Using join

    df1.set_index('Course', inplace=True)
    df2.set_index('Course', inplace=True)
    df3 = df1.join(df2, on = 'Course', how = 'left')
    • instance method that joins on the indexes of the dataframes
    • The column that we match on for the left dataframe doesn’t have to be its index. But for the right dataframe, the join key must be its index
    • Can use multiple columns as the index by passing a list, e.g. [“Course”, “Student_ID”]
    • * indexes do NOT have to be unique *
    • Faster than merge


  • Find number of unique values: data.Country.nunique()
  • Display unique values: df["col3"].unique()
  • Create a boolean column to indicated duplicated rows: df.duplicated(keep=False)
  • Check for duplicate ids: df_loans[df_loans.duplicated(keep=False)].sort_index()
  • Count duplicated ids: df_check.index.duplicated().sum()
  • Drop duplicated rows: df.drop_duplicates()

Replace values

  • In the whole df

    • 1 value

      df.replace(to_replace = '?', value = np.nan, inplace=True)
      • replaces all values == ? with NaN
      • faster than loc method
    • Multiple values

      df.replace(["Male", "Female"], ["M", "F"], inplace=True) # list
      df.replace({"United States": "USA", "US": "USA"}, inplace=True) # dict
  • Only in specific columns

            "education": {"HS-grad": "High school", "Some-college": "College"},
            "income": {"<=50K": 0, ">50K": 1},
    • replacement only occurs in “education” and “income” columns
  • Using Indexes

    • Example (2 rows, 1 col): df.loc[['Four of Pentacles', 'Five of Pentacles'], 'suit'] = 'Pentacles'

      • index values: “Four of Pentacles”, “Five of Pentacles”
      • column name: “suit”
      • Replaces the values in those cells with the value “Pentacles”
    • Example (1 row, 2 cols):

      df.loc['King of Wands', ['suit', 'reversed_keywords']] = [
          'Wands', 'impulsiveness, haste, ruthlessness'
      • index value: “King of Wands”
      • column names: “suit”, :reversed_keywords”
      • In “suit,” replaces value with “Wands”
      • In “reversed words,” replaces value with “impulsiveness, haste, ruthlessness”
  • Replace Na/NaNs in a column with a constant value

    df['col_name'].fillna(value = 0.85, inplace = True)
  • Replaces Na/NaNs in a column with the value of a function/method

    df['price'].fillna(value = df.price.median(), inplace = True)
  • Replaces Na/NaNs in a column with a group value (e.g. group by fruit, then use price median)

    # median
    df['price'].fillna(df.groupby('fruit')['price'].transform('median'), inplace = True)
  • Forward-Fill

    df['price'].fillna(method = 'ffill', inplace = True)
    df['price'] = df.groupby('fruit')['price'].ffill(limit = 1)
    df['price'] = df.groupby('fruit')['price'].ffill()
    • forward-fill: fills Na/NaN with previous non-Na/non-NaN value
    • forward-fill, limited to 1: only fills with the previous value if there’s a non-Na/non-NaN 1 spot behind it.
      • May leave NAs/NaNs
    • forward-fill by group
  • Backward-Fill

    df['price'].fillna(method = 'bfill', inplace = True)
    • backward-fill: fills Na/NaN with next non-Na/non-NaN value
  • Alternating between backward-fill and forward-fill

    df['price'] = df.groupby('fruit')['price'].ffill().bfill()
    • alternating methods: for the 1st group a forward fill is performed; for the next group, a backward fill is performed; etc.
  • Interpolation

    df['price'].interpolate(method = 'linear', inplace = True)
    df['price'] = df.groupby('fruit')['price'].apply(lambda x: x.interpolate(method='linear')) # by group
    df['price'] = df.groupby('fruit')['price'].apply(lambda x: x.interpolate(method='linear')).bfill() # by group with backwards-fill
    • Interpolation (e.g. linear)
      • May leave NAs/NaNs
    • Interpolation by group
    • Interpolation + backwards-fill
  • Apply a conditional: says fill na with mean_price where “weekday” column is TRUE; if FALSE, fill with mean_price*1.25

    mean_price = df.groupby('fruit')['price'].transform('mean')
    df['price'].fillna((mean_price).where(cond = df.weekday, other = mean_price*1.25), inplace = True)


  • Misc

    • regex is slow
    • Stored as “object” type but “StringDtype” is available. This new Dtype is optional for now but it may be required to do so in the future
    • Regex with Examples in python and pandas
  • Filter (see Filter section)

