

  • Lexicons
    • Finance: Loughran-McDonald
    • ECB conferences: Picault-Renault

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ASBA)

  • Notes from: NLP Project With Augmentation, Attacks, & Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
  • Model
    1. Identify observations from the dataset that are relevant to our aspect.
      • Example: Analyze consumer sentiment specifically related to the color of dresses
        • Color is the aspect
      • Options
        • Filter text column to rows that only contain the aspect key word (e.g. color, colors)
          • regex?
        • Sometimes with more abstract aspects, such as Experience, Service, or Location, you may need to leverage topic modeling to predict which aspect is most relevant to a text.
    2. Tokenize text into smaller pieces
      • Some simple options would be to split text by punctuation (e.g. commas) and/or conjunctions
    3. Calculate the Polarity (aka sentiment) relating to the aspect
      • Apply a pre-trained sentiment classifier model
        • Models: TextBlob
      • Polarity range: -1 to 1
    4. Extract the descriptors associated with our aspect
      • Descriptors help explain the “why” behind the sentiment.
        • e.g. the customer comment had a positive sentiment about color because they thought it was beautiful. “Beautiful” is the descriptor.
      • Options
        • spaCy’s token classification features to automatically analyze the linguistic structure of the sentence and extract what adjectives/adverbs are associated with our noun
  • Analysis
    • Polarity histogram related to aspect
      • Interpretation
        • Customers typically respond positively to dress colors.
        • Therefore, color is not a primary contributor to Not Recommended reviews
    • Descriptors
      • Interpretation
        • Customers love products with bright, vivid, and vibrant colors.
        • Customers tend to complain about a product’s color when it appears darker in person than on online pictures or is too muted or dull
        • Company should focus on using bright, vibrant colorways and materials