Historical Weekly COVID-19 Cases by Age for Indiana


Processed data for Demographics heatmaps that shows a breakdown of weekly COVID-19 cases by age group.

Reference Entry



Processing: process-demog-data.R

Raw Sources

tidycensus R package: website, 2018 age populations for Indiana


Other variables:
- end_date: Ordered factor; date of the last day of the weekly interval
- daily_cases: Cases for the end_date; vestigial column that was used to calculate weekly_cases
- pop: 2018 age populations for Indiana that’s used to calculate prop_cases

Variable N = 7041 Definition
age_grp Age group
0 to 19 88 (12%)
20 to 29 88 (12%)
30 to 39 88 (12%)
40 to 49 88 (12%)
50 to 59 88 (12%)
60 to 69 88 (12%)
70 to 79 88 (12%)
80 and older 88 (12%)
weekly_cases 841 (393, 1,936) Weekly count of COVID-19 confirmed cases by age group
prop_cases 1.05 (0.58, 2.47) Number of cases scaled to per 1000 residents per age group

1 n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Weekly COVID-19 Deaths by Age Group for Indiana


Processed data for Demographics line charts that shows counts and trends of weekly COVID-19 deaths by age group.

Reference Entry



Processing: process-demog-data.R

Raw Sources



Other variables: - date_text: date label for the chart
- tooltip: pop-up text for points in chart with death counts and date

Variable N = 6961 Definition
end_date 2020-03-23 to 2021-11-16 Date of the last day of the weekly interval
agegrp Age group
0 to 19 87 (12%)
20 to 29 87 (12%)
30 to 39 87 (12%)
40 to 49 87 (12%)
50 to 59 87 (12%)
60 to 69 87 (12%)
70 to 79 87 (12%)
80 and older 87 (12%)
weekly_total 6 (1, 25) Weekly count of COVID-19 confirmed deaths by age group

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Daily COVID-19 Hospital Admissions by Age Group for Indiana


Raw data for the Hospitals line charts that shows daily COVID-19 hospital admissions by age group and gender.

Reference Entry



Collection: scrape-regenstrief-tableau.R

Raw Sources

Regenstrief Institute: dashboard


This dataset is incomplete with random gaps between days.

Variable N = 2,3851 Definition
date 2020-11-07 to 2021-11-21 Date (Daily)
ages Age group
0-4 265 (11%)
20-29 265 (11%)
30-39 265 (11%)
40-49 265 (11%)
5-19 265 (11%)
50-59 265 (11%)
60-69 265 (11%)
70-79 265 (11%)
80+ 265 (11%)
admissions_m 2,237 (492, 4,764) Daily COVID-19 male hospital admissions by age group
admissions_f 2,728 (1,036, 4,478) Daily COVID-19 female hospital admissions by age group
admissions_total 4,942 (1,656, 9,269) Daily COVID-19 total hospital admissions by age group

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Daily ICU Beds and Ventilators for Indiana


Raw data for the Static Charts Hospitalizations, ICU Beds and Ventilator Availability that shows resource counts of ICU beds and ventilators.

Reference Entry



Collection: build-datasets.R

Raw Sources

Indiana Data Hub: COVID-19 BEDS AND VENTS


The source publishs daily excel spreadsheets with total resource counts, and these spreadsheets are collected and joined daily to produce a dataset with historical values.

Variable N = 6361 Definition
date 2020-02-26 to 2021-11-22 Date (Daily)
beds_icu_total 2,238 (2,173, 2,289) Total ICU beds
beds_icu_occupied_covid_19 290 (173, 490) Total ICU beds occupied with COVID-19 patients
beds_icu_no_occupied_covid_19 1,184 (1,052, 1,292) Total ICU beds occupied with non-COVID-19 patients
beds_available_icu_beds_total 718 (546, 859) Total available ICU beds
vents_total 2,797 (2,781, 2,896) Total ventilators
vents_all_use_covid_19 103 (70, 228) Total ventilators being used by COVID-19 patients
vents_non_covid_pts_on_vents 471 (419, 517) Total ventilators being used by non-COVID-19 patients
vents_all_available_vents_not_in_use 2,198 (2,012, 2,342) Total available ventilators

1 Range; Median (IQR)

Historical Google Maps Mobility Indices for Indiana


Processed data for the Google Maps Mobility Indices line chart that shows percent differences from a mobility baseline that was calculated during the 5-week period Jan 3 – Feb 6, 2020. These percent changes show how lengths-of-stay at different locations have changed from pre-pandemic conditions.