  • Replace pattern using regex

    df['colB'] = df['colB'].str.replace(r'\D', '')
    df['colB'] = df['colB'].replace(r'\D', r'', regex=True)
    • “r” indicates you’re using regex
    • replaces all non-numeric patterns (e.g. letters, symbols) with an empty string
    • Replace pattern with list comprehension (more efficient than loops)
  • With {{re}}

    import re
    df['colB'] = [re.sub('[^0-9]', '', x) for x in df['colB']]
    • re is the regular expressions library
    • Replaces everything not a number with empty string (carrot inside is a negation)
  • Split w/list output

    >> df["group"].str.split("-")
    0    [A, 1B]
    1    [B, 1B]
    2    [A, 1C]
    3    [A, 1B]
    4    [C, 1C]
    • “-” is the delimiter. A-1B –> [A, 1B]
  • Split into separate columns

    df["group1"] = df["group"].str.split("-", expand=True)[0]
    df["group2"] = df["group"].str.split("-", expand=True)[1]
    • expand = True splits into separate columns
    • BUT you have to manually create the new columns in the old df by assigning each column to a new column name in the old df.
  • Concatenate strings from a list

    words = ['word'] * 100000 # ['word', 'word', ...]
    sentence = "".join(words)
    • More efficient than “+” operator
  • Concatenate string columns

    • List comprehension is fastest

      df['all'] = [p1 + ' ' + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ' ' + p4 for p1, p2, p3, p4 in zip(df['a'], df['b'], df['c'], df['d'])]
    • “+” operator with a space, ” “, as the delimiter

      df['all'] = df['a'] + ' ' + df['b'] + ' ' + df['c'] + ' ' + df['d']
      • Also fast and have read that this is most efficient for larger datasets
    • df['colE'] = can be used for relatively small datasets (up to 100–150 rows)

      arr1 = df['owner'].array
      arr2 = df['gender'].array
      arr3 = []
      for i in range(len(arr1)):
          if arr2[i] == 'M':
              arr3.append('Mr. ' + arr1[i])
              arr3.append('Ms. ' + arr1[i])
      df['name5'] = arr3
      • Vectorizes columns then concantenates with a +

      • For-loop w/vectorization was faster than apply + list comprehension or for-loop + itertuples or for-loop + iterrows

  • Concatenate string and non-string columns

    df['colE'] = df['colB'].astype(str) + '-' + df['colD']
  • Extract pattern with list comprehension

    import re
    df['colB'] = ['[0-9]', x)[0] for x in df['colB']]
    • re is the regular expressions library
    • extracts all numeric characters
  • Extract all instances of pattern into a list

    results_ls = re.findall(r'\d+', s)
    • Finds each number in string, “s,” and outputs into a list
    • Can also use re.finditer
    • fyi only returns the first match
  • Extract pattern using regex

    df['colB'] = df['colB'].str.extract(r'(\d+)', expand=False).astype("int")
    • “r” indicates you’re using regex
    • extracts all numeric patterns and changes type to integer
  • Remove pattern by map loop

    from string import ascii_letters
    df['colB'] = df['colB'].map(lambda x: x.lstrip('+-').rstrip(ascii_letters))
    • pluses or minuses are removed from if they are the leading character
    • lstrip removes leading characters that match characters provided
    • rstrip removes trailing characters that match characters provided
  • Does a string contain one or more digits

    any(c.isdigit() for c in s)


  • Convert dict to pandas df (**slow for large lists**)

    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(acct_dict, orient="index", columns=["metrics"])
    result_df = DataFrame.from_dict(search.cv_results_, orient='columns'
    • key of the dict is used as the index and value is column named “metrics”
  • Convert pandas df to ndarray

    ndarray = df.to_numpy()
    # using numpy
    ndarray = np.asarray(df)
  • Convert df to list or dict

      ColA ColB  ColC
    0    1    A    4
    1    2    B    5
    2    3    C    6
    result = df.values.tolist()
    [[1, 'A', 4], [2, 'B', 5], [3, 'C', 6]]
    {'ColA': {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3},
    'ColB': {0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C'},
    'ColC': {0: 4, 1: 5, 2: 6}}
    {'ColA': [1, 2, 3], 'ColB': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'ColC': [4, 5, 6]}
    {'index': [0, 1, 2],
    'columns': ['ColA', 'ColB', 'ColC'],
    'data': [[1, 'A', 4], [2, 'B', 5], [3, 'C', 6]]}
  • Convert string variable to datetime

    df.date_of_birth = df.date_of_birth.astype("datetime64[ns]")
    df['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Year'])
  • Convert all “object” type columns to “category”

    for col in X.select_dtypes(include=['object']):
      X[col] = X[col].astype('category')
  • Convert column to numeric

    df['GDP'] = df['GDP'].astype(float)

