Multilevel, Longitudinal


  • Also see Mixed Effects, General >> Considerations >> Variable Assignment
  • Need to figure out if
    • There’s significant within-unit variation. If so, then FE model will likely be the best model
      • Article with simulated data showed that within variation around sd < 0.5 didn’t detect the effect of explanatory variable but ymmv (depends on # of units, observations per unit, N)
    • There’s significant between-unit variation. If so, then RE model will likely be the best model


  • Misc
    • Also see Regression, Ordinal >> EDA >> Crosstabs
    • Is my data clustered?
    • Separate variables into levels
      • Level One: Variables measured at the most frequently occurring observational unit
        • i.e. Variables that (for the most part) have different values for each row
        • i.e. Vary for each repeated measure of a subject and vary between subjects
      • Level Two: Variables measured on larger observational units
        • i.e. Constant for each repeated measure of a subject but vary between each subject


  • Level 1 and Level 2
    • Group-level correlation or autocorrelation in variables can mislead or obscure patterns
      • If level 2 variable categories are pretty well balanced and there’s sufficient data, then plotting means can remove the correlation affect in the plot
    • Continuous
      • Looking at the skew, median/mean, bimodal or not
      • Example:
        • (Top) Each observation is plotted as if each observation is independent of the other
          • * Ignores dependency (via repeated measures)
        • (Bottom) Means for each subject or case or other level of a random variable
          • * Removes dependency
        • Interpretation: Right skew remains in both plots but plot 1’s decrease is smoother than plot 2’s
    • Categorical
      • Calculate proportions of each category and noting trends (ordinal variables) or severe imbalances


  • Questions
    • Is there is a general trend suggesting that as the covariate increases the response either increases or decreases (trend)
    • Do subjects at certain levels of the covariate tend to have similar mean values of the response (low variability)
    • Is the variation in the response at different levels of the covariate (unequal variability)
  • Me: Comparison between plots that take into account dependency and the same plot that doesn’t
    • Trend in plot that ignores dependency but no trend in plot that removes dependency
      • May indicate within-subject variation
    • No trend in plot that ignores dependency but trend in plot that removes dependency
      • May indicate between-subject variation
  • Boxplots (Categorical)
    • Level 1 categorical covariates (y-axis) vs continuous outcome (x-axis)
    • * Ignores dependency (via repeated measures)
    • Interpretation
      • Left: ordinal covariate, medians are close and boxes pretty much contained within each other but there might be a trend
      • Right: Looks like some decent variation between categories
    • Mean outcome (per subject) vs covariate
      • * Removes dependency
      • Interpretation: looks like some decent variation between categories
  • Scatter (Continuous)
    • Level 1 continuous covariate (x-axis) vs continuous outcome (y-axis)
    • * Ignores dependency (via repeated measures)
    • Actually a discrete  covariate being treated as continuous the fact that does seem to be a small trend is what’s important
    • Mean outcome (per subject) vs covariate
      • * Removes dependency
      • Interpretation: PEM not showing much of an correlation if any
  • Facetting previous plots by subject

    • Left
      • Mostly downward trends but some upward trends
      • Useful for prior formulation
      • Gives an idea about the uncertainty of the slope of this variable
    • Right
      • Scarcity of points for some categories makes boxplots a bad idea
      • Difficult to spot any trends
    • * Removes dependency


  • Scatter, color by random variable

    • Variables
      • “points per 60 min” (outcome)
      • “time on ice” (fixed effect)
      • facetted by “position” (fixed effect)
      • colored by “player” (potential random variable)
    • Interpretation
      • Theres does seem to be clustering by “player” therefore a mixed effects model might be a good choice.
  • Scatter with linear smooths (link)

    theme_set(theme_classic(base_size = 14))
    ggplot(d, aes(x = NAP, y = log_richness, color = Beach_c)) +
      geom_point() +
      stat_smooth(method = "lm", alpha = 0.1) +
      scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired")
    • Shows the varying slopes and some varying intercepts (but an overall trend) by random variable, Beach_c
  • Null Model (aka random intercept-only model)

    m0 <- 
      lmer(pp60 ~ 1 + (1 | player), 
           data = df)
    player       20      0.89
    • ICC > 0.1 is generally accepted as the minimal threshold for justifying the use of Mixed Effects model (See ICC section)


  • Misc
    • Repeated measures that have a sequential or time component
    • packages: {brolgar}


  • Continuous Outcome vs. Time
    • Facetted by Observational Unit (e.g. school)

      • Linear Fit and Line Chart
    • Spaghetti


  • Bold line is the overall fit with LOESS

  • Continuous Outcome vs Time

    • Facetted by Categorical
    • Facetted by Binned Continuous
  • Time Endpoints

    • “School Type” is a categorical, level 2 variable and “Math Score” is the numeric outcome
    • Looking for change from the initial measurement to the final measurement

Linear parameters

  • Fit a linear regression for each subject/unit with its repeated measurements
    • See univariate >> numerical outcome vs. time >> Facetted by observational unit >> (left) linear fit
  • Advantages
    • Each unit’s/subject’s data points can be summarized with two summary statistics—an intercept and a slope
      • Bigger advantage when there are more observations over time per unit/subject
    • Seems like a good way for using empirical bayes (i.e. use these distributions for prior specifications)
  • Disadvantages
    • Slopes cannot be estimated for those units/subjects with just a single observation
    • R-squared values cannot be calculated for those units/subjects with no variability in test scores during the time period
    • R-squared values must be 1 for those units/subjects with only two test scores.
  • Summary Statistics
    • Mean and SD for intercepts and slopes
  • Univariate
    • \(y_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1 t + \epsilon_t\)
      • \(t\) is the time variable (aka trend)
    • Parameter Distributions
    • Correlation
      • Lower intitial values (intercepts) show the greatest growth (slopes) over time
      • Correlation = -0.32
  • Bivariate
    • Process
      • Filter data by Level 2 variable
      • For each category of the Level 2 variable, fit a regression, yt = β0 + β1t + εt, for each unit/subject.
      • Aggregate results
    • Parameter Distributions
      • “School Type” is a Level 2, binary variable