Point Patterns


  • Notes from Ch.9 - Ch.15, An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Statistics: A Course in R
  • Packages
    • {spatstat} - Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
      • CRAN page has some vignettes, but the manual is a kind of cheatsheet that lists names of functions that perform certain spatial operations
      • Loading {spatstat} loads Spatstat-verse:
        • {spatstat.data} - Datasets
        • {spatstat.univar} - Estimation of one-dimensional probability distributions including kernel density estimation, weighted empirical cumulative distribution functions, Kaplan-Meier and reduced-sample estimators for right-censored data, heat kernels, kernel properties, quantiles and integration.
        • {spatstat.geom} - Defines spatial data types and supports geometrical operations on them. Data types include point patterns, windows (domains), pixel images, line segment patterns, tessellations and hyperframes
        • {spatstat.random} - Generates random spatial patterns of points
        • {spatstat.explore} - Exploratory data analysis and nonparametric analysis of spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns
        • {spatstat.model} - Parametric statistical modelling and inference for spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns
        • {spatstat.linnet} - Defines types of spatial data on a linear network and provides functionality for geometrical operations, data analysis and modelling of data on a linear network
  • Resources


  • Intensity - The expected number of events per unit area — conventionally denoted by \(\lambda\). In most cases the process is not know, so its intensity cannot be directly measured.
  • Density - Empirical estimate of Intensity\(\hat \lambda = n / a\) , where \(a\) is the area of the region
  • Quadrats - Cells of a gridded area representing subregions. Useful for analyzing how density varies across a region
    • Rules of Thumb for choosing the number of quadrats
      • Each quadrat should have a minimum of two events
      • Formula based on the area (A) and number of events (N)
        \[ Q = \frac{2A}{N} \]
  • Regularity (or Dispersion) - The state at which points tend to be located at similar distances from each other.


  • Example 1: Quadrats

    data("PointPatterns", package = "isdas")
    ##        x                y                 Pattern  
    ##  Min.   :0.0169   Min.   :0.005306   Pattern 1:60  
    ##  1st Qu.:0.2731   1st Qu.:0.289020   Pattern 2:60  
    ##  Median :0.4854   Median :0.550000   Pattern 3:60  
    ##  Mean   :0.5074   Mean   :0.538733   Pattern 4:60  
    ##  3rd Qu.:0.7616   3rd Qu.:0.797850                 
    ##  Max.   :0.9990   Max.   :0.999808
    ggplot() +
      geom_bin2d(data = filter(PointPatterns, 
                               Pattern == "Pattern 1"),
                 aes(x = x, 
                     y = y),
                 binwidth = c(0.25, 
                              0.25)) +
      geom_point(data = filter(PointPatterns, 
                               Pattern == "Pattern 1"), 
                 aes(x = x, 
                     y = y)) +
      scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu") +
    • geom_bin2d is called to plot a map of counts of events in the space defined by the bins.
    • PointPatterns contains x, y coordinates that range from 0 to 1 and a categorical variable Pattern indicating each of the four difffernt density patterns
  • Example 2: Create a ppp object

    # define a window
    wnd <- owin(c(0,1), c(0,1)) 
    ppp1 <- as.ppp(PointPatterns, wnd)
    ## Marked planar point pattern:  240 points
    ## Average intensity 240 points per square unit
    ## Coordinates are given to 16 decimal places
    ## Multitype:
    ##           frequency proportion intensity
    ## Pattern 1        60       0.25        60
    ## Pattern 2        60       0.25        60
    ## Pattern 3        60       0.25        60
    ## Pattern 4        60       0.25        60
    ## Window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 1] units
    ## Window area = 1 square unit
    # plot a specific category of point
    plot(split.ppp(ppp1)$`Pattern 3`)
    • The window defined in owin should define a region for analysis that is consistent with the pattern of interest
    • ppp (plannar point pattern) is the fundamental spatstat object
    • frequency is the number of points in that region (e.g. Pattern)
    • proportion is the proportion of points in that region to the overall dataset
    • intensity it the number of points divided by the area (1 x 1 = 1)
  • Example 3: Get point counts for each quadrat by region/subregion