Sample and Simulate

  • Simulate

    • Random normal variable (and group variable named strata)

      df1 = pd.DataFrame({'strata': 1, 'y': np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=1, size=size))
      • 2 columns “strata” (all 1s) and “y”
      • loc = mean, scale = sd, size = number of observations to create
  • Sample

    • Rows

      df.sample(n = 15, replace = True, random_state=2) # with replacement
      sample_df = df.sample(int(len(tps_df) * 0.2)) # sample 20% of the data
      • This method is faster than sampling using random indices with NumPy
    • Rows and columns

      tps.sample(5, axis=1).sample(7, axis=0)
      • 5 columns and 7 rows


  • Need to encapsulate code in parentheses

    # to assign to an object
    new_df = (
        .query("Distance < 2 & Rooms > 2") # query equals filter in Pandas
        .filter(["Type", "Price"]) # filter equals select in Pandas
        .agg(["mean", "count"]) # calcs average price and row count for each Type; creates subcolumns mean and count under Price
        .reset_index() # converts matrix to df
        .set_axis(["Type", "averagePrice", "numberOfHouses"], # renames Price to averagePrice and count to numberOfHouses
                  axis = 1,
                  inplace = False)
        .assign(averagePriceRounded = lambda x: x["averagePrice"] # assign equals mutate in Pandas (?)
        .sort_values(by = ["numberOfHouses"],
                    ascending = False)
    • if agg["mean"] then there wouldn’t be a subcolumn mean, just the values of Price would be the mean
  • Using pipe

    • args

      • func: Function to apply to the Series/DataFrame
      • args: Positional arguments passed to func
      • kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to func
    • Returns: object, the return type of func

    • Syntax

      def f1(df, arg1):
      # do something return # a dataframe
      def f2(df, arg2):
      # do something return # a dataframe
      def f3(df, arg3):
      # do something return # a dataframe
      df = pd.DataFrame(..) # some dataframe
      df.pipe(f3, arg3 = arg3).pipe(f2, arg2 = arg2).pipe(f1, arg1 = arg1)
      • function 3 (f3) is executed then function 2 then function 1


  • Example

    df = pd.DataFrame([["A", "X"], 
                      ["B", "Y"], 
                      ["C", "X"],
                      ["A", "X"]], 
                      columns = ["col1", "col2"])
    print(pd.crosstab(df.col1, df.col2))
    col2  X  Y
    A    2  0
    B    0  1
    C    1  0

Pivot Table

  • Example

        Name  Subject  Marks
    0  John    Maths      6
    1  Mark    Maths      5
    2  Peter    Maths      3
    3  John  Science      5
    4  Mark  Science      8
    5  Peter  Science    10
    6  John  English    10
    7  Mark  English      6
    8  Peter  English      4
                  index = ["Name"],
    Subject  English  Maths  Science
    John          10      6        5
    Mark          6      5        8
    Peter          4      3      10
  • Example: drop lowest score for each letter grade, then calculate the average score for each letter grade

                          columns='letter grade',
                          aggfunc = lambda series : (sorted(list(series))[-1] + sorted(list(series))[-2]) / 2)
    letter grade    A    B
    Arif          96.5  87.0
    Kayla        95.5  84.0
    • grades_df
      • 2 names (“name”)
      • 6 scores (“score”)
      • Only 2 letter grades associated with these scores (“letter grade”)
    • index: each row will be a “name”
    • columns: each column will be a “letter grade”
    • values: value in the cells will be from the “score” column according to each combination columns in the index and columns args
    • aggfunc: uses a lambda to compute the aggregated values
      • “series” is used a the variable  in the lambda function
      • sorts series (ascending), takes the top two values (using negative list indexing), and averages them
    • Iterate over a df
      • Better to use a vectorized solution if possible


  • iterrows

    def salary_iterrows(df):
        salary_sum = 0
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            salary_sum += row['Employee Salary']
        return salary_sum/df.shape[0]
  • iteruples

    def salary_itertuples(df):
        salary_sum = 0
        for row in df.itertuples(): 
            salary_sum += row._4
        return salary_sum/df.shape[0]
    • Faster than iterrows

