

  • Packages
    • CRAN Taskview
    • Epiverse-TRACE packages
    • RECON packages
    • {ABM} - Fast SEIR model simuation
    • {ggsurveillance} - Helpful tools and ggplot extensions for epidemiology, especially infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigation.
      • geoms for plotting epicurves and epigantt charts
      • Data prep: seasonal alignment and case bining based on dates
    • {epigrowthfit} - Maximum likelihood estimation of nonlinear mixed effects models of epidemic growth using Template Model Builder (‘TMB’)
      • Enables joint estimation for collections of disease incidence time series, including time series that describe multiple epidemic waves.
      • Supported Distributions: Exponential, Logistic, Richards (Generalized Logistic), Subexponential, and Gompertz
  • Resources
    • The Epidemiologist R Handbook
    • R4EPIs - A project to develop standardized data cleaning, analysis and reporting tools to cover common types of outbreaks and population-based surveys that would be conducted in an MSF emergency response setting (automated outbreak templates)
    • RECON Learn - Free and open training resources to respond to outbreaks, health emergencies and humanitarian crises
    • Epiverse-TRACE - Tools and learning materials
    • CDC tutorial on epicurves
  • Papers
    • What Should the First 100 Lines of Code Written During an Epidemic Look Like? (Paper)
      • Notes from a workshop of academics, epidemiologists, data scientists, and software engineers
      • For each scenario:
        • A ficticious case line list and contact tracing data are described
        • A set of questions to address during the analytic process is given
        • An analytic pipeline is given
        • Challenges experienced during the process are described.
      • Outlined Scenarios
        • Novel respiratory disease in The Gambia
        • Outbreak of an unidentified disease in rural Colombia
        • Reston Ebolavirus in the Philippines
        • Emerging avian influenza in Cambodia
        • Outbreak of respiratory disease in Canada
  • Workflow (paper)


  • Case Line Lists - Data tables in which every line is a different case/patient, and columns record different variables of potential epidemiological interest such as date of events (e.g. onset of symptom, case notification), disease outcome, or patient data (e.g. age, sex, occupation).

Disease Mapping

  • Goals
    • Provide accurate estimates of mortality/incidence risks or rates in space and time
    • Unveil underlying spatial and spatio-temporal patterns
    • Detect high-risk areas or hotspots
  • Risk estimation using metrics such as Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) when analyzing rare diseases or low-populated areas are highly variable over time, so it’s diffficult to spot patterns and form hypotheses
    • SMR = Observed number of cases / Expected number of cases
      • SMR > 1: risk is greater than the whole region under study
      • Guessing “Expected number of cases” is the average number of cases for the whole study region
  • Statistical models smooth risks by borrowing information from spatio-temporal neighbors
    • The smoothed gradient over the entire study region makes it easier to detect patterns and form hypotheses than highly variable, local area metric estimates (e.g. SMR in a low populated county)
  • Traditional Models
    • Types
      • Mixed Poisson with conditional autoregressive (CAR) priors for “space” and random walk priors for “time” that include space ⨯ time interactions (Knorr-Held, 2000, Bayesian modeling of inseperable space-time variation in disease risk)
      • Reduced rank multidimensional P-splines (Ugarte et al, 2017, One-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three dimensional B-splines to specify space-time interactions in Bayesian disease mapping)
    • Issues
      • Estimating the cov-var matrix becomes intractable with big data and many areas since the covariance must be estimated between each pair of areas
      • CAR models assume the same level of spatial dependence between all areas which isn’t likely.
  • {bigDM}
    • Scalable non-stationary Bayesian models for high-dim, count data
    • Dependencies
      • Uses {future} for distributed computing
      • Integrated, nested laplace approximation (INLA) method through {R-INLA}
    • K-order neighborhood model
      • Breaks up local spatial or spatio-temporal domains so that estimations can distributed and local area dependencies (neighborhoods) can be accounted for.
      • “Areas” are usually districts, counties, provinces, etc.
        • Package does provide a method to create a “random” area grid
          • Might be useful to compare a random grid model with the e.g. county model to see how much county boundaries influence the estimates
      • Each local area model includes k adjacent areas which creates a partition
        • The local area estimate is smoothed by taking information from the adjacent areas
        • Adjacent areas also have estimate posteriors computed
        • Each area will have multiple posterior estimates from local area models where the area is the local area or where it is the adjacent area
      • Merge or don’t merge estimate posteriors for each area
        • Merge: use weights proportional to the conditional predictive ordinates (CPO) ???
        • Don’t Merge: Use the posterior marginal risk estimates of an area corresponding to the original submodel.
          • i.e. use the posterior where the area is the “local area” in that local area model and not an adjacent area.
        • Primary functions
          • CAR.INLA() fits several spatial CAR models for high dim count data
          • STCAR.INLA() fits several spatio-temporal CAR models for high dim count data