Reference Entry



Miscellaneous: goog-mob-line.R

Raw Sources

Google Mobility Reports: website


Variable N = 1,9381 Definition
date 2020-02-15 to 2021-11-21 Date (Daily)
activity Length-of-stay (mobility) measurements are calculated for these location categories
Residential 646 (33%)
Retail and Recreation 646 (33%)
Workplace 646 (33%)
index -0.01 (-0.17, 0.04) Percent difference from the mobility baseline for each category
weekend 558 (29%) TRUE/FALSE binary for whether the date is on a weekend or not

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical State Hospital Staff Shortages, Hospital Mortality Rate, Hospital Admissions and Ages Skewness of Admissions for Indiana


Processed data for Hospitals line charts that shows state hospital staff shortages, hospital mortality rate, hospital admissions, and age skewness of hospital admissions towards older patients.

Reference Entry



Process: process-hospitals-data.R

Raw Sources

Regenstrief Institute: dashboard
Department of Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by State Timeseries
Department of Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by Facility


Other variables:
- date: Ordered factor, Month Day format

Variable N = 3491 Definition
roll_mean_staff_short_perc 0.09 (0.07, 0.14) Percent of reporting hospitals that have reported staffing shortages for that day. That percentage is averaged over a rolling, seven day window
mean_mort_rate 0.17 (0.11, 0.22) Ratio of deaths of hospitalized COVID-19 patients and unique COVID-19 hospital admissions. Each rate is calculated over a rolling, 14-day window
roll_mean_admiss 131 (82, 218) Daily total of unique individuals that have tested positive for COVID-19 and been admitted to a hospital on the that day. Those daily counts are averaged over a rolling, seven day window
skewness 0.43 (0.32, 0.69) Measurement of the age makeup of the COVID-19 hospital admissions data. It's calculated over a rolling, 14 day window

1 Median (IQR)

Local Hospital Capacity for Indiana


Processed data for the Hospitals Local Hospital Capacity table that shows capacity measures and counts of COVID-19 patients for hospitals at the local level.

Reference Entry



Process: process-hospitals-data.R

Raw Sources

Department of Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by State Timeseries


Other variables: - hospital_name: char, Name of hospital
- address: char, Street address of hospital
- city_zip: char, City and zip code
- county_name: char, Name of county
- avgCovIcuTenKList: nested list, end_date and average daily number of ICU beds being used by confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients over the weekly interval
- avgCovHospTenKList: nested list, end_date and average daily number of hospital beds being used by confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients over the weekly interval
- avgTotImpBedsList: end_date and avgTotImpBeds, the average daily number of staffed total beds available over the weekly interval

Variable N = 1261 Definition
end_date Last day the data was updated for a particular hospital
2020-12-03 1 (0.8%)
2021-10-14 1 (0.8%)
2021-11-18 124 (98%)
sev_day_icu_perc_occup 0.74 (0.50, 0.85) Proportion of the seven-day average of occupied ICU beds to the seven-day average of available ICU beds.
Missing 44
sev_day_hosp_perc_occup 0.57 (0.42, 0.76) Proportion of the seven-day average of occupied hospital beds to the seven-day average of available hospital beds.
Missing 2

1 n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Daily Tests, Cases and Deaths by Age for Indiana


Raw data for Demographics line charts that shows daily case and death counts by age group.