Time Series



  • Load and set index frequency

    • Example

      #Load the PCE and UMCSENT datasets
      df = pd.read_csv(
      #Set the index frequency to 'Month-Start'
      df = df.asfreq('MS')
      • “header=0” is default, says 1st row of file is the column names
      • “index_col=0” says use the first column as the df index
      • “infer_datetime_format=True” says infer the format of the datetime strings in the columns
      • “parse_dates=[‘DATE’]” says convert “DATE” to datetime and format
  • Create date variable

    • Example: w/date_range

      # DataFrame
      date_range = pd.date_range('1/2/2022', periods=24, freq='H')
      sales = np.random.randint(100, 400, size=24)
      sales_data = pd.DataFrame(
          index = date_range,
          columns = ['Sales']
      # Series
      rng = pd.date_range("1/1/2012", periods=100, freq="S")
      ts = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 500, len(rng)), index=rng)
    • Methods (article)

      • pandas.date_range — Return a fixed frequency DatetimeIndex.
        • start: the start date of the date range generated
        • end: the end date of the date range generated
        • periods: the number of dates generated
        • freq: default to “D” (daily), the interval between dates generated, it could be hourly, monthly or yearly
      • pandas.bdate_range — Return a fixed frequency DatetimeIndex, with the business day as the default frequency.
      • pandas.period_range — Return a fixed frequency PeriodIndex. The day (calendar) is the default frequency.
      • pandas.timedelta_range — Return a fixed frequency TimedeltaIndex, with the day as the default frequency.
  • Coerce to datetime

    • Source has month first or day first

      # month first
      # e.g 9/16/2015 --> 2015-09-16
      df['joining_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['joining_date'])
      # day first
      # e.g 16/9/2015 --> 2015-09-16
      df['joining_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['joining_date'], dayfirst=True)
      • default is month first
      • * If the first digit is a number that can NOT be a month (e.g. 25), then it will parse it as a day instead. *
    • Format conditional on source’s delimiter

      df['joining_date_clean'] = np.where(df['joining_date'].str.contains('/'),
                                          pd.to_datetime(df['joining_date'], dayfirst=True)
      • Like an ifelse. Source dates that have “/” separating values are parsed as month-first and everything else as day-first
  • Transform partial date columns

    • Example: String 09/2007 will be transformed to date 2007-09-01

      import datetime
      def parse_first_brewed(text: str) ->
          parts = text.split('/')
          if len(parts) == 2:
              return[1]), int(parts[0]), 1)
          elif len(parts) == 1:
              return[0]), 1, 1)
              assert False, 'Unknown date format'
      >>> parse_first_brewed('09/2007'), 9, 1)
      >>> parse_first_brewed('2006'), 1, 1)
  • Extract time components

    • Create “year-month” column: df["year_month"] = df["created_at"].dt.to_period("M")
      • “M” is the “offset alias” string for month
      • (Docs)
  • Filter a range

            (gallipoli_data.DateTime >= '2008-01-02'
            (gallipoli_data.DateTime <= '2008-01-03')
  • Fill in gaps

    • Example: hacky way to do it

      • frequency is already hourly (‘h’), so taking the mean doesn’t change the values. But NaNs will be added for datetime values that don’t exist.
      • .fillna(0) can be added to .mean() if you want to fill the NaNs with something meaningful (e.g. 0)
    • Explode interval between 2 date columns into a column with all the dates in that interval

      • Example: 1 row

        pd.date_range(calendar["checkin_date"][0], calendar["checkout_date"][0])
        # output
        DatetimeIndex(['2022-06-01', '2022-06-02', '2022-06-03'
                      '2022-06-04', '2022-06-05', '2022-06-06'
                      dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')
      • Example: all rows

        calendar.loc[:, "booked_days"] = calendar.apply(
            lambda x: list(
                    x.checkout_date + pd.DateOffset(days=1)
            axis = 1
      • Example: pivot_longer

        # explode 
        calendar = calendar.explode(
            column="booked_days", ignore_index=True
        # display the first 5 rows


  • Get the min/max dates of a dataset: print(df.Date.agg(['min', 'max'])) (“Date” is the date variable)