                 nx = 4,
                 ny = 4)
    ## List of spatial objects
    ## Pattern 1:
    ##             x
    ## y            [0,0.25) [0.25,0.5) [0.5,0.75) [0.75,1]
    ##   [0.75,1]          3          5          1        6
    ##   [0.5,0.75)        2          3          4        6
    ##   [0.25,0.5)        5          4          2        3
    ##   [0,0.25)          2          4          4        6
    ## Pattern 2:
    ##             x
    ## y            [0,0.25) [0.25,0.5) [0.5,0.75) [0.75,1]
    ##   [0.75,1]         14          2          2        6
    ##   [0.5,0.75)        0          0          4        6
    ##   [0.25,0.5)        6          3          1        2
    ##   [0,0.25)          4          6          2        2
    ## Pattern 3:
    ##             x
    ## y            [0,0.25) [0.25,0.5) [0.5,0.75) [0.75,1]
    ##   [0.75,1]          2         11          5        7
    ##   [0.5,0.75)        1          1          6        4
    ##   [0.25,0.5)        1         10          3        2
    ##   [0,0.25)          2          1          2        2
    ## Pattern 4:
    ##             x
    ## y            [0,0.25) [0.25,0.5) [0.5,0.75) [0.75,1]
    ##   [0.75,1]          4          5          6        3
    ##   [0.5,0.75)        3          3          4        2
    ##   [0.25,0.5)        3          3          4        2
    ##   [0,0.25)          5          4          6        3
    • nx and ny specify how many quadrats (i.e. cells) you want per row and per column respectively
    • split divides the dataset by the region variable or event type
  • Example 4: Quadrat Count for Toronto Fast Food

    data("Fast_Food", package = "isdas")
    data("Toronto", package = "isdas")
    #> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field
    #> Geometry type: POINT
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: 620173 ymin: 4840698 xmax: 638544.7 ymax: 4853394
    #> Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 17N
    #>     Class                 geometry
    #> 1 Chicken POINT (635575.8 4853394)
    #> 2 Chicken POINT (636724.5 4842644)
    #> 3 Chicken POINT (622524.7 4840698)
    #> 4 Chicken POINT (638544.7 4846541)
    #> 5 Chicken POINT (627850.5 4843178)
    #> 6 Chicken   POINT (620173 4841782)
    #> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 0 fields
    #> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
    #> Dimension:     XY
    #> Bounding box:  xmin: 609550.5 ymin: 4826375 xmax: 651611.8 ymax: 4857439
    #> Projected CRS: NAD83 / UTM zone 17N
    #>                         geometry
    #> 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((609550.5 48...
    1ppp_ff <- as.ppp(Fast_Food, as.owin(Toronto))
    #> Marked planar point pattern: 614 points
    2#> Multitype, with levels = Chicken, Hamburger, Pizza, Sub
    #> window: polygonal boundary
    #> enclosing rectangle: [609550.5, 651611.8] x [4826375, 4857439] units
    3qct_ff <- quadratcount(ppp_ff, nx = 3, ny = 3)
    #>   0   6  44  48  60  64  85 144 163 
    #>   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1 
    To automatically create a window object using the boundaries from a sf object, {sf} needs to be loaded.
    The categories in the Class variable are captured as levels
    3 x 3 seems to be a good starting grid for regions such as a city if your data isn’t too sparse
    There is 1 quadrat with 0 points. Given that were using a 3 x3 grid, it’s very small and probably located underneath the quadrat with 44 points.
  • Example 5: Approximate a window using coordinates

    data(bear_df, package = "isdas")
    ##        x                y                  marks    
    ##  Min.   :515743   Min.   :6812138   Day Time  :502  
    ##  1st Qu.:518994   1st Qu.:6813396   Night Time:498  
    ##  Median :519526   Median :6816724                   
    ##  Mean   :519321   Mean   :6816474                   
    ##  3rd Qu.:519982   3rd Qu.:6818111                   
    ##  Max.   :522999   Max.   :6821440
    W <- 
      owin(xrange = c(515000, 523500), 
           yrange = c(6812000, 6822000))
    bear.ppp <- as.ppp(bear_df, W = W)
    ## Marked planar point pattern:  1000 points
    ## Average intensity 1.176471e-05 points per square unit
    ## Coordinates are given to 10 decimal places
    ## Multitype:
    ##            frequency proportion    intensity
    ## Day Time         502      0.502 5.905882e-06
    ## Night Time       498      0.498 5.858824e-06
    ## Window: rectangle = [515000, 523500] x [6812000, 6822000] units
    ##                     (8500 x 10000 units)
    ## Window area = 8.5e+07 square units
    • Uses the minimum and maximum values of each coordinate


  • Quadrat-based Chi-Square Test

    • A Pearson \(\chi^2\) independence test that compares the empirical distribution of events by quadrats to the distribution of events as expected under the hypothesis that the underlying process is random.
      \[ \begin{align} &\chi^2 = \sum_i^Q r_i^2\\ &\text{where} \;\; r_i = \frac{\text{observed}_i - \text{expected}_i}{\sqrt{\text{expected}_i}} \end{align} \]