Reference Entry



Collection: build-datasets.R

Raw Sources



The source publishs daily excel spreadsheets with total resource counts, and these spreadsheets are collected and joined daily to produce a dataset with historical values.
Other variables:
- date: date, yyyy-mm-dd format

Variable N = 3,3021 Definition
date 2020-06-20 to 2021-08-19 Date (Daily)
agegrp Age Group
0 to <1 16 (0.5%)
0-19 358 (11%)
1-4 16 (0.5%)
12-17 16 (0.5%)
18-19 16 (0.5%)
20-29 358 (11%)
30-39 358 (11%)
40-49 358 (11%)
5-11 16 (0.5%)
50-59 358 (11%)
60-69 358 (11%)
70-79 358 (11%)
80+ 358 (11%)
Unknown 358 (11%)
covid_count 30,370 (9,438, 84,081) Number of cases by age group
covid_deaths 87 (9, 856) Number of deaths by age group
covid_test 207,442 (94,302, 408,873) Number of tests by age group
covid_count_pct 13.3 (6.3, 15.1) Percent of daily cases
covid_deaths_pct 2 (0, 15) Percent of daily deaths
covid_test_pct 13.2 (6.6, 14.8) Percent of daily tests

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Daily Cases and Deaths by Race for Indiana


Raw data that shows daily case and death counts by race.

Reference Entry



Collection: build-datasets.R

Raw Sources

The Covid Tracking Project: The COVID Racial Data Tracker


The source publishs data every 3 or 4 days.

Variable N = 4,1601
date 2020-04-12 to 2021-03-07
IN 4,160 (100%)
cases_total 64,299 (37,397, 125,146)
cases_white 30,602 (16,462, 68,399)
cases_black 7,359 (4,941, 11,801)
Missing 1
470 43 (24%)
646 45 (25%)
1125 46 (25%)
1580 47 (26%)
Missing 3,979
cases_asian 836 (567, 1,423)
cases_aian 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
cases_nhpi 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
cases_multiracial 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
cases_other 10,704 (6,774, 17,915)
Missing 1
cases_unknown 15,811 (8,669, 25,451)
cases_ethnicity_hispanic 6,960 (4,386, 10,680)
cases_ethnicity_non_hispanic 22,116 (12,530, 46,643)
cases_ethnicity_unknown 38,365 (21,857, 69,220)
Missing 189
deaths_total 2,932 (2,121, 3,674)
Missing 45
deaths_white 1,822 (1,435, 2,311)
Missing 189
deaths_black 393 (339, 453)
Missing 189
5 43 (100%)
Missing 4,117
deaths_asian 15 (10, 19)
Missing 189
deaths_aian 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
deaths_nhpi 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
deaths_multiracial 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
deaths_other 374 (291, 472)
Missing 189
deaths_unknown 406 (165, 474)
Missing 189
deaths_ethnicity_hispanic 57 (43, 83)
Missing 189
deaths_ethnicity_non_hispanic 1,452 (1,217, 1,757)
Missing 189
deaths_ethnicity_unknown 1,296 (980, 1,887)
Missing 189
hosp_total 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_white 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_black 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_latin_x 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_asian 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_aian 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_nhpi 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_multiracial 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_other 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_unknown 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_ethnicity_hispanic 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_ethnicity_non_hispanic 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_ethnicity_unknown 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_total 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_white 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_black 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_latin_x 0 (0%)
Missing 3,575
tests_asian 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_aian 0 (0%)
Missing 2,990
tests_nhpi 0 (0%)
Missing 2,990
tests_multiracial 0 (0%)
Missing 2,990
tests_other 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_unknown 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_ethnicity_hispanic 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_ethnicity_non_hispanic 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_ethnicity_unknown 0 (0, 766,513)
Missing 3,978
cases_latinx 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
deaths_latinx 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
hosp_latinx 0 (NA%)
Missing 4,160
tests_latinx 0 (0%)
Missing 3,679

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Weekly Median Age of Cases, Weekly Tests and Deaths for Indiana


Processed data for the Demographics bubble chart that shows the number of tests, number of deaths, and median age of the cases per week.