  • Find difference between to date columns

    df["days_to_checkin"] = (df["checkin_date"] - df["created_at"]).dt.days
    • number of days between the check-in date and the date booking was created (i.e. number of days until the customer arrives)
  • Add 1 day to a subset of observations

    df.loc[df["booking_id"]==1001, "checkout_date"] = df.loc[df["booking_id"]==1001, "checkout_date"] + pd.DateOffset(days=1)
    • adds 1 day to the checkout date of the booking with id 1001
  • Aggregation

    • Misc
      • resample (docs) requires a datetime type column set as the index for the dataframe: df.index = df[‘DateTime’]
        • btw this function doesn’t resample in the bootstrapping sense of the word. Just a function that allows you to do window calculations on time series
      • Common time strings (docs)
        • s for seconds
        • t for minutes
        • h for hours
        • w for weeks
        • m for months
        • q for quarter
    • Rolling-Window
      • Example: 30-day rolling average

        stock_df['mav_short'] = stock_df['Close'] \
            .rolling(window=window_mavg_short) \
    • Step-Window
      • Example: Mean temperature every 3 hours

        gallipoli_data.Temperature.resample(rule =3h’).mean()
        • “1.766667” is the average from 03:00:00 to 05:00:00
        • “4.600000” is the average from 06:00:00 to 08:00:00
        • “h” is the time string from hours
        • By default the calculation window starts on the left index (see next Example for right index) and doesn’t include the right index
          • e.g. index, “09:00:00”, calculation window includes “09:00:00”, “10:00:00”, and “11:00:00”
      • Example: Max sunshine every 3 hrs

        gallipoli_data['Sunshine Duration'].resample(rule = '3h', closed= 'right').max()
        • “closed=‘right’” says include the right index in the calculation but not the left
          • e.g. index, “09:00:00”, calculation window includes “10:00:00”, “11:00:00”, and “12:00:00”


  • Example: simulation, gaussian

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    time_series = [np.random.normal()*0.1, np.random.normal()*0.1]
    sigs = [0.1, 0.1]
    for t in range(2000):
        sig_t = np.sqrt(0.1 + 0.24*time_series[-1]**2 + 0.24*time_series[-2]**2 + 0.24*sigs[-1]**2 + 0.24*sigs[-2]**2)
        y_t = np.random.normal() * sig_t
    y = np.array(time_series[2:])
    plt.figure(figsize = (16,8))
    plt.plot(y, label = "Simulated Time-Series")
    plt.grid(alpha = 0.5)
    plt.legend(fontsize = 18)
  • Standard GARCH time-series that’s frequently encountered in econometrics

    • Example: simulation, beta

      from scipy.stats import beta
      time_series = [beta(0.5,10).rvs()]
      for t in range(2000):
          alpha_t = 0.5 + time_series[-1] * 0.025 * t
          beta_t = alpha_t * 20
          y_t = beta(alpha_t, beta_t).rvs()
      y = np.array(time_series[1:])
      plt.figure(figsize = (16,8))
      plt.plot(y, label = "Simulated Time-Series")
      plt.grid(alpha = 0.5)
      plt.legend(fontsize = 18)



  • Pandas will typically outperform numpy ndarrays in cases that involve significantly larger volume of data (say >500K rows)

  • Bad performance by iteratively creating rows in a dataframe

    • Better to iteratively append lists then coerce to a dataframe at the end
    • Use itertuples instead of iterrows in loops
      • Iterates through the data frame by converting each row of data as a list of tuples. Makes comparatively less number of function calls and hence carry less overhead.
      • tqdm::tqdm is a progress bar for loops
  • Libraries

    • {{pandarallel}} - A simple and efficient tool to parallelize Pandas operations on all available CPUs.
    • {{parallel_pandas}} -  A simple and efficient tool to parallelize Pandas operations on all available CPUs.
    • {{modin}} - multi-processing package with identical APIs to Pandas, to speed up the Pandas workflow by changing 1 line of code. Modin offers accelerated performance for about 90+% of Pandas API. Modin uses Ray and Dask under the hood for distributed computing.
    • {{numba}} - JIT compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code.
      • works best with functions that involve many native Python loops, a lot of math, and even better, NumPy functions and arrays

      • Example

        def crazy_function(col1, col2, col3):
            return (col1 ** 3 + col2 ** 2 + col3 * 10) ** 0.5
        massive_df["f1001"] = crazy_function(
            massive_df["f1"].values, massive_df["f56"].values, massive_df["f44"].values
        Wall time: 201 ms
        • 9GB dataset
        • JIT stands for just in time, and it translates pure Python and NumPy code to native machine instructions
  • Use numpy arrays

    dat['col1001'] = some_function(
              dat['col1'].values, dat['col2'].values, dat['col3'].values
    • Adding the .values to the column vectors coerces to ndarrays

    • NumPy arrays are faster because they don’t perform additional calls for indexing, data type checking like Pandas Series

  • eval for non-mathematical operations (e.g. boolean indexing, comparisons, etc.)

