Raw data for the Indiana COVIDcast Dashboard that shows various weekly COVID-19 county statistics for Illinois



An object of class spec_tbl_df (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 6077 rows and 10 columns.


Data Dictionary entry


#> # A tibble: 6 × 10
#>    week start_date end_date   County    `New Cases per 100,000` `Test Positivit…
#>   <dbl> <date>     <date>     <chr>     <chr>                   <chr>           
#> 1    26 2020-06-21 2020-06-27 Adams     43 per 100k             1.9% New Tests:…
#> 2    26 2020-06-21 2020-06-27 Alexander 2 Cases                 1.0% New Tests:…
#> 3    26 2020-06-21 2020-06-27 Bond      1 Cases                 0.0% New Tests:…
#> 4    26 2020-06-21 2020-06-27 Boone     43 per 100k             3.7% New Tests:…
#> 5    26 2020-06-21 2020-06-27 Brown     0 Cases                 0.0% New Tests:…
#> 6    26 2020-06-21 2020-06-27 Bureau    1 Cases                 0.0% New Tests:…
#> # … with 4 more variables: (%) CLI ED Visits, Adults <chr>,
#> #   Number of CLI Admissions <chr>, Number of Deaths <dbl>,
#> #   ICU (%) Available <chr>