

Linear Regression

  • Interaction: continuous x categorical

    stan_mod <- stan_glm(log_gdp_std ~ rugged_std_c * cid, 
                        data = dd, 
                        family = gaussian(link = "identity"), 
                        seed = 12345)
    • Linear models still use stan_glm but with a gaussian distribution family
  • Interaction: categorical x categorical

    rstan_mod1 <- stan_glm(
      admitted ~ gender*dept,
      data = ucb_01,
      family = binomial

Discrete Distribution Models

  • Binomial (SR, Ch. 11)

    tot_mod <- stan_glm
      cbind(admit, reject) ~ 0 + applicant.gender, 
      prior = normal(0,1), 
      data = ucb, 
      family = binomial 
    • Can also use a logistic model, but need case-level data (e.g. 0/1)

      • Deaggregate count data into 0/1 case-level data
      data(UCBadmit, package = "rethinking")
      ucb <- UCBadmit %>%
        mutate(applicant.gender = relevel(applicant.gender, ref = "male"))
      # deaggregate to 1/0
      deagg_ucb <- function(x, y) {
        UCBadmit %>%
          select(-applications) %>%
          group_by(dept, applicant.gender) %>%
          tidyr::uncount(weights = !!sym(x)) %>%
          mutate(admitted = y) %>%
          select(dept, gender = applicant.gender, admitted)
      ucb_01 <- purrr::map2_dfr(c("admit", "reject"),
                                c(1, 0),
                                ~ disagg_ucb(.x, .y)
    • Logistic

      rstan_mod1 <- stan_glm(
        admitted ~ gender*dept,
        data = ucb_01,
        family = binomial