    • Docs

    • Example

      massive_df.eval("col1001 = (col1 ** 3 + col2 ** 2 + col3 * 10) ** 0.5", inplace=True)
      • Used a mathematical operation for his example for some reason
  • iloc vs loc

    • iloc faster for filtering rows: dat.iloc[range(10000)]
    • loc faster for selecting columns: dat.loc[:, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]]
    • noticeable as data size increases

Memory Optimization

  • See memory size of an object

    data = pd.read_csv("dummy_dataset.csv") = "deep")
    data.memory_usage(deep=True/ 1024 ** 2 # displays col sizes in MBs
    # or for just 1 variable
    # a few columns
    memory_usage = df.memory_usage(deep=True) / 1024 ** 2 # displays col sizes in MBs
    memory_usage.sum() # total
  • Use inplace transformation (i.e. don’t create new copies of the df) to reduce memory load

    df.fillna(0, inplace = True)
    # instead of
    df_copy = df.fillna(0)
  • Load only the columns you need from a file

    col_list = ["Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Salary", "Rating", "Company"]
    data = pd.read_csv("dummy_dataset.csv", usecols=col_list)
  • Variable datatypes

    • Convert variables to smaller types when possible

      • Variables always receive largest memory types
        • Pandas will always assign int64 as the datatype of the integer-valued column, irrespective of the range of current values in the column.
    • Byte ranges (same bit options for floats)

      • uint refers to unsigned, only positive integers
      • int8: 8-bit-integer that covers integers from [-2⁷, 2⁷].
      • int16: 16-bit-integer that covers integers from [-2¹⁵, 2¹⁵].
      • int32: 32-bit-integer that covers integers from [-2³¹, 2³¹].
      • int64: 64-bit-integer that covers integers from [-2⁶³, 2⁶³].
    • Convert integer column to smaller type: data["Employee_ID"] = data.Employee_ID.astype(np.int32)

    • Convert all “object” type columns to “category”

      for col in X.select_dtypes(include=['object']):
        X[col] = X[col].astype('category')
      • object datatype consumes the most memory. Either use str or category if there are few unique values in the feature
      • pd.Categorical data type can speed things up to 10 times while using LightGBM’s default categorical handler
    • For datetime or timedelta, use the native formats offered in pandas since they enable special manipulation functions

    • Function for checking and converting all numerical columns in dataframes to optimal types

      def reduce_memory_usage(df, verbose=True):
          numerics = ["int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float16", "float32", "float64"]
          start_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024 ** 2
          for col in df.columns:
              col_type = df[col].dtypes
              if col_type in numerics:
                  c_min = df[col].min()
                  c_max = df[col].max()
                  if str(col_type)[:3] == "int":
                      if c_min > np.iinfo(np.int8).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int8).max:
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int8)
                      elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int16).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int16).max:
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int16)
                      elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int32).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int32).max:
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int32)
                      elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int64).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int64).max:
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int64)
                      if (
                          c_min > np.finfo(np.float16).min
                          and c_max < np.finfo(np.float16).max
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float16)
                      elif (
                          c_min > np.finfo(np.float32).min
                          and c_max < np.finfo(np.float32).max
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float32)
                          df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float64)
          end_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024 ** 2
          if verbose:
                  "Mem. usage decreased to {:.2f} Mb ({:.1f}% reduction)".format(
                      end_mem, 100 * (start_mem - end_mem) / start_mem
          return df
      • Based on the minimum and maximum value of a numeric column and the above table, the function converts it to the smallest subtype possible
    • Check memory usage before and after conversion

      print("Memory usage before changing the datatype:", data.Country.memory_usage())
      data["Country"] = data.Country.astype("category")
      print("Memory usage after changing the datatype:", data.Country.memory_usage())
    • Use sparse types for variables with NaNs

      • Example: data["Rating"] = data.Rating.astype("Sparse[float32]")
    • Specify datatype when loading data

      col_list = ["Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Salary", "Rating", "Country_Code"]
      data = pd.read_csv("dummy_dataset.csv", usecols=col_list, 
                        dtype = {"Employee_ID":np.int32, "Country_Code":"category"})