Reference Entry



Processing: process-demog-data.R

Raw Sources

Indiana Data Hub: COVID-19 CASE DATA


Other variables:
- end_date: ordered factor, Month Day format; end date of weekly interval

Variable N = 881 Definition
median_age 37.8 (35.8, 41.8) Median age of cases for that week
weekly_tests 162,483 (81,083, 214,241) Number of tests for that week
weekly_deaths 127 (68, 249) Number of deaths for that week

1 Median (IQR)

Historical Daily Hospital Admissions and Deaths for Indiana


Raw data for the Hospitals line charts that shows daily COVID-19 hospital admissions, hospital deaths, and hospital death rate.

Reference Entry



Collection: scrape-regenstrief-tableau.R

Raw Sources

Regenstrief Institute: dashboard


This dataset is incomplete with random gaps between days.

Variable N = 2521 Definition
date 2020-11-24 to 2021-11-21 Date (Daily)
deaths_total 9,420 (7,126, 11,303) Number of individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 who died while in the hospital
hosp_total 56,697 (41,778, 64,922) Number of unique individuals who have been hospitalized and tested positive for COVID-19
death_rate 0.170 (0.166, 0.180) Percent of individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 who died while in the hospital

1 Range; Median (IQR)

Historical Weekly Positivity Rates and Daily Cases per 100,000 Indiana Residents


Processed data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows weekly positivity rate and daily cases per 100,000 residents per metropolitan statistical area.

Reference Entry



Processing: process-hist-regional-dat.R

Raw Sources

covidcast R package: website
Michigan Disease Surveillance System: website
Wisconsin Department of Health Services: website
Illinois Department of Public Health: website
Indiana Data Hub: website


The missing values for pos_rate are partly because this dataset has a row for every day and the positivity rate is calculated every week. The other missing values are for Cincinnati, Louisville, and Evansville. At the time this dashboard was created, those states with counties included in those areas didn’t publicly release the necessary data to calcuate their positivity rates.

Other variables:
- geo_value: FIPS codes for msa
- start_date: Start date of the weekly interval for pos_rate
- data_date: Date when data was last updated

Variable N = 8,8501 Definition
date 2020-04-02 to 2021-11-12 date for daily cases_100k
msa Metropolitan Statistical Area
Bloomington 590 (6.7%)
Chicago-Naperville-Elgin 590 (6.7%)
Cincinnati 590 (6.7%)
Columbus 590 (6.7%)
Elkhart-Goshen 590 (6.7%)
Evansville 590 (6.7%)
Fort Wayne 590 (6.7%)
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson 590 (6.7%)
Kokomo 590 (6.7%)
Lafayette-West Lafayette 590 (6.7%)
Louisville/Jefferson County 590 (6.7%)
Michigan City-La Porte 590 (6.7%)
Muncie 590 (6.7%)
South Bend-Mishawaka 590 (6.7%)
Terre Haute 590 (6.7%)
cases_100k 16 (8, 35) Daily cases per 100,000 residents per MSA
pos_rate 0.06 (0.04, 0.09) Weekly positivity rate per MSA
Missing 7,902

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Daily Values of Delphi Research Groups Combined Indicator for Indiana


Processed data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows historic daily values of Delphi Research Group’s Combined Indicator for each methropolitan statistical area.

Reference Entry



Processing: process-dashboard-data.R

Raw Sources

covidcast R package: website


Variable N = 4,4851 Definition
time_value 2020-04-15 to 2021-03-16 Date (Daily)
name Metropolitan Statistical Area
Bloomington 299 (6.7%)
Chicago-Naperville-Elgin 299 (6.7%)
Cincinnati 299 (6.7%)
Columbus 299 (6.7%)
Elkhart-Goshen 299 (6.7%)
Evansville 299 (6.7%)
Fort Wayne 299 (6.7%)
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson 299 (6.7%)
Kokomo 299 (6.7%)
Lafayette-West Lafayette 299 (6.7%)
Louisville/Jefferson County 299 (6.7%)
Michigan City-La Porte 299 (6.7%)
Muncie 299 (6.7%)
South Bend-Mishawaka 299 (6.7%)
Terre Haute 299 (6.7%)
value 0.82 (0.63, 1.10) Delphi Research Group's “Combined” indicator

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Weekly COVID-19 Statistics and Counts for Illinois Counties


Raw data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows various weekly COVID-19 county statistics for Illinois

