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get_boot_ci() wraps boot and from the boot package, uses some sensible argument values, and returns a dataframe with a confidence interval(s) and the point estimate.


  conf = 0.95,
  type = "bca",
  R = 1000,
  parallel = "windows",
  add_boot = NULL,
  add_boot_ci = NULL,



dataframe; Data with the variables required by the function that calculates the statistic of interest.


function; A function that calculates the statistic of interest.


scalar or numeric vector; The confidence level(s) of the required interval(s).The default is 0.95.


string or character vector; A vector of character strings representing the type of intervals required. The value should be any subset of the values c("norm","basic", "stud", "perc", "bca") or simply "all" which will compute all five types of intervals. Default is "bca".


scalar; The number of bootstrap replicates on which the intervals are based. 1000 is the default.


string; The value that's either "windows", "other", or "no". The type of operating system determines the method of parallelization. "windows" is the default and indicates Microsoft Windows. For Mac or Linux, "other" should be used. "no" indicates calculations should not be parallelized.


list; A list of additional argument and value pair(s) to be included in the boot set of arguments. See the boot package documentation for details.


list; A list of additional argument and value pair(s) to be included in the set of arguments. See the boot package documentation for details.


Arguments and values required by 'stat_fun'


A dataframe with the following columns:

  • type: The type of confidence interval calculated

  • conf: The confidence level of the calculated intervals

  • .lower: The lower value of the confidence interval

  • .upper: The upper value of the confidence interval

The point estimate of the statistic is included in the attributes of the dataframe.


The boot and functions from the boot package have a large number of options (together), and it can be a bit overwhelming when you just want some bootstrap CIs quickly. I've tried to simplify the choices with this function while also maintaining flexibility to add options for more complex cases.

The user must adapt the function they're using to calculate the statistic of interest ('stat_fun') to include the necessary argument according the chosen resampling option. The default resampling option is "indices" ('stype = "i"'), and it's the only one I'm going to elaborate on (See examples for "weights" option. See boot package documentation for details on the "frequency" option). In order to use this option, the user must:

  1. Include a index argument in their statistic function, and it must be the second argument (data argument is the first).

  2. Use that argument to either subset the rows of the data or variable(s) in the body of the function.

Examples below will illustrate this procedure.


Canty A, Ripley BD (2022). boot: Bootstrap R (S-Plus) Functions. R package version 1.3-28.1.

Davison AC, Hinkley DV (1997). Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-57391-2,


# weights resampling option, d is the data, w is the weight
data(city, package = "boot")
ratio <- function(d, w) sum(d$x * w)/sum(d$u * w)
  data = city,
  stat_fun = ratio,
  add_boot = list(stype = "w")
#>   type conf .lower .upper
#> 1  bca 0.95 1.2588 2.1934

# indices used on variable example, d is data, i is index
data(aircondit, package = "boot") <- function(d, i) {
  m <- mean(d$hours[i])
  n <- length(i)
  v <- (n-1)*var(d$hours[i])/n^2
  c(m, v)
  data = aircondit,
  stat_fun =,
#>   type conf  .lower  .upper
#> 1  bca 0.95 55.8018 222.526

# indices used on data object example
movie_dat <- dplyr::tibble(
  movie1 = c(9.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 8.00, 9.00, 9.00, 10.00, 9.00, 9.00),
  movie2 = c(9.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 7.00, 9.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 7.00)

movie_dat_long <- movie_dat |>
 tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(movie1, movie2),
                     names_to = "movies",
                     values_to ="ratings")

# "ind" is the index argument and is used to subset the data
cles_boot <- function(data, ind, variable, group, baseline) {

  dat <- data[ind, ]

  # Select the observations for group 1
  x <- dat[dat[[group]] == baseline, variable][[1]]

  # Select the observations for group 2
  y <- dat[dat[[group]] != baseline, variable][[1]]

  # Variances will be weighted by each group's proportion of the sample size
  p1 <- length(x)/(length(x) + length(y))
  p2 <- length(y)/(length(x) + length(y))

  # Mean difference between x and y
  diff <- abs(mean(x) - mean(y))

  # Standard deviation of difference
  standardizer <- sqrt((p1*sd(x)^2 + p2*sd(y)^2))

  z_score <- (diff/standardizer)/sqrt(2)

  # Probability derived from normal distribution
  # that random x is higher than random y -
  # or in other words, that diff is larger than 0.
  prob_norm <- pnorm(z_score)

  # Return result

results <-
     data = movie_dat_long,
     stat_fun = cles_boot,
     type = c("perc", "bca"),
     conf = c(0.80, 0.95),
     parallel = "no",
     variable = "ratings",
     group = "movies",
     baseline = "movie1"
#>      type conf .lower .upper
#> 1 percent 0.80 0.6527 0.9083
#> 2 percent 0.95 0.5609 0.9605
#> 3     bca 0.80 0.6115 0.8879
#> 4     bca 0.95 0.5256 0.9330
#> [1] 0.7870181