    • \(r_i\) is the Pearson residual and \(Q\) is the number of quadrats

    • Issues

      • Test results is affected by the chosen quadrat grid.
      • Count-based so size of the quadrat matters. With irregular shaped quadrats (e.g. within a city boundary), it might be difficult to create a grid with roughly homogeneous counts.
      • The test is not sensitive to the relative position of the events within the quadrats. So, there could be extreme clustering happening within the quadrats and the test might not reject the Null.
    • Example: quadrat.test using a ppp object

      q_test <- 
                     nx = 3, 
                     ny = 3)
      ## Warning: Some expected counts are small; chi^2 approximation may be inaccurate
      ##  Chi-squared test of CSR using quadrat counts
      ## data:  Fast_Food.ppp
      ## X2 = 213.74, df = 8, p-value < 2.2e-16
      ## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
      ## Quadrats: 9 tiles (irregular windows)
      • All expected counts (assumes a uniform Poisson point process) should be greater than 5 which is why there’s a warning.
        • The docs of this function sound very much like the stuff in my Discrete Analysis notebook, so see that for further details.
        • Options seem to be to use method = “MonteCarlo” which relaxes the expected count > 5 condition or using a smaller grid. My DA notebook also suggests Exact Tests if that’s available for this sort of thing.
      • p-value < 0.05 suggests that this is not a CSR (completely spatially random — aka uniform Poisson point process) pattern
        • If lambda is provided then the Null is a Poisson point process with that \(\lambda\) (i.e. intensity or probably also Poisson mean)
      • Can also use split.ppp(ppp_ff) and have each point category tested.
      • This function has methods for point patterns (class “ppp”), split point patterns (class “splitppp”), point process models (class “ppm” or “slrm”`) and quadrat count tables (class “quadratcount”).
      • Plotting the object will display the quadrats, annotated by their observed and expected counts and the Pearson residuals.
      • Pearson residuals can be extracted with residuals. They evidently aren’t standardized, but if standardized, they can be treated as z-scores with values > 1.96 indicating which quadrats are causing the rejection of the Null. (See Regression, Diagnostics >> Residuals >> Standardized Residuals)
  • G-Function

    • A cumulative distribution function of distances that tells you the proportion of events that have a nearest neighbor at a distance less than some value. (i.e. ecdf)

      • e.g. At a distance of 1.5 km, 32% of events/locations have a nearest neighbor at that distance or less.
    • Empirical G-Function
      \[ \hat G(r) = \frac{d_{i} \le r, \forall i}{n} \]

      • Where \(d_{i}\) is the distance from event/location, \(i\), to its nearest neighbor and \(r\) is a distance value
    • Theoretical G-Function
      \[ G(r) = 1 - e^{-\lambda \pi r^2} \]

      • Represents the Null point generating process from a Poisson distribution
    • Guidelines

      • \(\hat G(r) \gt G(r)\) says events are closer together than expected from a random process, i.e. Clustered
      • \(\hat G(r) \approx G(r)\) says event/location pattern resembles a random process
      • \(\hat G(r) \lt G(r)\) says events are further away from each other than expected from a random process, i.e. Dispersed or Regular
    • Example: {spatstat.explore::Gest}

      # Use split to calculate the G-function only for "Pattern 1"
      g_pattern1 <- 
        Gest(split(pp0.ppp)$"Pattern 1", 
             correction = "none")
      lines(x = c(0.04, 0.04), 
            y = c(-0.1, 0.5), 
            lty = "dotted")
      lines(x = c(-0.1, 0.04), 
            y = c(0.5, 0.5), 
            lty = "dotted")
      lines(x = c(-0.1, 0.04), 
            y = c(0.16, 0.16), 
            lty = "dotted", 
            col = "red")
      • See Basics >> Example 1 for what Pattern 1 looks like
      • \(\hat G(r) \gt G(r)\) indicates clustering
      • The line shows about 50% of events have a nearest neighbor at a distance of less than approximately 0.04
      • correction: Optional. The edge correction(s) to be used to estimate \(G(r)\). A vector of character strings selected from “none”, “rs”, “km”, “Hanisch” and “best”. Alternatively correction = “all” selects all options.
  • F-Function

    • Same as the G-Functions except the distance isn’t from event-to-event but from point-to-event.

    • The point is an arbitrary location on a map and not necessarily a location of an event

    • Same empirical and theoretical formulas — again, only the \(d_i\) measurement is different.