Reference Entry



Collection: build-regional-dat.R

Raw Sources

Illinois Department of Public Health: website


These data are published in weekly intervals into a HTML table then scraped and collected.
There are other missing data not shown in the table below. Illinois DPH changes/improves the format of their webpage from time to time, and I haven’t been changing my scraping code to match in a timely manner. They do have a data portal which has cases, tests, and deaths for each county, but not a historical dataset with exact fields as below. Here are weekly ranges that are missing:
2021-7-18 to 2021-7-24
2021-7-25 to 2021-7-31
2021-9-12 to 2021-9-18
2021-9-5 to 2021-9-11
2021-9-26 to 2021-10-9
2021-10-10 to 2021-10-16

Other variables:
- week: int; week of the year
- County: char; Illinois county name
- New Cases per 100,000: string; format: “<int> cases” or “<int> per 100k” or “<int> per 100kwarning”
- Test Positivity %: string; format: “<float>%\r\n New Tests: <int>”
- (%) CLI ED Visits, Adults: string; format: “<int>%”
- ICU (%) Available: string; format: “<float>%”

Variable N = 6,0771 Definition
start_date 2020-06-21 to 2021-09-19 First day of the weekly interval
end_date 2020-06-27 to 2021-09-25 Last day of the weekly interval
Number of Deaths 0.0 (0.0, 2.0) Number of COVID-19 deaths per week per county
Missing 11

1 Range; Median (IQR)

Historical Daily COVID-19 Test Results for Indiana Counties


Raw data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows daily COVID-19 county test results for Indiana

Reference Entry



Collection: build-regional-dat.R


Other variables:
- county: County name

Variable N = 58,5121 Definition
date 2020-02-26 to 2021-11-22 Date (Daily)
positives 5 (1, 17) Number of COVID-19 cases per day per county
num_tests 73 (23, 212) Number of COVID-19 tests per day per county

1 Range; Median (IQR)

Historical Daily COVID-19 Test Results for Michigan Counties


Raw data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows daily COVID-19 county test results for Michigan

Reference Entry



Collection: build-regional-dat.R

Raw Sources

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Tests by County


Other variables:
- county: County name

Variable N = 52,3971 Definition
date 2020-03-10 to 2021-11-21 Date (Daily)
positive 5 (1, 21) Number of COVID-19 positive tests per day per county
negative 73 (25, 238) Number of COVID-19 negative tests per day per county
total 80 (26, 261) Total number of COVID-19 tests per day per county

1 Range; Median (IQR)

OpenTable Year-Over-Year Seated Diners for Regional States


Processed data for the OpenTable Year-Over-Year Seated Diners line charts that shows reservation data from a sample of restaurants across Indiana and other regional states. Each data point is the median daily percent difference in seated diners from 2019 to either 2020 or 2021 depending on the date.

Reference Entry



Miscellaneous: opentab-rest-line.R

Raw Sources

OpenTable: State of the Industry


Variable N = 3,8701 Definition
date 2020-02-18 to 2021-11-23 Date (Daily)
Name State
Illinois 645 (17%)
Indiana 645 (17%)
Kentucky 645 (17%)
Michigan 645 (17%)
Missouri 645 (17%)
Ohio 645 (17%)
pct_diff -0.35 (-0.59, -0.13) Median daily percent difference in seated diners for each state
weekend 1,104 (29%) TRUE/FALSE binary for whether the date is on a weekend or not

1 Range; n (%); Median (IQR)

Historical Daily COVID-19 Test Results for Wisconsin Counties


Raw data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows daily COVID-19 county test results for Wisconsin

Reference Entry



Collection: build-regional-dat.R

Raw Sources

Wisconsin Department of Health Services: COVID-19 Historical Data by County


Other variables:
- county: County name

Variable N = 41,4721 Definition
date 2020-03-15 to 2021-10-11 Date (Daily)
positive 1,569 (190, 4,777) Number of COVID-19 positive tests per day per county
negative 9,748 (3,967, 24,665) Number of COVID-19 negative tests per day per county
Missing 1,080

1 Range; Median (IQR)