

  • Also see
  • Packages
    • {PerformanceAnalytics} - Econometric Tools for Performance and Risk Analysis
      • Lots of vignettes, but there’s also a substantial amount of material in the introduction section of the Reference Manual

Value at Risk (VaR)


  • Also see Association, Copulas

  • Copula Workflow

    • Data Collection and Preprocessing:
      • Collect historical data for the two variables of interest.
      • Clean the data by handling missing values, outliers, and ensuring consistency.
    • Marginal Distribution Estimation:
      • Estimate the marginal distributions of each variable independently.
      • Fit appropriate probability distributions to the marginal data.
    • Copula Selection and Fitting:
      • Choose a copula family (e.g., Gaussian, t, Clayton, Gumbel, etc.).
      • Fit the copula model to the data, estimating the copula parameters.
    • Simulation and Analysis:
      • Generate joint samples from the fitted copula model.
      • Use the joint distribution to compute risk measures such as VaR and CVaR.
  • Example: Value at Risk and Conditional Value at Risk Using Copulas

    n <- 1000
    asset1 <- 
            mean = 0.001, 
            sd = 0.02)
    asset2 <- 
            mean = 0.001, 
            sd = 0.03)
    data <- data.frame(asset1, asset2)
    1margins <- list(m1 = fitdistrplus::fitdist(asset1, "norm"),
                    m2 = fitdistrplus::fitdist(asset2, "norm"))
    2normal.cop <- copula::normalCopula(param = 0.5, dim = 2)
    u1 <- 
            mean = margins$m1$estimate["mean"], 
    3        sd = margins$m1$estimate["sd"])
    u2 <- 
            mean = margins$m2$estimate["mean"], 
            sd = margins$m2$estimate["sd"])
    fit.cop <- 
                        cbind(u1, u2), 
                        method = "ml")
    copula.samples <- 
    4  copula::rCopula(n, fit.cop@copula)
    5simulated.returns <- data.frame(
      asset1 = qnorm(copula.samples[, 1], 
                     mean = margins$m1$estimate["mean"], 
                     sd = margins$m1$estimate["sd"]),
      asset2 = qnorm(copula.samples[, 2], 
                     mean = margins$m2$estimate["mean"], 
                     sd = margins$m2$estimate["sd"])
    simulated.portfolio.returns <- rowMeans(simulated.returns)
    6VaR_95 <- quantile(simulated.portfolio.returns, probs = 0.05)
    CVaR_95 <- mean(simulated.portfolio.returns[simulated.portfolio.returns <= VaR_95])
    Estimate marginal distributions (assuming normal for simplicity)
    normalCopula doesn’t have it’s own listing in the reference manual. It’s under ellipCopula, or you can just use ?normalCopula.
    Fit the copula to the data
    Generate samples from the fitted copula. The @ operator is used to access copula object since it’s a S4 object. Also, rCopula doesn’t have it’s own listing in the reference manual. It’s under Copula, or you can just use ?rCopula.
    Simulate portfolio returns by ransforming copula samples back to original scale and averaging (i.e. equal weighting)
    Calculate VaR and CVaR at 95% confidence level
    • {PerformanceAnalytics} also has functions for calculation the VaR and CVaR values

      VaR_95 <- VaR(simulated.portfolio.returns, 
                    p = 0.95, 
                    method = "historical")
      CVaR_95 <- ES(simulated.portfolio.returns, 
                    p = 0.95, 
                    method = "historical")