Location Selection


  • Customer research, market expertise & experience, and competitor location analysis can all help inform the important criteria for your business
  • Tool to calculate population density within a certain radius of a location
  • Might be more useful to aggregate smaller geographies into overlapping circular areas to compare candidates
    • Would have to decide how to handle geographies that are only partially enclosed in a circlular area
      • Use a percentage?
      • Include the whole thing?


  • Understanding of the demographic or economic factors that must be in place to be successful
  • Examples of questions
    • Do you need a large population?
    • High income population?
    • High presence of certain age brackets?
    • Do you rely on office worker foot traffic?
    • Is the presence of certain business types important (restaurants, healthcare facilities)?
  • Non-data factors
    • Appropriate accessibility (car traffic/foot traffic, street frontage)
    • Signage
    • Availability and size of space
    • Cost/affordability

Location Profiles

  • These are created for existing stores and locations or potential new stores

  • Example: Workforce and Demographic

  • Other potential variables

    • Customer median driving distance
      • May also inform on the correct census geography to use
    • Distance_to highways, business district, etc.


  • Use thresholds for any profile variables to help narrow the group of potential candidate locations to a managable number
    • Might be useful to fit a decision tree to develop rules to use as thresholds
    • Example
      • Zip Code Population of 25,000+
        • May want to use census geographies other than zip code
      • City Population of 150,000+
      • Growing Population
      • Household Income of $75,000+
      • High percentage of the population in the workforce
      • High economic activity
      • Primary industry of employment in White Collar
      • Percentage millennial population
      • Restaurant density
  • Score candidate locations
    • Create weights for important profile variables and then calculate scores for each candidate location
      • Methods for creating weights
        • Wing it with domain knowledge
        • Coefficients from a regularized regression of KPI ~ standardized_profile_vars could be used as weights
          • Or feature importance, shapely values, etc. from tree model
        • Correlation or association statistics as weights
    • Order scores highest to lowest
      • If more than one location is considered, then group_by a suitably-sized geography
  • Cluster candidate location profiles with current successful stores
    • Candidate locations that are in the same cluster as your stores are the ones that should be considered
    • Prominent features of the cluster(s) may indicate which profile variables are more important than others
  • Take top-n candidates and dig deeper:
    • Competitor analysis
      • Example questions
        • How many competitors exist is location?
        • Where are they located?
        • How satisfied are consumers with the options that exist today?
          • Which competitors are most popular, suggesting we may want to look in other areas?
          • e.g. Google Map, Yelp, etc. reviews of competitors at this location
    • Mapping may illuminate other considerations
      • e.g. One location has large swaths of uninhabitable land — is there enough population density for us to be successful?
    • How close are these locations to your other stores?
      • Could one leach customers from the other?
    • Examine profiles of final candidates
      • What are the primary differences?
      • What are the best features?