State Hospital Mortality, Staffing Shortages, Admissions



This chart shows Indiana's hospital mortality rate and unique hospital admissions data collected by the Regenstrief Institute. The hospital staffing data comes from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If hospitals across the state become overwhelmed, resources will get rationed and patient outcomes may worsen. Therefore, a relationship between hospital admissions, staffing shortages, and the age make-up of admissions with hospital mortality rate seems like a reasonable assumption. If any of these three factors do influence hospital mortality, the effects aren't likely to manifest for days or maybe even a couple weeks. Further details on the data and calculations can be found in the changelog.

  • Hospital Mortality Rate is the ratio of deaths of hospitalized COVID-19 patients and unique COVID-19 hospital admissions. Each rate is calculated over a rolling, 14-day window.
  • Hospitals with Staffing Shortages is the percent of reporting hospitals that have reported staffing shortages for that day. That percentage is averaged over a rolling, seven day window.
  • Hospital Admissions is the daily total of unique individuals that have tested positive for COVID-19 and been admitted to a hospital on the that day. Those daily counts are averaged over a rolling, seven day window.
  • Age Skewness in Admissions is a measurement of the age makeup of the COVID-19 hospital admissions data. It's calculated over a rolling, 14 day window (same as the hospital mortality rate). The larger the value, the older that group of admissions is on average. Between 0.5 and 1, the group of admissions is moderately skewed towards older individuals. Greater than 1, the group of admissions is highly skewed towards older individuals.
Chart Features The latest data values for each variable are labeled. Panning across the chart will display values for all variables on that day. Each line series can be selected or de-selected by clicking on names in the legend. The menu button on the top right provides image and data download options and the ability to view fullscreen.

Local Hospital Capacity



This table shows capacity measures and counts of COVID-19 patients for hospitals at the local level. HHS publishes this dataset every Monday, and the latest data should cover the interval from the Friday two-weeks prior to the previous Thursday. For example, data published on December 21st will contain data from December 11th to December 17th.

Explanations for empty cells in the table and details on my methodology of handling of missing and obscured data by the CDC can be found in the changelog.

  • ICU Occupancy is the proportion of the seven-day average of occupied ICU beds to the seven-day average of available ICU beds. The average daily percent of ICU beds being used over the current seven-day period. Hovering over the column name displays data date.
  • Hospital Bed Occupancy is the proportion of the seven-day average of occupied hospital beds to the seven-day average of available hospital beds. The average daily percent of hospital beds being used over the current seven-day period. Hovering over the column name displays the data date.
  • Average Daily ICU Beds Occupied by COVID Patients is the average daily number of ICU beds being used by confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients over that period. Hovering over a bar displays the average count and end date for that weekly period.
  • Average Daily Hospital Beds Occupied by COVID Patients is the average daily number of hospital beds being used by confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients over that period. Hovering over a bar displays the average count and end date for that weekly period.
Chart Features The table is sorted by ICU Occupancy by default, but it can also be sorted alphabetically by Hospital or County and numerically by Hospital Occupancy. The search box in the upper-right corner can be used to filter the table by Hospital or County. Clicking on the triangles on the left-side of the table will expand the row and reveal an embedded Google Map centered on that hospital (may take a second to load).