    • Guidelines (Opposite of \(G\))

      • \(\hat F(r) \gt F(r)\) says empty spaces are closer to events than expected from a random process, i.e. regular or dispersed

      • \(\hat F(r) \approx F(r)\) says event/location pattern resembles a random process

      • \(\hat F(r) \lt F(r)\) says empty spaces are further from events than expected from a random process, i.e. clustered

    • Example: {spatstat.explore::Fest}

      data("pp2_df", package = "isdas")
      W <- owin(c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
      pp2.ppp <- as.ppp(pp2_df, W = W)
      f_pattern2 <- Fest(pp2.ppp, correction = "none")
      lines(x = c(0, 0.097), 
            y = c(0.4, 0.4), 
            col = "blue", 
            lty = "dotted")
      lines(x = c(0.045, 0.045), 
            y = c(0.0, 0.4), 
            col = "blue", 
            lty = "dotted")
      lines(x = c(0.097, 0.097), 
            y = c(0.0, 0.4), 
            col = "blue", 
            lty = "dotted")
      • \(\hat F \lt F\) indicates clustering

      • Under the theoretical function 40% of points have a nearest event that is at a distance of approximately 0.045 or less, under the empirical function, the events are generally more distant from the points

  • K-Function

    • AKA Ripley’s K-Function

    • Instead of only using distances to first order neighbors, it takes into account multiple orders of neighbors.

    • Different types of patterns can be present at different scales (pp3.ppp plot)

      • Overall there’s clustering but the clusters are regularly spaced.
      • At the cluster-level, events look to possibly have a random pattern.
      • F and G will indicate clustering but not recognize the regular spacing of the clusters
    • Process: At each event, neighbors are counted at some radius, r. Then r is increased and neighbors are counted again. This continues until all events have been counted as a neighbor. (See Geospatial, Spatial Weights >> Diagnostics >> Connectedness for details on higher order neighbors)

    • Empirical Formula
      \[ \hat K(r) = \frac{1}{\hat \lambda A} \sum_i \sum_{j \ne i} (d_{ij} \le r) \]

      • Not explicitly defined in the book, but I can guess what the terms are
      • \(\hat \lambda\) is the estimated intensity (i.e. density) and \(A\) is the overall area
      • The rest is summing all the distances (\(d_{ij}\)) from event, \(i\), to all the other events, \(j\).
    • Theoretical Formula
      \[ K(r) = \pi r^2 \]

    • Guidelines

      • \(\hat K(r) \gt K(r)\) says events are closer together than expected from a random process, i.e. Clustered
      • \(\hat K(r) \approx K(r)\) says event/location pattern resembles a random process
      • \(\hat K(r) \lt K(r)\) says events are further away from each other than expected from a random process, i.e. Dispersed or Regular
    • Example: {spatstat.explore::Kest}

      data("pp3_df", package = "isdas")
      W <- owin(c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
      pp3.ppp <- as.ppp(pp3_df, W = W)
      k_pattern3 <- Kest(pp3.ppp, correction = "none")
      • Plot of pp3.ppp shown earlier
      • \(\hat K(r) \gt K(r)\) at a smaller scale which indicates clustering,
      • But also, \(\hat K(r) \lt K(r)\) at a larger scale which indicates regularity.

Kernel Density

  • Kernel density is a smooth estimate of the underlying intensity of the process, and the degree of smoothing is controlled by the bandwidth

    • A map of the kernel density is better able to capture the variations in density across the region.
  • Process

    • Each quadrat is treated as independent of the others in the window.
    • There isn’t a grid of quadrats but in essence, one that slides around the study area.
    • it gives greater weight to events that are close to the center of the window, and less weight to events that are more distant from the center of the window
    • The kernel function visits each point on a fine grid and obtains an estimate of the density by summing the weights of all events.
    • The shape of the Gaussian kernel depends on the standard deviation, which controls how “big” the window is, or alternatively, how quickly the function decays via decreasing weights. We will call the standard deviation the kernel bandwidth of the function.
  • {spatstat.explore::density.ppp} - Kernel smoothed intensity function from a point pattern

    • kernel: “gaussian”, “epanechnikov”, “quartic” or “disc”
    • weights: Optional weights to be attached to the points
    • diggle: Logical. If TRUE, use the Jones-Diggle improved edge correction, which is more accurate but slower to compute than the default correction.
  • Example: Fast Food in Toronto

    # sf dfs
    data("Fast_Food", package = "isdas")
    data("Toronto", package = "isdas")
    # create a ppp obj
    ppp_ff <- as.ppp(Fast_Food, as.owin(Toronto))
    # calculate densities for each type of fast food
    kernel_density <- density(split(ppp_ff), sigma = bw.diggle)
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(0, 0, 1.1, 2))
        split.ppp(ppp_ff), # add pts
      \(x1, x2, x3) {
        plot(x1, main = x3)
        plot(x2, add = TRUE)
    • bw.diggle calculates the bandwidth using cross-validation. It’s part of one of the group of sub-packages, {spatstat.explore}, that automatically gets loaded. There do seem to be other options, but I chose this based on the example in the Pebesma-Bivand book.
    • If you just want to plot the densities without the points, it’s plot(kernel_density)
    • See spatstat.geom::plot.im for beaucoup styling options for the density plot. I didn’t add it here, but when there aren’t any other labels, I kind of liked the addcontour = TRUE as an extra density cue especially for the darker colors.
    • Note that density color scales have different ranges in the legends